Launch the Oracle ILOM Storage Redirection CLI and Redirect Storage Devices

Use the following procedure to launch and use the Oracle ILOM Storage Redirection CLI console:

Before You Begin

To launch the Storage Redirection CLI and redirect storage devices, perform these steps:

  1. To start the storage redirection service, perform one of the following:
    • Run the storage redirection service from the Oracle ILOM web interface as follows:
      1. In the Oracle ILOM web interface, click Remote Control > Redirection > Launch Service.

        The Opening Jnlpgenerator-cli file dialog box appears.

      2. In the Opening Jnlpgenerator-cli dialog box, click “Open it with,” choose the javaws (default) 32-bit JDK file, and then click OK.
      3. In the Security Warning dialog box, click Run to start the storage redirection service.
      4. Open a command window or terminal on the local client system to launch the Oracle ILOM Storage Redirection CLI.

        For Oracle ILOM Storage Redirection CLI launching instructions, see Step 2.

    • Start the (installed) storage redirection service from a command window as follows:
      1. Open a command window or terminal on the local client system.

        For example:

        Windows systems: From the Start menu, click Run, type cmd, and then click OK.

        Oracle Solaris or Linux systems: Open a terminal window on the desktop.

      2. Navigate to the location where the Jnlpgenerator-cli file is installed, and then issue the javaws rconsole.jnlp command to start the service.

        For example:

        cd jnlp_file_location /javaws rconsole.jnlp

  2. To launch the Storage Redirection CLI console from the command window or terminal, perform one of the following procedures based on the shell mode being used:
    Shell Mode Description and Procedure

    Interactive shell mode

    The interactive mode is useful when you need to enter a series of Storage Redirection commands.

    To launch the Storage Redirection CLI using an interactive shell mode, perform these steps:

    1. In the command-line interface, navigate to the directory where the storage redirection client (StorageRedir.jar) is installed using the cd command.

      For example:

      cd my_settings/storage_redirect_directory

    2. Enter the following command to launch the Storage Redirection CLI:

      java -jar StorageRedir.jar

      For example:

      C:\Documents and Settings\ redirectstorage java -jar StorageRedir.jar

      The <storageredir> prompt appears.


    If you are using Windows, you must specify an uppercase letter for the target disk drive. For example, if the letter assigned to the target disk drive was c: you must specify C: instead of c:.


    Enter only one space before java and one space before and after -jar. Otherwise, the java -jar StorageRedir.jar command will fail.

    Related Information:

    Non-interactive shell mode

    The non-interactive mode is useful when you need to run a batch procedure or script.

    To launch the Storage Redirection CLI console using an non-interactive shell mode, perform these steps:

    1. In the command-line interface, enter the command to launch the Storage Redirection CLI (java -jar StorageRedir.jar) at the shell prompt ($).

      For example:

      $ java -jar StorageRedir.jar

      Note – If you do not have a JAVA_HOME environment configured, you might need to use the full path to your Java binary. For example, if your JDK package was installed under /home/user_name/jdk, then you would type:/home/user_name/jdk/bin/java -jar ...

    2. If the Storage Redirection CLI fails to launch, a detailed error message appears explaining the error condition. Otherwise, the Storage Redirection CLI is ready for user input.


    You can launch multiple Storage Redirection CLI consoles by issuing the storage redirection command (-jar StorageRedir.jar) from a local command window or terminal.


    Enter only one space before and after -jar. Otherwise, the java -jar StorageRedir.jar command will fail.

    Related Information:

  3. To verify that the storage redirection service is running, type the following command:


    A message appears stating whether the redirection service passed or failed.

    For command descriptions and shell mode syntax, see these topics:

  4. To start storage redirection, type the following start command followed by the sub-commands and properties for the redirection device type, path to device, remote SP user name and password, and the IP address of the remote SP.

    For example:


    Commands shown in the following example should be entered as one continuous string.

    start -r redir_type -t redir_type_path -u remote_username [-s remote_user_password] [-p non_default_storageredir_port] remote_SP_IP

    For command descriptions and shell mode syntax, see these topics:

  5. To view active storage redirection, type the list command followed by the sub-commands and properties for any non-default storage redirection ports and the IP addresses of the remote host server SP.

    For example:

    list [-p non_default _storageredir_port] remote_SP

    For command descriptions and shell mode syntax, see these topics:

  6. To stop the redirection of a storage device, type the stop command followed by the commands and properties for the storage device type, remote SP user name and password, storage redirection port, and IP address of the remote host server SP.

    For example:

    stop -r redir_type -u remote_username [-s remote_user_password] [-p non_defult_storageredir_port] [-a yes/no] remote_SP

    For command descriptions and shell mode syntax, see these topics:

  7. To display command-line Help, type the following command:


    The following information about the command syntax and usage appears.


    • list [-p storageredir_port] [remote_SP]

    • start -r redir_type -t redir_type_path -u remote_username [-s remote_user_password][-a yes/no][-p storageredir_port] remote_SP stop -r redir_type -u remote_username [-s remote_user_password] [-a yes/no] [-p storageredir_port] remote_SP

    • stop-service [-p storageredir_port]

    • test-service [-p storageredir_port]

    • help

    • version

    • quit