Modifying Default Connectivity Configuration Properties

Network administrators can optionally accept or modify the default connectivity properties shipped with Oracle ILOM. To modify the default connectivity properties in Oracle ILOM, see the following tables:

  • Table 4-14 Network Connectivity Standard Configuration Properties


    The standard IP properties include instructions to independently enable or disable network connectivity for an IPv4 environment or a dual-stack (IPv4 and IPv6) environment.
  • Table 4-15 Network Connectivity Enhanced Configuration Properties


    As of Oracle ILOM 3.2.4, the IP settings were enhanced to independently enable or disable the property States for IPv4 and IPv6 network connectivity. In addition, a new static IPv6 gateway property is available for configuration. These enhanced settings are available on most new server models, and a select number of legacy servers running a later software release.
  • Table 4-16
  • Table 4-17


For Oracle's multi-domain SPARC servers, refer to the server administration guide for detailed information about how to configure connectivity properties in Oracle ILOM.

Table 4-14 Network Connectivity Standard Configuration Properties

User Interface Configurable Target and User Role:
  • CLI: /SP/network
  • Web: ILOM Administration > Connectivity > Network > Network Settings
  • User Role: admin (a) (required for all property modifications)
  • Standard connectivity configuration properties apply to all servers running Oracle ILOM 3.2.0, 3.2.1, 3.2.2, and 3.2.3. They also apply to some server models running Oracle ILOM firmware 3.2.4 and later. Refer your server administrator guide or product notes to determine which Oracle ILOM IP settings are supported on your system.
  • All CLI pending network modifications must be committed to take affect in Oracle ILOM. All web modifications made in the Network Settings page must be saved to take affect in Oracle ILOM.
Property Default Value Description




Enabled |Disabled

The network State property is enabled by default. This property must always be enabled in order for Oracle ILOM to operate in an IPv4 network environment or in a dual-stack IPv4 and IPv6 network environment.

CLI Syntax to Set Network State:

set /SP/network state=enabled|disabled

MAC Address

Out of Band MAC Address

Sideband MAC Address


macaddress=| outofbandaddress= |sidebandmacaddress=

The media access control (MAC) addresses for the server SP are set at the factory.

The SP MAC Address properties are non-configurable read-only properties.

CLI Syntax to Show MAC Address Properties:

show /SP/network

Management Port




All servers shipped with Oracle ILOM include a physical network management port (MGT) used for connecting to Oracle ILOM over a network. Some systems shipped with Oracle ILOM also support sideband management. Sideband management shares the use of a physical data port (NETn) on the server to permit network access to both the host operating system and Oracle ILOM.

For systems supporting this option, network administrators can either choose to accept the default Management Port property (MGMT) or modify the Management Port property for sideband management use (NETn).

CLI Syntax for SP Management Port:

set /SP/network pendingmanagementport=MGMT|NETn

set /SP/network commitpending=true

Related Information:

VLAN Tag (pendingvlan_id=)


Integer between 1 and 4079

In Oracle ILOM, VLAN tagging is disabled by default. While VLAN tagging is disabled, the system does not generate VLAN-tagged Ethernet frames and does not process incoming VLAN-tagged Ethernet frames. If you enable VLAN tagging, the system can generate and receive VLAN-tagged Ethernet frames in accordance with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.1Q standard. Specify the VLAN tag as an integer between 1 and 4079. Alternatively, use a VLAN Tag value of 0 in the web interface or ““ in the CLI to disable VLAN tagging.

CLI Syntax for VLAN Tag:

set /SP/network pendingvlan_id=[1–4079|””] commitpending=true

IPv4 IP Discovery Mode (ipdiscovery=)


DHCP |Static

The property for IPv4 Discovery Mode in Oracle ILOM is set to DHCP by default. When this property is set to DHCP, Oracle ILOM uses DHCP to determine the physical network address for the server SP.

Optionally, network administrators can disable the DHCP property and choose to configure a static IPv4 network address, Netmask address and Gateway address for the server SP.

