Using the Snapshot Utility


The purpose of the Oracle ILOM Snapshot feature is to collect data for use by Oracle Service personnel to diagnose system problems. Customers must not run this utility unless requested to do so by Oracle Service personnel.

The Snapshot feature in Oracle ILOM enables you to collect information about the current state of the service processor (SP). This information can include environmental data, logs, and information about field-replaceable units installed on the server. In addition, you can use Snapshot to run diagnostics on the host and capture the diagnostics log files.

The output from Snapshot is saved as a standard zip file or an encrypted zip file to a location you specify.

To use the Snapshot feature, see the following procedures:

Take a System Snapshot (Web)


The purpose of the Oracle ILOM Snapshot utility is to collect data for use by Oracle Service personnel to diagnose system problems. Customers must not run this utility unless requested to do so by Oracle Service personnel.
  1. Obtain permission from Oracle Service personnel before performing this procedure.
  2. Verify that you have Admin(a) role privileges, which are required to collect SP data using the Snapshot utility.
  3. From the Oracle ILOM web interface, click ILOM AdministrationMaintenanceSnapshot.
  4. On the Snapshot page, in the Data Set list, select one of the following options:
    • Normal – Collect information about Oracle ILOM, the host operating system, and the hardware configuration.

    • FRUID – Collect information about installed FRUs, in addition to the data set collected for Normal. The FRUID option enables Oracle Service personnel to analyze data in a binary format about FRUs.

    • Full (might reset the host) – Collect the maximum amount of data from the host, and initiate diagnostics on the host. This option could cause the server to reset.

    • Custom – Specify which of the following data sets to capture:

      • Oracle ILOM data

      • Hardware data

      • Diagnostic data (This option might require a host reset.)

      • Basic OS data

      • FRUID data

  5. Configure the following output properties:
    • Collect Only Log Files From Data Set – Enable (select) this option to collect only log files. Disable (deselect) this option to capture log files and additional information about the SP state.

    • Encrypt Output File – Enable (select) this option to encrypt the output file. When encryption is enabled, you are prompted for an encryption passphrase. To decrypt an encrypted output file, you will need to know the passphrase.

      Deselect this option to produce a non-encrypted output file. To decrypt an encrypted output file, see Decrypt an Encrypted Snapshot File.

  6. In the Transfer Method list box, select one of the following options:
    • Browser – Specify the output destination in a browser window.

    • SFTP – Specify the SFTP host, your user name and password on the host, and the output file destination.

    • FTP – Specify the FTP host, your user name and password on the host, and the output file destination.

    • FTPS– Specify the FTPS host, your user name and password on the host, and the output file destination

    • TFTP – Specify the TFTP host and the output file destination.

    • HTTP – Specify the HTTP host, your user name and password on the host, and the output file destination.

    • HTTPS – Specify the HTTPS host, your user name and password on the host, and the output file destination.

  7. Click Run.

    When the Snapshot is complete, the Save As dialog box appears prompting you to save the output file.

  8. Specify the output directory in the Save As dialog box, and then click OK.

Take a System Snapshot (CLI)


The purpose of the Oracle ILOM Service Snapshot utility is to collect data for use by Oracle Service personnel to diagnose system problems. Customers must not run this utility unless requested to do so by Oracle Service personnel.
  1. Obtain permission from Oracle Service personnel before performing this procedure.
  2. Verity that you have Admin(a) role privileges, which are required to collect SP data using the Snapshot utility.
  3. Issue the following command to specify what kind of data the Snapshot utility should collect:

    -> set /SP/diag/snapshot dataset= value

    Where value can be one of the following:

    • normal – Collect information about Oracle ILOM, host operating system, and hardware configuration.

    • normal-logonly – Collect only log files.

    • FRUID – Collect information about installed FRUs, in addition to the data set collected for Normal.

    • fruid-logonly – Collect only log files.

    • full – Collect the maximum information about the server. This option could cause the server to reset.

    • full-logonly – Collect only log files.

  4. To specify whether the Snapshot data should be encrypted, type:

    -> set /SP/diag/snapshot encrypt_output= [true|false]


    When the encrypt_output property is set to true, you must type an encryption password at the prompt in order to start the data collection. Later, you must type an encryption password at the prompt in order to decrypt the output file. To decrypt an encrypted output file, see Decrypt an Encrypted Snapshot File.
  5. To start the data collection, type set /SP/diag/snapshot dump_uri=protocol://username:password@host/directory.

    The transfer protocol can be sftp, ftp, ftps, tftp, http, or https.

    For example, to store the Snapshot information through FTP in a directory named data on the host, type set /SP/diag/snapshot dump_uri=ftp://username:mypasswd@host-ip-address/data.


    The directory is relative to the user's login; therefore, in the previous example, the full path to data is probably /home/username/data.

Decrypt an Encrypted Snapshot File

  1. Using a terminal window that supports openssl commands, navigate to the directory that contains the Snapshot output file.
  2. Issue the decryption command, type openssl aes-128-cbc -d -md sha1 -in -out
  3. When prompted, type the encryption passphrase.