UEFI Diagnostics Test Modes

Use UEFI diagnostic tests to diagnose server problems and determine root causes of system problems.

You can use either the Oracle ILOM web interface or the command-line interface (CLI) to run UEFI diagnostics. From Oracle ILOM, you select the level of test that you want to perform.

You can run UEFI diagnostics in one of the following modes:

UEFI Diagnostics Test Mode Description


UEFI diagnostics do not run. Use this selection for normal system operation.

After you run UEFI diagnostics tests in Manual mode, stop UEFI Diagnostics, and select Disabled mode to recover the original system status.


The server boots automatically and executes a predefined test suite without user intervention. Test output is logged to the uefidiag directory, which you can view in the Oracle ILOM diag shell. After the diagnostic tests complete, the system automatically shuts down and returns to Disabled diagnostics mode.

Use Enabled mode as a quick test for first-time field installation and prior to installing mission-critical applications to verify system quality. These basic tests typically take between 10 minutes and 1.5 hours, depending on the system configuration.


The server boots automatically and executes a comprehensive test suite without user intervention. Test output is logged to the uefidiag directory, which you can view in the Oracle ILOM diag shell. After the diagnostic tests complete, the system automatically shuts down and returns to Disabled diagnostics mode.

Use Extended mode for first-time system installation, after physically transporting the system, any time you add components, and prior to installing production operating systems and mission-critical applications. These extended tests typically take between 15 minutes and 3 hours, depending on the system configuration.


The server boots to the UEFI shell. Type udiag -hv to display the UEFI Diagnostics commands. View the test output using a remote console or a serial console. After the tests are complete, manually return the diagnostics mode to Disabled.

Run UEFI Diagnostics Automatically (Web)

  1. Verify that you have Reset and Host Control (r) role privileges, which you need to diagnose system hardware issues.
  2. Optionally, to monitor the progress of diagnostic tests in Enabled or Extended mode, perform these steps.
    1. Log in to the Oracle ILOM command-line interface (CLI).
    2. At the Oracle ILOM CLI prompt, type set SESSION mode=restricted.

      For example:

      -> set SESSION mode=restricted                                                                                                                                                 
      WARNING: The "Restricted Shell" account is provided solely                                                                                                                     
      to allow Services to perform diagnostic tasks.                                                                                                                                 
      [(restricted_shell) ORACLESP-465136N+2001A50002:~]# sp_trace_view -r EFIDIAG 
      [(restricted_shell) ORACLESP-465136N+2001A50002:~]# sp_trace_view -r EFIDIAG -L                               
      EFIDIAG  2020-05-13 18:59:26.591813  2788             configuefidiags.sh CONFIGURING: Configuring UEFI Diagnostics                                                             
      EFIDIAG  2020-05-13 18:59:29.764280  2788             configuefidiags.sh CONFIGURING: Host Powered on                                                                          
      EFIDIAG  2020-05-13 18:59:33.888400  2820           checkuefidiags.c:428 CONFIGURING: Selected Diags Mode: manual                                                              
      EFIDIAG  2020-05-13 18:59:33.888893  2820           checkuefidiags.c:439 CONFIGURING: Loading virtual disk                                                                     
      EFIDIAG  2020-05-13 18:59:39.747206  2872                runuefidiags.sh CONFIGURING: Waiting for BIOS to boot UEFI shell                                                      
      EFIDIAG  2020-05-13 19:00:54.847515  2872                runuefidiags.sh CONFIGURING: Configuration done, booting into UEFI Shell                                              
      EFIDIAG  2020-05-13 19:00:54.927147  2872                runuefidiags.sh TESTING: Status - Manual mode configured
  3. Power the server to Standby power mode:
    1. In the Oracle ILOM web interface, click Host ManagementPower Control.
    2. In the Select Action list select a Power Off option, and then click Save.

      The System OK LED on the front panel is blinking.

  4. Start a video or serial console redirection:
    1. In the navigation pane, click Remote ControlRedirection.
    2. Select a redirection: Video or Serial.
    3. Click Launch Remote Console.

