Servicing Internal USB Flash Drives (FRU)

This section describes how to service internal USB flash drives installed in the SMOD0 or SMOD1 USB ports that are located inside the system modules (SMODs). The following topics and procedures provide information to assist you when removing and installing internal USB flash drives:

Internal USB flash drives are field-replaceable units (FRUs). For more information about FRUs, see Illustrated Parts Breakdown and Field-Replaceable Units. For component serviceability, locations, and designations, see Replaceable Components. See System Module (SMOD) Overview.


Internal USB flash drives should be removed and replaced only by authorized Oracle Service personnel.


These procedures require that you handle components that are sensitive to electrostatic discharge. This sensitivity can cause the components to fail. To avoid damage, ensure that you follow antistatic practices as described in Electrostatic Discharge and Static Prevention Measures.


Internal USB ports are not used.