2 Oracle ILOM Quick Reference for CLI Commands

This section contains information about common Oracle ILOM 5.0.x CLI commands.

The following categories of commands are included in this section:

System Information and Management

Table 2-1 System Information and Management Commands

Task CLI Command

Show Oracle ILOM version


Show system information

show /System model part_number serial_number

Show x86 BIOS version (legacy BIOS platforms)

show /System/BIOS version

Show x86 BIOS version (UEFI BIOS platforms)

show /System/Firmware/Other_Firmware/ Firmware_1 version

Show SPARC system firmware version

show /System sys_fw_version

Show SP IP address

show /System ilom_address

Show SP MAC address

show /System ilom_mac_address

Show host MAC address

show /System host_primary_mac_address

Turn on the Locator LED

set /System locator_indicator=on

Turn off the Locator LED

set /System locator_indicator=off

Host and System Control

Table 2-2 Host and System Control Commands

Task CLI Command

Power on the server

start /System

Power off the server

stop [-force] /System

Power cycle the server

reset /System

Redirect host console stream to Oracle ILOM

start /HOST/console

Force PXE boot on next boot (x86 only)

set /HOST boot_device=pxe

Force boot to CD-ROM or DVD on the next boot (x86 only)

set /HOST boot_device=cdrom

Setting diagnostic tests to run.

For further configuration details, see Setting Diagnostic Tests to Run.

Use the /HOST/diag target to set diagnostic tests.

Use the help command to determine the host diagnostic properties supported on the server.

help /HOST/diag

Oracle ILOM Initial Setup

Table 2-3 Oracle ILOM Initial Setup Commands

Task CLI Command

Show network configuration

show /SP/network

Configure static IPv4 address

set /SP/network pendingipdiscovery=static pendingipaddress=address pendingipnetmask=netmask pendingipgateway=address commitpending=true

Configure static IPv6 address

set /SP/network/ipv6 state=enabled pending_static_ipaddress=ipv6address

set /SP/network commitpending=true

Enable DHCP

set /SP/network pendingipdiscovery=dynamic commitpending=true

Set the Oracle ILOM host name

set /SP hostname=hostname

Set the system identifier

set /SP system_identifier=identifier

Create user account with all privileges

create /SP/users/newusername role=aucro [password=password]

Create user account with host operator privileges

create /SP/users/newusername role=cro [password=password]

Create read-only user account

create /SP/users/newusername role=o [password=password]

Delete user account

delete /SP/users/username

Override DNS servers retrieved from DHCP

set /SP/clients/dns auto_dns=disabled nameserver=nameserver1,nameserver2 searchpath=searchpath1,searchpath2

Set the Oracle ILOM date and time

set /SP/clock datetime=MMDDhhmmYYYY.ss

Configure an NTP server

set /SP/clients/ntp/server/1 address=address

set /SP/clock usentpserver=enabled

Change the external serial port speed

set /SP/serial/external pendingspeed=9600|19200|38400|57600|115200 commitpending=true

System Monitoring and Status

Table 2-4 System Monitoring and Status Commands

Task CLI Command

Check the overall system health

show /System health

List all open hardware problems

show /System/Open_Problems

Show the Oracle ILOM System Log

show /System/Logs/list

Show cooling summary information

show /System/Cooling

Show actual system power consumption

show /System actual_power_consumption

Show the Oracle ILOM Event Log

show /SP/logs/event/list

Show the Oracle ILOM Audit Log

show /SP/logs/audit/list

Configure an SNMP trap destination

set /SP/alertmgmt/rules/1 type=snmptrap snmp_version=1 level=minor destination=ipaddress destination_port=port community_or_username=community

System Inventory

Table 2-5 System Inventory Commands

Task CLI Command

List information about all DIMMs

show -level all -output table /System/Memory/DIMMs

List information about all CPUs

show -level all -output table /System/Processors/CPUs

List information about all power supplies

show -level all -output table /System/Power/Power_Supplies

List information about all hard disks

show -level all -output table /System/Storage/Disks

Oracle ILOM Maintenance

Table 2-6 Oracle ILOM Maintenance Commands

Task CLI Command

Update Oracle ILOM firmware

load -source URI /SP/firmware

Reset Oracle ILOM SP

reset /SP

Oracle ILOM Configuration Management

Table 2-7 Oracle ILOM Configuration Management

Task CLI Command

Reset Oracle ILOM configuration to factory defaults

set /SP reset_to_defaults=all

Back up Oracle ILOM configuration to a file

dump -destination URI /SP/config

Restore Oracle ILOM configuration from a file

load -source URI /SP/config

Oracle ILOM Help

Table 2-8 Oracle ILOM Help Commands

Task CLI Command

View all CLI targets for the system in any part of the CLI

help targets

View help for targets or properties

help target property