      Several dialog boxes might appear. Click to accept them, as necessary.

      A redirection window appears when the redirection is established. For video redirection, ensure that Full Control appears in the title bar of the remote console window.

  5. Click Host ManagementDiagnostics.
  6. On the Diagnostics page, perform the following steps:
    1. In the Mode list, select Enabled or Extended mode.

      For details about the diagnostic levels, see UEFI Diagnostics Test Modes.

    2. Click Save.

      The Start Diagnostics button is enabled.

    3. Click Start Diagnostics.

      An informational message about controlling diagnostics through the remote console application appears.


      As UEFI diagnostics boot, you might see messages stating that you can use function keys to interrupt the boot process. These messages do not apply to UEFI diagnostics. Do not press any function keys when starting the UEFI diagnostics.
    4. Click OK to clear the message and proceed with the diagnostic tests.

      The Diagnostics Status field shows the progression of the configuration phases for the system component under evaluation, including the test results. If there is an internal error, you can abort the test (see Step 6e) or wait for ILOM to detect the error and restore the system to Disabled mode, which could take more than one hour. The Diagnostics Status field shows the updated status for any diagnostic phase.

      If you are running Enabled or Extended diagnostics, the tests run automatically.


      The boot process can take several minutes, and might include an extra power cycle.


      To check the history of the test using Oracle ILOM event log, select ILOM AdministrationLogsEventFilterCustom FilterEvent TypeDiags.


      Do not disrupt the test progress by changing the server power state. If there is an unexpected AC power cycle and a test is in progress, configure Diagnostics mode again starting from Step 3. Internal variables could be corrupted and setting a new mode or resetting the same mode fixes any potential issue.
    5. To safely disrupt the diagnostic tests, click Stop Diagnostics.


      When you stop running the diagnostic tests, wait approximately 40 seconds while Oracle ILOM is searching for CPU errors, before you enter another command. Because you stopped running the diagnostics, you can change the Diagnostics mode or resume the same mode.
    6. View the UEFI Diagnostics logs. See UEFI Diagnostic Logs.


      Before you perform a different task, verify that the UEFIdiag Status shows the test result and UEFIdiag Mode is set to Disabled. On earlier x86 Oracle servers, a restore process runs, which could take longer than one minute.

Run UEFI Diagnostics Automatically (CLI)

  1. Verify that you have Reset and Host Control (r) role privileges, which you need to diagnose system hardware issues.
  2. Optionally, to monitor the progress of diagnostic tests in Enabled or Extended mode, perform these steps.
    1. Log in to the Oracle ILOM command-line interface (CLI).
    2. At the Oracle ILOM CLI prompt, type set SESSION mode=restricted.

      For example:

      -> set SESSION mode=restricted                                                                                                                                                 
      WARNING: The "Restricted Shell" account is provided solely                                                                                                                     
      to allow Services to perform diagnostic tasks.                                                                                                                                 
      [(restricted_shell) ORACLESP-465136N+2001A50002:~]# sp_trace_view -r EFIDIAG 
      [(restricted_shell) ORACLESP-465136N+2001A50002:~]# sp_trace_view -r EFIDIAG -L
      EFIDIAG  2020-05-13 18:59:26.591813  2788             configuefidiags.sh CONFIGURING: Configuring UEFI Diagnostics                                                             
      EFIDIAG  2020-05-13 18:59:29.764280  2788             configuefidiags.sh CONFIGURING: Host Powered on                                                                          
      EFIDIAG  2020-05-13 18:59:33.888400  2820           checkuefidiags.c:428 CONFIGURING: Selected Diags Mode: manual                                                              
      EFIDIAG  2020-05-13 18:59:33.888893  2820           checkuefidiags.c:439 CONFIGURING: Loading virtual disk                                                                     
      EFIDIAG  2020-05-13 18:59:39.747206  2872                runuefidiags.sh CONFIGURING: Waiting for BIOS to boot UEFI shell                                                      
      EFIDIAG  2020-05-13 19:00:54.847515  2872                runuefidiags.sh CONFIGURING: Configuration done, booting into UEFI Shell                                              
      EFIDIAG  2020-05-13 19:00:54.927147  2872                runuefidiags.sh TESTING: Status - Manual mode configured
  3. To access the UEFI shell, start a serial console redirection:
    1. Log in to the Oracle ILOM command-line interface (CLI).
    2. Type start /HOST/console.
    3. To start the host console, type y.
  4. In a new ILOM CLI session, power off the server.
    1. Type stop /SYS.
    2. To stop the system, type y.

