About Backing up from Oracle Base Database Service to Oracle Database Zero Data Loss Autonomous Recovery Service

Integrate your Oracle Base Database Service databases with a cloud backup solution with fast and predictable recovery time objective (RTO), and minimal data loss during recovery.

Oracle Database Zero Data Loss Autonomous Recovery Service (Recovery Service) is a fully managed data protection service for Oracle Databases running on OCI. Unique, automated capabilities protect Oracle Database changes in real time, validate backups without production database overhead, and enable fast, predictable recovery to any point of time. Recovery Service increases resilience against ransomware attacks and human errors with less than one second of potential data loss exposure, and built-in security optimizations.


This playbook describes how to perform backup and recovery operations between Oracle Base Database Service and Recovery Service.


Before You Begin

Before you begin, check the versions of major software components used in this setup, and review the product documentation for later reference

Review Software Requirements

  • Oracle Database 19.18 and above, or 21.8 and above
  • Oracle Base Database Service

Considerations for Configuration

Before you begin to configure backups and recovery, review these assumptions and considerations.

  • The virtual cloud network (VCN) where Oracle Base Database Service is configured, must route packages to the OCI Services Network (where Recovery Service is configured) via a service gateway.
  • There are two types of backups: Oracle managed backups and unmanaged backups. Oracle managed backups are configured using the OCI console or REST API. Unmanaged backups are configured using dbaascli or RMAN.
  • This playbook uses Oracle managed backups to Recovery Service. Unmanaged backups are out of scope of this playbook.
  • Combining Oracle managed backups and unmanaged backups is not supported.
  • The Recovery Service enables databases to restore to the last known good state with minimal data loss, to a specific timestamp, or SCN. The OCI console, however, does not support restoring a database from a specific backup from the list of backups displayed in the interface. Although it's not possible to restore a database from a backup in this list, the list of backups can be used as a reference as to what data is currently available to restore the database.
  • The OCI console cannot restore a particular pluggable database (PDB). Only the full container database (CDB) can be restored.

About Required Products and Roles

This solution requires the following products:

  • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
  • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and Access Management
  • Oracle Base Database Service
  • Oracle Database Zero Data Loss Autonomous Recovery Service
  • Oracle Database

These are the roles needed for each product.

Product Name: Role Required to...
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure: VCN admin Add OCI services gateway and create security rules to allow connections from Oracle Database Zero Data Loss Autonomous Recovery Service to the Oracle Base Database Service backup network.
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and Access Management: IAM service admin Add security policies for Oracle Database Zero Data Loss Autonomous Recovery Service.
Oracle Base Database Service: database admin
  • Create database with automatic backups to Oracle Database Zero Data Loss Autonomous Recovery Service.
  • Modify database to add automatic backups to Oracle Database Zero Data Loss Autonomous Recovery Service.
Oracle Database Zero Data Loss Autonomous Recovery Service: admin Add Oracle Database Zero Data Loss Autonomous Recovery Service subnet for Oracle Base Database Service backups.
Oracle Database: sys Configure backups to Oracle Database Zero Data Loss Autonomous Recovery Service.

See Oracle Products, Solutions, and Services to get what you need.