2 Hardware Monitoring Using the Server Management Agents

Oracle Server Management Agents provide support to monitor and manage your Oracle servers from the host.

Oracle Server Management Agents components include:

  • Oracle Server Hardware Management Agent – Runs in the background to collect information about the system to support Oracle ILOM and SNMP monitoring.

  • Oracle Server SNMP Plugins – System Management Information Base (MIBs) that support native SNMP monitoring.

  • Oracle ILOM SNMP trap forwarding – The itpconfig utility allows you to set up a proxy on the host to forward SNMP traps received in Oracle ILOM to an SNMP trap destination of your choice over the Host-to-ILOM Interconnect.

  • Oracle Hardware Management Pack Watchdog Agent – Used on Linux systems to alert you if Oracle ILOM or the host become unresponsive so that you can preform a corrective action.


The SNMP monitoring function of the Server Hardware Management Agent is disabled by default and must be enabled and configured by the user as described in this document.