      The System OK LED on the front panel is blinking.

  5. to verify that the host is in Standby power mode, type show /System/ power_state.

    The System OK LED on the front panel is blinking.

    The power state displays as Off.

  6. To change the directory to /HOST/diag, type cd /HOST/diag.
  7. Enter the set mode=<mode> command to choose one of the following UEFI diagnostic modes:
    • Enabled

    • Extended

    For example, to run UEFI diagnostics tests in Enabled mode, type: set mode=enabled.

  8. Start the UEFI diagnostics.
    1. Type start /HOST/diag.
    2. To start the UEFI diagnostics, type y.

    The server automatically boots and starts UEFI diagnostic tests. No more action is necessary.


    As UEFI diagnostics boot, you might see messages stating that you can use function keys to interrupt the boot process. These messages do not apply to UEFI diagnostics. Do not press any function keys when starting the UEFI diagnostics.

    The Diagnostics Status field indicates the progression of the configuration phases, system component under evaluation, and test results. If there is an internal error, you can abort the test (see Step 10) or wait for ILOM to detect the error and restore the system to Disabled mode, which could take more than one hour. The Status field is updated accordingly.


    If you are running diagnostics in Enabled or Extended mode, the tests run automatically, and stop automatically, and change the /HOST/diag mode back to Disabled.
  9. To view the progress of the diagnostic tests, type show /HOST/diag status.


    Do not disrupt the test progress by changing the server power state. If there is an unexpected AC power cycle and a test is in progress, configure Diagnostics mode again starting from Step 3. Internal variables could be corrupted and setting a new mode or resetting the same mode fixes any potential issue.
  10. Stop the diagnostic tests.
    1. Type stop /HOST/diag.
    2. To stop the UEFI diagnostics, type y.


    When you stop running the diagnostic tests, wait approximately 40 seconds while Oracle ILOM is searching for CPU errors, before you enter another command. You can change the Diagnostics mode or resume the same mode.
  11. To resume running the diagnostic tests:
    1. Type start /HOST/diag.
    2. To start the UEFI diagnostics, type y.


    To check the history of the test using ILOM Event logs, type: show /SP/logs/event/list/ type==diags.
  12. View the UEFI Diagnostics logs. See UEFI Diagnostic Logs.


    Before you perform a different task, verify that the UEFIdiag Status shows the test result and UEFIdiag Mode is set to Disabled. On earlier x86 Oracle servers, a restore process runs, which could take longer than one minute.

    The following example shows output from the UEFI Diagnostics log.

         -> ls
                mode = disabled
                status = RESTORING: Restore process done
                mode = disabled
                status = RESTORING: Restore process done and BIOS settings Restored

UEFI Diagnostic Logs

The Enabled mode and Extended mode generate test results and log files that provide details about what occurred during the test time. The shell that you can use to access and display the diagnostic logs varies, depending on the server.

Oracle Server Diagnostic shell

X9-2, X9-2L


X7-2, X7-2L, X7-2c, X7-8, X8-2, X8-2L, X8-8


X5-2, X5-2L, X5-4, X5-8, X6-2, X6-2L

Restricted Shell

To access and display the content of the UEFI diagnostic log files, use one of the following methods, depending on the server.