Note. When DHCP is set, Oracle ILOM uses the default Auto DNS property to assign the DNS named server and search path. For dual-stack DHCP configurations, the DNS settings in Oracle ILOM can be set to receive DNS information from either the IPv4 or the IPv6 DHCP server.

CLI Syntax for IPv4 IP Discovery Mode:

set /SP/network pendingipdiscovery=dhcp|static

set /SP/network commitpending=true

Related Information:


DHCP Client ID (dhcp_clientid=)



The property for the DHCP Client ID is set to None by default. Optionally, network administrators can set a SysID (System Identifier) for the DHCP Client using the system_identifier property under the /SP target.

CLI Syntax for IPv4 DHCP Client ID:

show /SP/network dhcp_clientid=none|sysid

Related Information:


Network Address

Netmask Address

Gateway Address

Static IP Discovery Mode, Disabled



IP addresses in the following subnets are reserved and cannot be assigned: 169.254.10.n, 169.254.11.n, 169.254.12.n

The IP4 user-configurable address properties for Network, Netmask, and Gateway are disabled in Oracle ILOM by default.

Optionally, network administrators can set a Static value for the IP Discovery Mode property and manually populate the static IPv4 addresses for Network, Netmask and Gateway.

CLI Syntax for IPv4 Static Addresses:

set /SP/network pendingipaddress=value pendingipnetmask=value pendingipgateway=value

set /SP/network commitpending=true

Related Information:


State (/ipv6/ state=)


Enabled |Disabled

The IPv6 State property is enabled in Oracle ILOM by default. Optionally, network administrators can disable the IPv6 network state for any network environment that is not dependent on a dual-stack IP network connection.

Note – The IPv6 state must be enabled in Oracle ILOM to support a dual-stack IP network connection.

CLI Syntax for IPv6 State:

set /SP/network/ipv6 state=enabled|disabled

IPv6 Autoconfig

(/ipv6 autoconfig=)



The IPv6 Autoconfig property is set to Stateless in Oracle ILOM by default. When the Autoconfig Stateless property is enabled, Oracle ILOM learns its IPv6 dynamic address prefixes from the IPv6 router.

When the IPv6 Autoconfig Stateless property is set to Disabled, the ability for IPv6 Autoconfig is disabled.

Special Considerations:

  • The IPv6 Autoconfig Stateless options determine the IP address without any IP support from a DHCPv6 server.
  • The IPv6 Autoconfig Stateless property can be enabled in Oracle ILOM regardless of how the property for DHCPv6 Autoconfig is set.

CLI Syntax for IPv6 Autoconfig:

set /SP/network/ipv6 autoconfig=stateless|disabled

DHCPv6 Autoconfig (/ipv6 autoconfig=)


DHCPv6_Stateless |DHCP_Stateful

The DHCPv6 Autoconfig property is disabled in Oracle ILOM by default. When this property is disabled, Oracle ILOM is prevented from learning the SP network address and DNS information from a DHCPv6 server on the network.

Optionally, network administrators can choose to enable the DHCPv6 Autoconfig property by setting one of the following property values:

  • DHCPv6 Stateless – When enabled, Oracle ILOM automatically learns the DNS information for the server SP from the DHCPv6 network router.
  • DHCPv6 Stateful – When enabled, Oracle ILOM automatically learns the dynamic IPv6 addresses and the DNS information for the server SP from the DHCPv6 network router.

Special Considerations:

  • For dual-stack DHCP configurations, the DNS settings in Oracle ILOM can be set to receive DNS information from either the IPv4 or the IPv6 DHCP server.
  • The unique ID for the DHCPv6 server that was last used by Oracle ILOM to retrieve the DHCPv6 network information is identified by the dhcpv6_server_duid property.

CLI Syntax for DHCPv6 Autoconfig:

set /SP/network/ipv6 autoconfig=dhcpv6_stateless|dhcpv6_stateful

Link-Local IPv6 Address

(/ipv6 link_local_ipaddress=)


The read-only property for Link-Local IPv6 Address is a non-routable address that you can use to connect to the Oracle ILOM SP from another IPv6-enabled node on the same network.

Oracle ILOM applies the following principles to build the Link-Local Address for the SP:

  • Oracle ILOM uses the SP MAC address in conjunction with the link-local identifier prefix.
  • Oracle ILOM, at initialization, uses the Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) protocol to ensure that the reported Local-Link address for the SP is unique.

CLI Syntax for Link-Local Address:

show /SP/network/ipv6


Static IP Address

(/ipv6 static_ipaddress=)


When the IPv6 state is enabled, network administrators can optionally assign a static IPv6 address to the SP.

Note: IP addresses in the following subnets are reserved and cannot be assigned: 169.254.10.n, 169.254.11.n, 169.254.12.n

The parameters for specifying the IPv6 static IP and netmask are: IPv6_address/ subnet_mask_length_in_bits. The gateway address, is automatically configured.

Example: fec0:a:8:b7:214:4fff:feca:5f7e/64

CLI Syntax for Static IPv6 Address:

set /SP/network/ipv6 pending_static_ipaddress=ipaddress/subnetmask

set /SP/network commitpending=true

IPv6 Gateway (/ipv6 ipgateway=)


The read-only IPv6 gateway address presented in this property is learned from an IPv6 router on the network.

CLI Syntax for IPv6 Gateway:

show /SP/network/ipv6

Dynamic IPv6 Address (/ipv6 dynamic_ipaddress_n )


Oracle ILOM reports dynamic IPv6 addresses when the following occurs:

  • Both or one of the properties for Autoconfig Stateless and Autoconf DHCPv6_Stateful are enabled in Oracle ILOM.
  • The IPv6 network router or the DHCPv6 server reports multiple dynamic network addresses for the server SP.

Special Considerations:

  • Oracle ILOM stores up 10 dynamic addresses in an internal structure.
  • Oracle ILOM responds to all dynamic network addresses.
  • If only the Autoconfig DHCPv6_Stateless property is set, no dynamic network addresses are reported in the Oracle ILOM interfaces.

CLI Syntax for Dynamic IPv6 Address:

show /SP/network/ipv6

Save Button


All pending network modifications

Web interface – All modification made within the Network Settings page must be Saved before they can take affect in Oracle ILOM.

CLI – All pending network modifications must be committed under the /network target.

Special Considerations:

  • The IPv4 pending modifications take affect after they are committed or saved.
  • Assigning a new static IPv4 address to a managed device will end all active Oracle ILOM sessions to the SP. To log back in to Oracle ILOM, open a new browser session and enter the newly assigned IPv 4 address.
  • The IPv6 pending modifications take affect after they are committed or saved. Changes to the autoconfig properties do not need to be committed in the CLI.
  • Newly learned auto-configuration IPv6 addresses will not affect any Oracle ILOM session currently connected to the managed device.

CLI Syntax for IPv4 Commit Pending Modification:

set /SP/network state=enabled|disabled pendingipdiscovery=static|dhcp pendingipaddress=value pendingipgateway=value pendingipnetmask=value

set /SP/network commitpending=true

CLI Syntax for IPv6 Commit Pending Modifications:

set /SP/network/ipv6 state=enabled|disabled pending_static_ipaddress=ipv6_address/ subnet_mask_length_in_bits

set /SP/network commitpending=true

Related Information:

Table 4-15 Network Connectivity Enhanced Configuration Properties

User Interface Configurable Target and User Role:
  • CLI: /SP/network
  • Web: ILOM Administration > Connectivity > Network > Network Settings
  • User Role: admin (a) (required for all property modifications)
  • The Network Connectivity enhanced configuration settings apply to most new server models and a select number of legacy server models running Oracle ILOM 3.2.4 and later. Refer to your server administrator guide or product notes to determine which Oracle ILOM IP settings are supported on your system.
  • All CLI pending network modifications must be committed to take affect in Oracle ILOM. All web modifications made to the Network Settings page must be saved to take affect in Oracle ILOM.
Property Default Value Description

MAC Address

Out of Band MAC Address

Sideband MAC Address


macaddress=| outofbandaddress= |sidebandmacaddress=

The media access control (MAC) addresses for the server SP are set at the factory.

