Web and CLI: BIOS Properties

Table 13-1 BIOS Web Navigation and CLI Targets

Web Navigation CLI Targets

System Management > BIOS



Table 13-2 BIOS Web and CLI Properties

Property Name Type Value(s) Description

System BIOS Version



N/A The system BIOS Version property identifies the version of the BIOS firmware that is currently installed on the managed Oracle x86 server.

Boot Mode




The BIOS Boot Mode property indicates that the system boots in one of the following modes:

  • Legacy – The system boots in the traditional “PC-AT” boot environment.
  • UEFI – The system boots in a UEFI specification-compliant boot environment.

To adjust the BIOS boot mode, refer to the administration guide for your system.

BIOS Configuration: Sync Status



OK|Reboot Required| Internal Error

Note. As of firmware 3.2.4, the BIOS Sync Status property is not available on all Oracle x86 servers.

The BIOS Configuration Sync Status property indicates one of the following states:

  • OK – The BIOS configuration parameters maintained by Oracle ILOM are in-sync with the configuration parameters in the BIOS non-volatile data store.
  • Reboot Required – The BIOS configuration parameters maintained by Oracle ILOM are out-of-sync with the configuration parameters in the BIOS non-volatile data store. The Oracle x86 server must be rebooted to sync the BIOS parameters.
  • Internal Error – Oracle ILOM is unable to read the BIOS non-volatile data store and is prevented from initiating a BIOS Backup or Restore operation. For further assistance, contact Oracle Service.

BIOS Configuration: Reset To Defaults



Factory |None

The Reset To Defaults property provides one of the following values:

  • Factory – Sets the configuration parameters in the BIOS non-volatile data store to factory defaults.
  • None – This value (None) appears after resetting the parameters in the BIOS non-volatile data store to factory defaults.

BIOS Configuration: Backup

(dump_uri= )



The BIOS Configuration Backup property enables you to create a copy of the parameters in the BIOS non-volatile data store and save those parameters to a BIOS Configuration file in the ILOM file system.

For instructions for backing up the BIOS configuration, see Back Up the BIOS Configuration .

BIOS Configuration: Restore Status



OK | Restore pending |

Partial restore: invalid configuration entry |

Partial restore: invalid boot order entry |

Partial restore: invalid configuration and boot order entries

Note.As for firmware 3.2.4, the Restore Status property is not available on all Oracle x86 servers.

The BIOS Configuration Restore Status property indicates one of the following states:

  • OK – The last Restore operation succeeded for restoring the Oracle ILOM BIOS configuration parameters to the host BIOS non-volatile data store.
  • Restore pending – The Restore operation is pending a host power off. Note – The Restore operation is performed by Oracle ILOM when the host server is powered off.
  • Partial restore: invalid configuration entry – The last Restore operation failed to restore one or more of the host BIOS configuration parameters.
  • Partial restore: invalid boot order entry – The last Restore operation failed to restore one or more boot devices in the host boot order list.
  • Partial restore: invalid configuration and boot order entries – The last Restore operation failed to restore one or more BIOS configuration parameters and one or more boot devices in the host boot order list.

BIOS Configuration: Restore

(load_uri= restore_options)


All| Configuration only| Bootlist only | Cancel Restore

The BIOS Configuration Restore property enables you to restore the BIOS parameters previously saved by Oracle ILOM to the host BIOS non-volatile data store. The options for restoring the BIOS parameters include:

  • All – Restores all BIOS configuration parameters that were previously saved by Oracle ILOM.
  • Configuration only – Restores the previously saved setup parameters.
  • Bootlist only – Restores the host boot list parameters previously saved by Oracle ILOM.
  • Cancel Restore (or action=cancel) – Cancels the initiated Restore operation.

Note. The Cancel Restore option in the web interface is only available if: (1) you initiated a Restore operation, and (2) the host operating system on the managed Oracle x86 server has not yet been powered down or reset.

Note. As of firmware 3.2.4, the Cancel Restore option is not supported on all Oracle x86 servers.

For instructions for restoring the BIOS configuration, see Restore BIOS Configuration .

Transfer Method Options



When importing or exporting the Oracle ILOM BIOS configuration parameters, you can specify one of the following transfer methods:

  • Browser – Web interface option only. This option enables you to specify the location of the file.TFTP – This option enables you to specify the TFTP host IP address or name and the directory path to the file.
  • FTP – This option enables you to specify the host IP address or name, user name and password for the FTP server, as well as the directory path to the file location.
  • SFTP – This option enables you to specify the host IP address or name, username and password for the SFTP server, as well as the directory path to the file location.
  • SCP – This option enables you to specify the host network address, user name and password for the SCP server, as well as the directory path to the file location.
  • HTTP – This option enables you to specify the host network address, username and password for the HTTP server, as well as the directory path to the file location.
  • HTTPS – This option enables you to specify the host network IP address or name, user name and password for the HTTPS server, as well as the directory path to the file location.

Table 13-3 -force Option for CLI Commands: load and dump

load_uri=-force restore_option / transfer_method :// username:password @ ipaddress_or_hostname / directorypath / filename

dump_uri=-force transfer_method :// username:password @ ipaddress_or_hostname / directorypath / filename

Usage – You must specify the -force option to prevent the load or dump command from failing when: (1) a “Pending Restore” state appears for Restore Status (restore_status=pending_restore) or (2) when a “Reboot Needed” state appears for BIOS Configuration Sync (config_sync_status=reboot_needed).


An out-of-sync version of the host BIOS Configuration file is copied to the Oracle ILOM file system when: (1) a “Reboot Needed” state appears for BIOS Configuration Sync (sync_status=reboot_needed) and (2) the dump_uri=-force option is used to back up the BIOS Configuration file.


The parameters in an existing pending restore BIOS Configuration file are replaced with the parameters from the last Backup BIOS Configuration file when: (1) a “Restore Pending” state appears for Restore Status (restore_status=restore_pending) and (2) the load_uri=-force option is used to restore the parameters in the host BIOS non-volatile data store.