Setting Diagnostic Tests to Run

Oracle ILOM provides a set of server-specific diagnostic properties that enable system administrators to control whether system diagnostic tests are run at startup. These diagnostic properties are configurable from either the Oracle ILOM CLI or web interface. For further information about these properties, see the following tables:

  • Table 8-3 x86 Server SP Diagnostics Properties
  • Table 8-4 Legacy SPARC Systems Host Diagnostic Properties (M6, M5, T5 and earlier)
  • Table 8-5 Newer SPARC Systems Host Diagnostic Properties (M7, T7 and later)
  • Table 8-6 Newer SPARC Systems SP Diagnostic Properties (M7, T7 and later)

Table 8-3 x86 Server SP Diagnostic Properties

User Interface Configurable Target and User Role:
  • Web: Host Management > Diagnostics
  • User Role: Reset and Host Control (r) role (required to modify diagnostic properties).
  • To apply diagnostic property modifications in the web interface, you must click Save.
Property Default Description

Run Diagnostics on Boot

(diag mode=disabled |enabled | extended|manual )


Disabled| Enabled |Extended |Manual

  • Disabled – The PC-Check diagnostic tests are not run upon powering on the x86 server.
  • Enabled – The basic PC-Check diagnostic tests are run upon powering on the x86 server, which take approximately 3 minutes to complete.
  • Extended – The extended PC-Check diagnostic tests are run upon powering on the x86 server, which take approximately 20 minutes to complete.
  • Manual – The PC-Check diagnostic tests are run in manual mode upon resetting the power on the server. The PC-Check diagnostic test menu appears upon powering on the server enabling you to manually activate the tests.

CLI Syntax for Diagnostics on Boot State:

set /HOST/diag mode= disabled|enabled|extended|manual

Generate NMI button


No value

This option, when enabled, sends a non-maskable interrupt to the host operating system.

Note. Depending on the host operating system configuration this action might cause the operating system to either: crash, stop responding, or wait for external debugger input.

CLI Syntax to Generate NMI:

set /HOST/generate_host_nmi=true

Table 8-4 Legacy SPARC Systems Host Diagnostic Properties (M6, M5, T5, and earlier)

User Interface Configurable Target and User Role:
  • SP CLI: /HOST/diag (or, /Servers/PDomains/PDomain_n/Host/diag)
  • Web: Host Management > Diagnostics
  • User Role: Reset and Host Control (r) role (required to modify diagnostic properties).
  • To apply diagnostic property modifications in the web interface, you must click Save.
Property Default Description


(trigger= error-reset| hw-change|power-on-resets)


Power-On| HW-Change|Error-Reset

Specify one or more of the following triggers to cause a Power-On-Self-Test (POST) to run.

  • Power On – When enabled, a Power-On-Self-Test (POST) is run upon powering on the SPARC server.
  • HW-Change – When enabled, a Power-On-Self-Test (POST) is run at startup when the following hardware changes occur: FRU replacement, cover removal, or AC power cycle.
  • Error-reset – When enabled, a Power-On-Self Test (POST) is run after any error-invoked power reset occurs.

CLI Syntax for Trigger:

For SPARC single-server SP, type:

set /HOST/diag trigger= error-reset|hw-change|power-on-resets

For SPARC multi-domain server SP, type:

set /Servers/PDomains/PDomain_n/HOST/diag trigger= error-reset|hw-change|power-on-resets

Trigger Levels



Max |Min

Independently set a test level for each enabled trigger.

  • Max – When enabled, runs the maximum level of diagnostic tests.
  • Min – When enabled, runs the minimum level of diagnostic tests.

CLI Syntax for Trigger Levels:

For SPARC single-server SP, type

set /HOST/diag error_reset_level= min|max hw_change_level= min|max power_on_level= min|max

For SPARC multi-domain server SP, type: set Servers/PDomains/PDomain_n/HOST/diag error_reset_level= min|max hw_change_level= min|max power_on_level= min|max

Trigger Verbosity



Normal |Min |Max| Debug |None

Independently set a report level for each enabled trigger:

  • Normal – When enabled, Oracle ILOM outputs a moderate amount of debugging information to the system console. Output includes the name and results for each test run.
  • Min – When enabled, Oracle ILOM outputs a limited amount of output on the system console (default).
  • Max – When enabled, Oracle ILOM outputs debugging information for each POST step to the system console.
  • Debug – When enabled, Oracle ILOM outputs an extensive debugging information to the system console. Output includes the names of the components tested and the test results for each test run.
  • None – When enabled, Oracle ILOM disables the output of debugging information to the system console.

CLI Syntax for Trigger Verbosity:

set /HOST/diag/ error_reset_verbosity= normal|min|max|debug|none hw_change_verbosity= normal|min|max|debug|none power_on_verbosity= normal|min|max|debug|none




Off |Normal

Set a mode to enable or disable the Power-On-Self Test for all enabled triggers.

  • Off – Prevents the Power-On-Self-Test (POST) to run for all enabled triggers.
  • Normal – Runs the Power-On-Self-Test (POST) for all enabled triggers. (default)

CLI Syntax for Mode:

set /HOST/diag/ mode= normal|off

Table 8-5 Newer SPARC Systems Host Diagnostic Properties (M7, T7, and later)

User Interface Configurable Target and User Role:
  • SP CLI: /HOST/diag (or, /Servers/PDomains/PDomain_n/HOST/diag )
  • Web: Host Management > Diagnostics
  • User Role: Reset and Host Control (r) role (required to modify diagnostic properties).
  • To apply diagnostic property modifications in the web interface, you must click Save.
  • Oracle ILOM Firmware and later.
Property Default Description

Default Level and Verbosity



Level = Off

Verbosity = Normal

Level: Off | Min | Max

Verbosity: Normal | None | Min | Max |Debug

The default setting enables you to specify one of the following Power-On-Self-Test (POST) behaviors to occur upon a routine system power-on.

  • Level Off (default)– When enabled, POST will not run upon routine system power-on.

    Level Min – When enabled, the POST will run basic diagnostic tests upon routine system power-on.

    Level Max – When enabled, the POST will run basic diagnostic tests and extensive processor and memory tests upon routine system power-on.

  • Verbosity Normal – When enabled, a moderate amount of debugging output to system console. Output includes test name and results.

    Verbosity None – When enabled, no debugging output is printed to the system console.

    Verbosity Min – When enabled, a limited amount of debugging output is printed to the system console.

    Verbosity Max – When enabled, all the POST step debugging output is printed to system console.

    Verbosity Debug – (The Debug setting is no longer supported as of Oracle ILOM firmware version 3.2.6 or SPARC SW 9.7.x.) When enabled, an extensive amount of debugging output is printed to system console. Output includes the names of the devices being tested, as well as the results of each test.

CLI Syntax Default Level and Verbosity:

For a SPARC single-host server SP, type:

set /HOST/diag default_level= off|min|max default_verbosity= normal|none|min|max

For a SPARC multi-domain server SP, type:

set /Servers/PDomains/PDomain_n/HOST/diag default_level=off|min|max default_verbosity= normal|none|min|max

Error Reset Level and Verbosity



Level = Max

Verbosity = Normal

Level: Off | Max |Min

Verbosity: Normal | None | Min | Max

Independently set a test level for each enabled trigger.

  • Level Max – When enabled, runs the maximum level of diagnostic tests upon an error invoked reset.

    Level Min – When enabled, runs the limited level of diagnostic tests upon an error invoked reset.

    Level Off – When Enabled, the POST will not run upon an error invoked reset.

  • Verbosity Normal – When enabled, a moderate amount of debugging output to system console. Output includes test name and results.

    Verbosity None – When enabled, no debugging output is printed to the system console.

    Verbosity Min – When enabled, a limited amount of debugging output is printed to the system console.

    Verbosity Max – When enabled, all the POST step debugging output is printed to system console.

    Verbosity Debug – When enabled, an extensive amount of debugging output is printed to system console. Output includes the names of the devices being tested, as well as the results of each test.

CLI Syntax for Error Rest Level and Verbosity:

For SPARC single-host server SP, type

set /HOST/diag error_reset_level= off|min|max verbosity_level= normal\none|min|max

For SPARC multi-domain server SP, type: set Servers/PDomains/PDomain_n/HOST/diag error_reset_level= off|min|max verbosity_level= normal|none|min|max|debug

HW_Change Level and Verbosity



Level = Max

Verbosity = Normal

Level: Off |Min |Max

Verbosity: None | Min | Max | Debug

  • Level Max – When enabled, the POST will run the maximum level of diagnostic tests in the event of a hardware change such as a power cycle, chassis cover removal, or FRU replacement.

    Level Min – When enabled, the POST will run a limited level of diagnostic tests in the event of a hardware change such as a power cycle, chassis cover removal, or FRU replacement.

    Level Off – When Enabled, the POST will not run a series of texts in the event of a hardware change such as a power cycle, chassis cover removal, or FRU replacement.

  • Verbosity Normal – When enabled, a moderate amount of debugging output to system console. Output includes test name and results.

    Verbosity None – When enabled, no debugging output is printed to the system console.

    Verbosity Min – When enabled, a limited amount of debugging output is printed to the system console.

    Verbosity Max – When enabled, all the POST step debugging output is printed to system console.

    Verbosity Debug – (The Debug setting is no longer supported as of Oracle ILOM firmware version 3.2.6 or SPARC SW 9.7.x.) When enabled, an extensive amount of debugging output is printed to system console. Output includes the names of the devices being tested, as well as the results of each test.

CLI Syntax for Trigger Verbosity:

For SPARC single-host server SP, type

set /HOST/diag/ hw_change_verbosity= normal|min|max|debug|none hw_change_level= off|min|max

For SPARC multi-domain server SP, type:

set /Servers/PDomains/PDomain_n/HOST/diag hw_change_level= off|min|max hw_change_verbosity= normal|none|min|max|debug

Table 8-6 Newer SPARC Systems SP Diagnostic Properties (M7, T7, and later)

User Interface Configurable Target and User Role:
  • SP CLI: /SP/diag
  • Web: System Management > Diagnostics
  • User Role: Reset and Host Control (r) role (required to modify diagnostic properties).
  • To apply diagnostic property modifications in the web interface, you must click Save.
  • Oracle ILOM Firmware and later.
Property Default Description

Default Level


Level = Off

Level: Off | Min | Max

Specify the appropriate diagnostic behavior in the event of a routine server power cycle (power off/on) or a server reset. By default, the Default Level for POST is set to Off.

Note. The POST Default Level property does not apply to error-invoked resets or hardware change events.

  • Off (default) — Select Off to prevent POST from running.
  • Min — Select Min to run a basic suite of diagnostic tests.
  • Max — Select Max to run a basic suite of diagnostic tests plus extensive processor and memory tests.

CLI Syntax:

set /SP/diag default_level= off|min|max

HW Change


Level = Max

Level: Max | Min|Off

Specify the appropriate diagnostic behavior in the event of a server power-cord-cycle, server top cover removal, or FRU (field-replaceable unit) replacement. By default, the HW Change Level for POST is set to Max.

Note. A server power-cord-cycle refers to when the power cords are removed, replaced, or when the power is first applied to server.

  • Max (default) — Select Max to run a basic suite of diagnostic tests plus extensive processor and memory tests.
  • Min — Select Min to run a basic suite of diagnostic tests.
  • Off — Select Off to prevent POST from running.

CLI Syntax:

set /SP/diag hw_change_level= off|min|max