The SP MAC Address properties are non-configurable read-only properties.

CLI Syntax to Show MAC Address Properties:

show /SP/network

Management Port




All servers shipped with Oracle ILOM include a physical network management port (MGT) used for connecting to Oracle ILOM over a network. Some systems shipped with Oracle ILOM also support sideband management. Sideband management shares the use of a physical data port (NETn) on the server to permit network access to both the host operating system and Oracle ILOM.

For systems supporting this option, network administrators can either choose to accept the default Management Port property (MGMT) or modify the Management Port property for sideband management use (NETn).

CLI Syntax for SP Management Port:

set /SP/network pendingmanagementport=MGMT|NETn

set /SP/network commitpending=true

Related Information:

VLAN Tag (pendingvlan_id=)


Integer between 1 and 4079

In Oracle ILOM, VLAN tagging is disabled by default. While VLAN tagging is disabled, the system does not generate VLAN-tagged Ethernet frames and does not process incoming VLAN-tagged Ethernet frames. If you enable VLAN tagging, the system can generate and receive VLAN-tagged Ethernet frames in accordance with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.1Q standard. Specify the VLAN tag as an integer between 1 and 4079. Alternatively, use a VLAN Tag value of 0 in the web interface or ““ in the CLI to disable VLAN tagging.

CLI Syntax for VLAN Tag:

set /SP/network pendingvlan_id=[1–4079|””] commitpending=true

IPv4 State



Enabled |Disabled

The IPv4 network State property is enabled by default.

Web Property Descriptions for IPv4 State:

  • Enabled (default) — When the Enabled check box for IPv4 State is selected, the Ethernet connection to Oracle ILOM is enabled for IPv4.
  • Disabled — When the Enabled check box for IPv4 State is cleared, the Ethernet connection to Oracle ILOM is disabled for IPv4.

CLI Syntax and Property Descriptions for IPv4 State:

set /SP/network state=enabled|ipv4-only|ipv6-only|disabled

CLI IPv4 Property Descriptions

  • enabled (default) — Set to enabled to operate in a dual-stack IPv4 and IPv6 network environment, where the Ethernet connection to Oracle ILOM is enabled for both IPv4 and IPv6. In this case, the IPv6 State property (/network/ipv6 state=) must also be set to enabled.
  • ipv4-only — When set to ipv4-only, the Ethernet connection to Oracle ILOM is enabled for IPv4 only.
  • ipv6-only — When set to ipv6-only, the Ethernet connection to Oracle ILOM is enabled for IPv6 only.
  • disabled — Set to disabled to prevent both an IPv4 and an IPv6 Ethernet connection to Oracle ILOM.

IPv4 IP Discovery Mode (ipdiscovery=)


DHCP |Static

The property for IPv4 Discovery Mode in Oracle ILOM is set to DHCP by default. When this property is set to DHCP, Oracle ILOM uses DHCP to determine the physical network address for the server SP.

Optionally, network administrators can disable the DHCP property and choose to configure a static IPv4 network address, Netmask address and Gateway address for the server SP.

Note. When DHCP is set, Oracle ILOM uses the default Auto DNS property to assign the DNS named server and search path. For dual-stack DHCP configurations, the DNS settings in Oracle ILOM can be set to receive DNS information from either the IPv4 or the IPv6 DHCP server.

Note. Some server SPs, like the SPARC M7 series servers, no longer support the ability to configure an DHCP IP4 address. In this case, the property for IP Discovery displays Static.

CLI Syntax for IPv4 IP Discovery Mode:

set /SP/network pendingipdiscovery=dhcp|static

set /SP/network commitpending=true

Related Information:


DHCP Client ID (dhcp_clientid=)



The property for the DHCP Client ID is set to None by default. Optionally, network administrators can set a SysID (System Identifier) for the DHCP Client using the system_identifier property under the /SP target.


Some server SPs, like the SPARC M7 series servers, no longer support the ability to configure a DHCP IP4 address. In this case, the property for DHCP Client ID is not available.

