Considerations for Designing the Document Approval Process

As a first step to designing your integration, you should consider the details of your document approval process. Here are some suggestions for a typical loan approval process that show how the details and business requirements affect the design choices you make for your solution.

About a Document Folders Example for a Loan Approval Process

When designing your integration, you will need a list of required document folders to be used in Oracle Content Management.

For example, you could make a table similar to the following, which lists the folders that are required for a loan approval process, and the types of documents in each folder.

Folder Description
Applicant Documents Government forms and bank statements
Appraisal Documents Property photos and recent comparable sales
Approval Documents Credit score, risk model analysis, and loan term computation
Agreement Documents Loan terms and conditions
Property Documents Title and insurance forms
Funding Documents Updated title and wiring instructions

About Actions Performed on Folders

With your documents and folders identified, the next step is to identify the actions your users will perform as part of the document approval process.

For example, the following table shows the sequence of tasks in the process, lists who performs the task, and describes the task performed on the folder.

Sequence Role Task Accessed Folders
1 Loan Applicant Uploads government forms and bank statements. Applicant Documents
2 Property Appraiser Uploads appraisal related documents. Appraisal Documents
3 Loan Agent Reviews both the applicant documents and the appraisal documents to ensure completeness. If additional documents are required, then request the applicant or appraiser to upload them. Applicant Documents and Appraisal Documents
4 Loan Officer Reviews both the applicant documents and the appraisal documents, approves the loan, and creates loan documents in the Agreement Documents folder. The applicant documents, appraisal documents, and approval justification documents are stored in the Approval Documents folder. Applicant Documents, Appraisal Documents, Agreement Documents, and Approval Documents
5 Loan Applicant Signs and uploads agreement documents. Agreement Documents
6 Title Company Uploads all documents related to the property. Property Documents
7 Finance Officer Reviews approval documents, agreement documents, and property documents in their respective folders, and funds the loan. Also uploads related documents to the Funding Documents folder. Approval Documents, Agreement Documents, Property Documents, and Funding Documents

About Folder Permissions for Various Tasks

With your folders and actions defined, you can determine the folder access permissions needed for each folder.

For example, the following table lists the access permissions required for each folder based on the user roles and the tasks each user will perform.

Role Tasks Folder and Access Permission
Loan Applicant Submits applicant documents, and if approved, submits agreement documents Applicant Documents and Agreement Documents folders: Contributor access
Property Appraiser Submits appraisal documents Appraisal Documents folder: Contributor access
Loan Agent Reviews applicant documents Applicant Documents and Appraisal Documents folders: Viewer access
Loan Officer Approves the loan Applicant Documents and Appraisal Documents folders: Downloader access

Agreement Documents and Approval Documents folders: Contributor access

Title Company Submits property documents Property Documents folder: Contributor access
Finance Officer Funds the loan Approval Documents folder: Viewer access

Agreement Documents and Property Documents folders: Downloader access

Funding Documents folder: Contributor access

With the roles, folders, actions, and permissions defined, you have the information you need to create folders in Oracle Content Management, define and configure roles in Oracle CX Sales, and design your business process in Oracle Integration.