Launch and Use the Oracle ILOM Remote System Console Plus

Before You Begin

  • Ensure that the requirements for first-time use have been met: Requirements for Using Oracle ILOM Remote System Console Plus.
  • Storage drive devices (such as CD, DVD, floppy, and USB devices) are automatically detected and listed in the Oracle ILOM Remote System Console Plus Storage Device dialog box. If bootable media is not detected in the drive, a lock icon will appear on the drive that is listed in the Storage Device dialog box.
  • Storage images must be added to the Oracle ILOM Remote System Console Plus Storage Device dialog box after launching a KVMS session.
  • Solaris users must use the serial-redirection mode in Oracle ILOM Remote System Console Plus to access the Solaris Host Console, view Solaris Host Console messages, or to issue Solaris Host Console commands such as boot commands. The video mode redirection option in the Oracle ILOM Remote System Console Plus must not be used to access the Solaris Host Console, view Solaris Host Console messages, or to issue Solaris Host Console commands such as boot commands.
  • The following user credentials are required:
    • Console (c) user role privileges are required to use the Oracle ILOM Remote System Console Plus.
    • To exclusively control storage media from the Oracle ILOM Remote System Console Plus application, you must have either:

      - Root privileges on the Linux client.

      - Administrator privileges on the Windows client.

      - “Run as Administrator” privileges upon starting the Java web start program that launches the Oracle ILOM Remote System Console Plus application.

    • A user account on the host server is required to log in to the redirected host desktop.
  1. To launch the Oracle ILOM Remote System Console Plus, do the following:
    1. In the Oracle ILOM web interface, click Remote Control > Redirection.


      Alternatively, you can launch the Oracle ILOM Remote System Console Plus from the Actions panel on the Summary page.
    2. In the Launch Redirection page, select a redirection option (video or serial), and then click Launch Redirection Console.


      Full-control mode is automatically enabled for the primary user. View-only mode is automatically enabled for all subsequent signed-in session users.

      After clicking the Launch Redirection Console button, the Oracle ILOM Remote System Console Plus window for video redirection shows the redirected host server desktop in its present state. For example:

      • If the host server is powering on, a set of boot messages appear.

        If the host server operating system is powered-on, a GUI (graphical user interface) screen of the host desktop appears.

      • If the host server is not powered-on, a snapshot of the last host console state prior to the power-off appears. For example, if the host login screen appeared prior to powering-off the server, the host login screen will appear in the KVMS session window. In this case, the server is actually powered-off and host redirection is disabled until the server is powered-on.


        If Oracle ILOM firmware 3.2.8 or later is installed and a Warning message (Check Certificate or Video Redirection Error) appears prior to launching the Oracle ILOM Remote System Console Plus, see Resolving Warning Messages for Self-Signed SSL Certificate .
  2. To take full-control or relinquish full-control of the current redirection session, click either Take Full-Control or Relinquish Full-Control in the KVMS menu.
    • Take Full-Control – A view-only user can choose to take full-control of the redirection session and force the existing primary user to view-only mode.
    • Relinquish Full-Control – The primary user can relinquish full-control privileges for the current redirection session and switch to view-only mode.


      SPARC SP serial-line users. When full-control is applied to a serial-line redirection session in the KVMS window, all concurrent user CLI host console sessions (/HOST/console) will be forced to view-only mode. To gain full-control (read-write mode) in the CLI host console, the following must occur: 1) the primary KVMS user must relinquish full-control for serial-line redirection in the KVMS session window, and 2) the host console user must restart the CLI console session (start -f /HOST/console).


      SPARC or X86 SP video session users. By default, up to four video client sessions can be launched from the Oracle ILOM Redirection web page. To limit the maximum number of video sessions permitted on an SP, see Modify KVMS Maximum Client Session Count (Optional).
  3. To redirect storage media, perform the following actions:
    1. Verify you have full-control privileges for the redirection session. If not, click Take Full-Control in the KVMS menu.


      If you are the primary user with full-control privileges, the option for Take Full-Control is disabled in the KVMS menu.
    2. Click Storage in the KVMS menu.
      The Storage Device dialog box appears.


      The Storage Device dialog box automatically displays storage drive devices (such as CD, DVD, floppy, and USB devices) detected on the Oracle ILOM Remote System Console Plus client. If bootable media is not detected in the drive, a lock icon appears on the drive to indicate: 1) the drive is present, and 2) bootable media was not found in the drive.
    3. To add a storage image (such as a DVD image) to the Storage Device dialog box, click Add.
    4. To redirect storage media from the Storage Device dialog box, select the storage media and click Connect.


      To establish a redirection connection to a storage device, the Oracle ILOM Remote System Console Plus application must have exclusive control to the storage device. If the Oracle ILOM Remote System Console Plus does not have exclusive access to the storage device, the following error message appears: Unable to open drive exclusively. To resolve this error, you must ensure that the storage device is not being accessed, used, or probed by any other process or application on the client.


      After establishing a connection to the device, the label on the Connect button in the Storage Device dialog box will change to Disconnect.
    5. To stop a storage media redirection from the Storage Device dialog box, select the media, click Disconnect, and then click OK to close the dialog box.
    6. To remove storage media from the Storage Device dialog box, click the storage media, and then click Remove.
    7. To view a list of special considerations when redirecting storage media from the Storage Device dialog box, see Storage Media Considerations or USB Media Considerations in the KVMS Menu Options
  4. To use the virtual keyboard, click Keyboard in the KVMS menu.
    For further information about the virtual keyboard menu option, see KVMS Menu Options.


    You must have full-control privileges to use the virtual keyboard.
  5. To change the power state of the local monitor on the managed server, click Turn Local Monitor On or click Turn Local Monitor Off in the KVMS menu.
    For further information about the local monitor menu options, see KVMS Menu Options.


    You must have full-control privileges to power on or power off the local monitor on or off.
  6. To exit the Oracle ILOM Remote System Console Plus, click Exit in the KVMS menu.