Oracle Server X9

-> start -script /HOST/diag/shell/

udiaglog> ls -l
-rw-rw-rw-     1 root    0         0 Oct 15 19:33 PASSED.stress_test
-rw-r--r--     1 root    0        28 Oct 15 19:33 done
-rw-r--r--     1 root    0      3068 Oct 15 19:33 system.info
-rw-r--r--     1 root    0     20118 Oct 15 19:33 system.inv
-rw-r--r--     1 root    0      9949 Oct 15 19:33 test.log
-rw-r--r--     1 root    0        28 Oct 15 19:33 uefi_started
-rw-r--r--     1 root    0     35836 Oct 15 19:34 uefidiag.log 

Oracle Server X7, X8

-> start -script /SP/diag/shell/

diag> ls -l uefidiag
-rw-rw-rw-    1 root     0      0  Jan 30 21:55 PASSED.stress_test
-rw-r--r--    1 root     0     28  Jan 30 21:55 done
-rw-r--r--    1 root     0    496  Jan 30 21:48 sensor.txt
-rw-r--r--    1 root     0   2633  Jan 30 21:55 system.info
-rw-r--r--    1 root     0  18876  Jan 30 21:55 system.inv
-rw-r--r--    1 root     0   6661  Jan 30 21:55 test.log
-rw-r--r--    1 root     0     28  Jan 30 21:55 uefi_started
-rw-r--r--    1 root     0  17583  Jan 30 21:56 uefidiag.log

Oracle Server X5, X6

-> set SESSION mode=restricted

WARNING: The "Restricted Shell" account is provided solely
to allow Services to perform diagnostic tasks.

[(restricted_shell) ORACLESP-123456789:~]# ls -l diag/uefidiag
-rw-rw-rw-     1 root     root         0    Oct 15 11:53 PASSED.stress_test
-rw-r--r--     1 root     root        32    Oct 15 11:53 done
-rw-r--r--     1 root     root      4734    Oct 15 11:53 system.info
-rw-r--r--     1 root     root     34111    Oct 15 11:53 system.inv
-rw-r--r--     1 root     root      9326    Oct 15 11:53 test.log
-rw-r--r--     1 root     root        32    Oct 15 11:53 uefi_started
-rw-r--r--     1 root     root     16077    Oct 15 11:55 uefidiag.log


When using the Snapshot utility, the log files are generated and included automatically.

Run UEFI Diagnostics Manually (Web)

This task provides instructions for running UEFI diagnostics manually from the web interface through a video or serial redirection.

  1. Power the server to Standby power mode:
    1. In the Oracle ILOM web interface, click Host ManagementPower Control.
    2. In the Select Action list select a Power Off option, and click Save.

      The System OK LED on the front panel is blinking.

  2. Start a video or serial console redirection:
    1. In the navigation pane, click Remote ControlRedirection.
    2. Select a redirection:
      • Select Use video redirection.

      • Select Use serial redirection.

    3. Click Launch Remote Console.

      Several dialog boxes might appear. Click to accept them, as necessary.

      A redirection window appears when the redirection is established. For video redirection, ensure that Full Control appears in the title bar of the remote console window.

  3. Click Host ManagementDiagnostics.
  4. On the Diagnostics page, select the mode and start the diagnostics:

    For details about the diagnostic levels, see UEFI Diagnostics Test Modes.

    1. In the Mode list, select Manual.
    2. Click Save.

      The Start Diagnostics button is enabled.

    3. Click Start Diagnostics.

      An informational message about controlling diagnostics through the remote console application appears.


      As UEFI diagnostics boot, you might see messages stating that you can use function keys to interrupt the boot process. These messages do not apply to UEFI diagnostics. Do not press any function keys when starting the UEFI diagnostics.
    4. Click OK to clear the message and proceed with the diagnostic tests.

      The Diagnostics Status field indicates the progress of the diagnostic tests. In the Video or Serial console, the system displays boot messages, and the following startup messages:

      Shell> echo -off
      Oracle Enterprise UEFI Diagnostics
      UEFI Diagnostics X9_2 v2.0.1855 Prod Rel
      Last Changed Rev: 1855
      Last Changed Date: 2020-09-30 14:28:40 -0700 (Wed, 30 Sep 2020)
      Build Date/Time Wed 09/30/2020 14:44:52.93 Pacific Standard Time
      09:34:15 (LOCAL)

      The boot process can take several minutes, and might include an extra power cycle.


