itpconfig Usage Scenario

The high level steps for enabling SNMP trap forwarding from Oracle ILOM are:

  1. Install the Oracle Hardware Management Agents and SNMP Plugins packages.

    See Oracle Hardware Management Pack Installation Guide.

    These packages contain all the necessary software for itpconfig.

  2. Enable the Host-to-ILOM Interconnect, required for itpconfig to function.

    The Host-to-ILOM Interconnect can be configured during the installation Oracle Hardware Management Pack when using the installer. Alternatively, you can use the itpconfig command, see How to Enable Host-to-ILOM Interconnect.

  3. Enable the Oracle ILOM trap proxy.

    See How to Enable Trap Forwarding


    itpconfig uses Oracle ILOM Notification Alert Rule 15 to set up the trap forwarding. If this alert rule is in use, itpconfig fails. See itpconfig Troubleshooting for a work around.

  4. Start or restart the SNMP service daemon on the server.

    Refer to your OS documentation.

  5. Ensure that SNMP has been configured in Oracle ILOM so that traps can be generated.

    Refer to your Oracle ILOM documentation ( ).

  6. Start a trap listener on the destination server configured to listen to traps from the port and community described in the itpconfig arguments.

    Any fault generated by the service processor should now generate an SNMP trap which is sent to the destination SNMP trap listener.