Network Management Service Deployment Options

Oracle ILOM supports the configuration of several network management services. Some of these services are enabled by default, while others require configuration. To better understand which management services arrive enabled, and which management services are actually required for your network environment, see the following table.


You should only enable the management services that are required for your network management environment.

Table 4-1 Management Access Deployment Options and Default Settings

Management Access Management Service Defaults Description

Web browser client

  • Web Server
  • HTTPS over port 443 enabled
  • TLS v1.2 enabled
  • SSL certificate & self-signing keys
  • Client timeout session, 15 minutes
  • FIPS compliance mode disabled

The Web Server management service in Oracle ILOM, by default, enables a secure communication channel between a web browser client and the Oracle ILOM SP.

Network administrators can accept the default web server properties provided in Oracle ILOM or choose to modify them as needed.

Related Information:

Command-line SSH client

  • Secure Shell (SSH) Server
  • Port 22 enabled
  • Generated SSH keys
  • Client timeout session, unlimited
  • FIPS compliance mode disabled

The SSH Server service in Oracle ILOM uses server-side keys to encrypt the management channel between an SSH command-line client and an Oracle ILOM SP.

Oracle ILOM automatically generates the server-side SSH keys on the first boot of a factory default system.

Related Information:

SNMP application client

  • Simple Network Management Protocol


  • SNMPv3 over port 161, enabled

  • SNMP sets disabled

  • User account configuration required

  • FIPS compliance mode disabled

The SNMP management service in Oracle ILOM offers a secure protocol management solution for monitoring and managing Oracle servers.

All SNMP monitoring and management functionality is accessible from an SNMP application, such as Net-SNMP.

Prior to using the SNMP management service in Oracle ILOM, one or more Oracle ILOM user accounts must be created. Additionally, prior to using SNMP sets, the SNMP sets property must be enabled.

Oracle ILOM is shipped with SNMP v3 enabled for monitoring.

Related Information:


  • IPMI

  • IPMI v2 over port 623, enabled
  • IPMI Service state enabled (default)
  • IPMI v2 Sessions disabled (default)

The IPMI management service in Oracle ILOM offers a secure protocol solution for monitoring and managing Oracle servers.

IPMI monitoring and management functionality is accessible from the Oracle ILOM CLI using the IPMItool utility.

IPMI configurable properties in Oracle ILOM include the IPMI management service state and the required user roles (Administrator or Operator) for performing IPMI management functions from the Oracle ILOM CLI.

Related Information: