SP Firmware Related Management Tasks - As of Firmware Version 5.0

As of Oracle ILOM firmware version 5.0, system administrators can choose to perform any of the following firmware management tasks:

  • Upload a Firmware Image for Immediate Installation – Upload a firmware image from an external source to the SP for immediate installation. For instructions, see Updating Oracle ILOM Firmware.
  • Upload a Backup Image for Deferred Installation – Upload a firmware image from an external source to the SP as a backup image that can be installed at a later time. For instructions, see Upload Firmware Backup Image for Deferred Installation.


    Alternatively, system administrators (as of firmware version 5.0) can load a backup image using the Oracle ILOM REST API. For more information, see Upload Backup Image for Deferred Installation - Using REST API in Oracle ILOM Web Service Rest API User Guide for Firmware Releases 4.x and 5.x.
  • Activate the Backup Image for Immediate Installation – Activate the firmware backup image currently stored on the SP for immediate installation. For instructions, see Activate Firmware Backup Image for Immediate Installation.
  • View the Backup Image Properties – View the firmware properties associated with the backup image such as upload date, version, and so. For instructions, see View Backup Firmware Image Properties


    Alternatively, system administrators (as of firmware version 5.0) can view backup image properties using the Oracle ILOM REST API. For more information, see View Backup Image Properties - Using REST API in Oracle ILOM Web Service Rest API User Guide for Firmware Releases 4.x and 5.x.