CLI Syntax for IPv4 DHCP Client ID:

show /SP/network dhcp_clientid=none|sysid

Related Information:


Network Address

Netmask Address

Gateway Address

Static IP Discovery Mode, Disabled


IP addresses in the following subnets are reserved and cannot be assigned: 169.254.10.n, 169.254.11.n, 169.254.12.n

The IP4 user-configurable address properties for Network, Netmask, and Gateway are disabled in Oracle ILOM by default.

Optionally, network administrators can set a Static value for the IP Discovery Mode property and manually populate the static IPv4 addresses for Network, Netmask and Gateway.

Note. Some Oracle server SPs (such as Oracle SPARC M7 series servers) no longer support the ability to configure a DHCP IPv4 address.

CLI Syntax for IPv4 Static Addresses:

set /SP/network pendingipaddress=value pendingipnetmask=value pendingipgateway=value

set /SP/network commitpending=true

Related Information:

IPv6 State

(/ipv6 state=)


Enabled |Disabled

The IPv6 State property is enabled in Oracle ILOM by default. Optionally, network administrators can disable the IPv6 network state for any network environment that is not dependent on an IPv6 or a dual-stack (IPv4 and IPv6) network connection.

When the IPv6 State is set to Enabled, the Oracle ILOM Ethernet network port is enabled for IPv6 network connection. When the IPv6 State is set to Disabled, the Oracle ILOM Ethernet network port is disabled for IPv6 network connections.

Note – The properties for IPv4 State and IPv6 State must both be enabled in Oracle ILOM to support a dual-stack (IPv4 and IPv6) network connection.

CLI Syntax for IPv6 State:

set /SP/network/ipv6 state=enabled|disabled

IPv6 Autoconfig

(/ipv6 autoconfig=)



The IPv6 Autoconfig property is set to Stateless in Oracle ILOM by default. When the Autoconfig Stateless property is enabled, Oracle ILOM learns its IPv6 dynamic address prefixes from the IPv6 router.

When the IPv6 Autoconfig Stateless property is set to Disabled, the ability for IPv6 Autoconfig is disabled.

Special Considerations:

  • The IPv6 Autoconfig Stateless options determine the IP address without any IP support from a DHCPv6 server.
  • The IPv6 Autoconfig Stateless property can be enabled in Oracle ILOM regardless of how the property for DHCPv6 Autoconfig is set.

CLI Syntax for IPv6 Autoconfig:

set /SP/network/ipv6 autoconfig=stateless|disabled

DHCPv6 Autoconfig (/ipv6 autoconfig=)


DHCPv6_Stateless |DHCP_Stateful

The DHCPv6 Autoconfig property is disabled in Oracle ILOM by default. When this property is disabled, Oracle ILOM is prevented from learning the SP network addresses and DNS information from a DHCPv6 server on the network.

Optionally, network administrators can choose to enable the DHCPv6 Autoconfig property by setting one of the following property values:

  • DHCPv6 Stateless – When enabled, Oracle ILOM automatically learns the DNS information for the server SP from the DHCPv6 network router.
  • DHCPv6 Stateful – When enabled, Oracle ILOM automatically learns the dynamic IPv6 addresses and the DNS information for the server SP from the DHCPv6 network router.

Special Considerations:

  • For dual-stack DHCP configurations, the DNS settings in Oracle ILOM can be set to receive DNS information from either the IPv4 or the IPv6 DHCP server.
  • The unique ID for the DHCPv6 server that was last used by Oracle ILOM to retrieve the DHCPv6 network information is identified by the dhcpv6_server_duid property.

CLI Syntax for DHCPv6 Autoconfig:

set /SP/network/ipv6 autoconfig=dhcpv6_stateless|dhcpv6_stateful

Link-Local IPv6 Address

(/ipv6 link_local_ipaddress=)


The read-only property for Link-Local IPv6 Address is a non-routable address that you can use to connect to the Oracle ILOM SP from another IPv6-enabled node on the same network.