      To check the history of the test using ILOM Event logs, select ILOM AdministrationLogsEventFilterCustom FilterDiags.


      If there is an unexpected AC power cycle and a test is in progress, configure Diagnostics mode again starting from Step 1. Internal variables could be corrupted and setting a new mode or resetting the same mode fixes any potential issue.
    5. To safely disrupt the diagnostic tests, click Stop Diagnostics.


    When you stop running the diagnostic tests, wait approximately 40 seconds while Oracle ILOM is searching for CPU errors, before you enter another command. Because you stopped running the diagnostics, you can change the Diagnostics mode or resume the same mode.
  5. To finish the Diagnostics activities, select Disabled, and click Save.


    Before you perform a different task, verify that the UEFIdiag Status shows the test result and UEFIdiag Mode is set to Disabled. On earlier x86 Oracle servers, a restore process runs, which could take longer than one minute.

Run UEFI Diagnostics Manually (CLI)

This task provides instructions for running UEFI diagnostics manually from the CLI through the host console.

  1. Log in to the Oracle ILOM command-line interface (CLI).
  2. Power off the server:
    1. Type stop /SYS.
    2. To stop the system, type y.

      The System OK LED on the front panel is blinking.

  3. Start a serial console redirection:
    1. Type start /HOST/console.
    2. To start the host console, type y.
  4. Start a new ILOM CLI session, and to change the directory to /HOST/diag, type cd /HOST/diag.
  5. To set manual mode, type set mode=manual.
  6. Start the UEFI diagnostics.
    1. Type start /HOST/diag.
    2. To start the UEFI diagnostic, type y.

    The server automatically boots the Oracle ILOM Host/diag shell. No more action is necessary.


    As UEFI diagnostics boot, you might see messages stating that you can use function keys to interrupt the boot process. These messages do not apply to UEFI diagnostics. Do not press any function keys when starting the UEFI diagnostics.

    In the Serial console, the system displays boot messages, and the following startup messages.

        Shell> echo -off
        Oracle Enterprise UEFI Diagnostics
        UEFI Diagnostics X9_2 v2.0.1891 Prod Rel
        Last Changed Rev: 1891
        Last Changed Date: 2020-12-04 17:20:21 -0800 (Fri, 04 Dec 2020)
        Build Date/Time Fri 12/04/2020 17:37:22.74 Pacific Standard Time
        00:31:13 (LOCAL)
  7. To view the progress of the diagnostic tests in Manual mode, type show /HOST/diag status.

    The Diagnostics Status field indicates the progress of the diagnostic tests.

  8. To display the available commands, in the Serial console, type udiag -hv.


    If there is an unexpected AC power cycle and a test is in progress, configure Diagnostics mode again starting from Step 1. Internal variables could be corrupted and setting a new mode or resetting the same mode fixes any potential issue.
  9. Stop the diagnostic tests.
    1. In the ILOM CLI session, type stop /HOST/diag.
    2. To stop the UEFI diagnostics, type y.


    When you stop running the diagnostic tests, wait approximately 40 seconds while Oracle ILOM is searching for CPU errors, before you enter another command. You can change the Diagnostics mode or resume the same mode.
  10. Optionally, to resume running the diagnostic tests, type start /HOST/diag.


    To check the history of the test using Oracle ILOM Event logs, type: show /SP/logs/event/list/ type==diags.
  11. To finish the Diagnostics activities, type set /HOST/diag/ mode=disabled.


    Before you perform a different task, verify that the UEFIdiag Status shows the test result and UEFIdiag Mode is set to Disabled. On earlier x86 Oracle servers, a restore process runs, which could take longer than one minute.

    The following example shows output from the ILOM CLI session, path /HOST/diag.

         -> ls
                mode = disabled
                status = RESTORING: Restore process done
                mode = disabled
                status = RESTORING: Restore process done and BIOS settings Restored