Oracle ILOM applies the following principles to build the Link-Local Address for the SP:

  • Oracle ILOM uses the SP MAC address in conjunction with the link-local identifier prefix.
  • Oracle ILOM, at initialization, uses the Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) protocol to ensure that the reported Local-Link address for the SP is unique.

CLI Syntax for Link-Local Address:

show /SP/network/ipv6


Static IP Address

(/ipv6 static_ipaddress=)


When the IPv6 state is enabled, network administrators can optionally assign a static IPv6 address to the SP.

Note. IP addresses in the following subnets are reserved and cannot be assigned: 169.254.10.n, 169.254.11.n, 169.254.12.n

The parameters for specifying the IPv6 static IP and netmask are: IPv6_address/ subnet_mask_length_in_bits. The gateway address, by default, is automatically configured.

Example: fec0:a:8:b7:214:4fff:feca:5f7e/64

CLI Syntax for Static IPv6 Address:

set /SP/network/ipv6 pending_static_ipaddress=ipaddress/subnetmask

set /SP/network commitpending=true

IPv6 Static Gateway

(/ipv6 static_ipgateway=)


You can optionally assign a static IPv6 gateway address that will be used in conjunction with any IPv6 gateway addresses received through router advertisements.

IPv6 Static Gateway Example: 2001:db8:0:0:0:379c:a562:bef0

CLI Syntax for IPv6 Gateway:

set /SP/network/ipv6 pending_static_ipgateway=[user_specified_ipv6_gateway_address]

IPv6 Gateway (/ipv6 ipgateway=)


The read-only IPv6 gateway address presented in this property is learned from an IPv6 router on the network.

CLI Syntax for IPv6 Gateway:

show /SP/network/ipv6

Dynamic IPv6 Address (/ipv6 dynamic_ipaddress_n )


Oracle ILOM reports dynamic IPv6 addresses when the following occurs:

  • Both or one of the properties for Autoconfig Stateless and Autoconf DHCPv6_Stateful are enabled in Oracle ILOM.
  • The IPv6 network router or the DHCPv6 server reports multiple dynamic network addresses for the server SP.

Special Considerations:

  • Oracle ILOM stores up 10 dynamic addresses in an internal structure.
  • Oracle ILOM responds to all dynamic network addresses.
  • If only the Autoconfig DHCPv6_Stateless property is set, no dynamic network addresses are reported in the Oracle ILOM interfaces.

CLI Syntax for Dynamic IPv6 Address:

show /SP/network/ipv6

Save Button


All pending network modifications

Web interface – All modification made within the Network Settings page must be Saved before they can take affect in Oracle ILOM.

CLI – All pending network modifications must be committed under the /network target.

Special Considerations:

  • The IPv4 pending modifications take affect after they are committed or saved.
  • Assigning a new static IPv4 address to a managed device will end all active Oracle ILOM sessions to the SP. To log back in to Oracle ILOM, open a new browser session and enter the newly assigned IPv 4 address.
  • The IPv6 pending modifications take affect after they are committed or saved. Changes to the autoconfig properties do not need to be committed in the CLI.
  • Newly learned auto-configuration IPv6 addresses will not affect any Oracle ILOM session currently connected to the SP.

CLI Syntax for IPv4 Commit Pending Modification:

set /SP/network state=enabled|disabled pendingipdiscovery=static|dhcp pendingipaddress=value pendingipgateway=value pendingipnetmask=value

set /SP/network commitpending=true

CLI Syntax for IPv6 Commit Pending Modifications:

set /SP/network/ipv6 state=enabled|disabled pending_static_ipaddress= value/ subnet_mask_valuepending_static_ipgatewayaddress= value

set /SP/network commitpending=true

Related Information:

Table 4-16 DNS Configuration Properties

User Interface Configurable Target and User Role:
  • CLI: /SP/clients/dns
  • Web: ILOM Administration > Connectivity > DNS > DNS Configuration
  • User Role: admin (a) (required for property modification)
Property Default Value Description

Auto DNS via DHCP



Enabled |Disabled

The Auto DNS via DHCP property is enabled in Oracle ILOM by default. When this property is enabled, Oracle ILOM automatically retrieves the DNS information from the DHCP server.

Optionally, network administrators can disable the Auto DNS property to manually configure the DNS information in Oracle ILOM.

CLI Syntax for Auto DNS via DHCP:

set /SP/clients/dns auto_dns=enabled |disabled

DNS Named Server



When the Auto DNS property is disabled, up to three IP addresses are manually configurable in the DNS Named server property.

When entering multiple IP addresses, follow these guidelines:

  • Each address must be separated by a comma.
  • When mixing IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, list the IPv4 address(es) first.

CLI Syntax for DNS Named Server:

set /SP/clients/dns nameserver=ip_address_1, ipaddress_2, ipaddress_3

DNS Search Path



When the Auto DNS property is disabled, up to six domain suffixes are manually configurable in the DNS Search Path property. Each search suffix must be separated by a comma.

CLI Syntax for DNS Search Path:

set /SP/clients/dns searchpath=,, and so on

DNS Timeout (timeout=)

5 seconds

Integer between 1 and 10

The DNS Timeout property value specifies how many seconds the DNS server is allotted to complete a DNS query.

Optionally, network administrators can increase or decrease the default timeout value allotted to the DNS server.

DNS Timeout CLI Syntax:

set /SP/clients/dns timeout=n

Related Topic:

DNS Retries (retries=)

1 retry

Integer between 0 and 4

The DNS Retries property value specify how many times a DNS query is retried in the event of a timeout.

Optionally, network administrators can increase or decrease the default DNS Retries property value.

DNS Retries CLI Syntax:

set /SP/clients/dns retries=n

Save Button (web only)


Web interface – Changes made within the DNS Configuration page must be saved in Oracle ILOM before they can take affect.

Table 4-17 Serial Port Configuration Properties

User Interface Configurable Target:
  • CLI: /SP/serial/portsharing
  • Web: ILOM Administration > Connectivity > Serial Port > Serial Port Settings
  • User Role: (a) Admin (required for property modification)
Property Default Value Description




SP |hostserver

The serial port Owner property is configurable on some Oracle servers. For further information, see Serial Management Port Owner.

CLI Syntax for Serial Port Owner:

set /SP/serial/portsharing owner=SP|hostserver

Host Serial Port

(/host pendingspeed= flowcontrol= autobaud = disabled )

Baud Rate= 9600

Flow Control= None

Autobaud = Disabled

Baud Rate = 9600 | Flow Control = None | Autobaud = Disabled

The Host Serial Port properties are not configurable on all Oracle servers.

The Baud Rate property enables you to set the Host Serial Port properties to match the internal serial communication settings between Oracle ILOM and the host serial port (serial port 0, COM1, or /dev/ttyS0)

The Flow Control property controls the method of providing flow control.

  • Set to None (default) to specify no flow control.
  • Set to Software to enable the software to control the data flow (also known as Xon/Xoff).

The AutoBaud property, as of Oracle ILOM firmware version 5.0.1, controls the method for automatically detecting and using the host baud rate value set on the host console. When disabled, Oracle ILOM uses Baud Rate property value set in Oracle ILOM. When enabled, Oracle ILOM automatically uses the host baud rate property value set on the host console.

Note. The property values for the Host Serial Port option must match the property values set for the serial console port on the host server. Often referred to as serial port 0, COM1, or /dev/ttyS0.

CLI Syntax for Host Serial Port:

set /SP/serial/host pendingspeed=value flowcontrol=value autobaud=value commitpending=true

External Serial Port

(/external pendingspeed= flowcontrol=)

Baud Rate= 9600

Flow Control= None

Baud Rate = 9600 |Flow Control = None

The external serial port on a managed device is the serial management (SER MGT) port.

Optionally, network administrators can change the default baud rate speed for the external serial port.

CLI Syntax for External Serial Port:

set /SP/serial/external pendingspeed=value commitpending=true

Save Button (web only)


Web interface – Changes made within the Serial Port Settings page must be saved in Oracle ILOM before they can take affect.