Create a Link to Another Application in an Oracle CX Sales Object

A simple way to integrate an application into Oracle CX Sales is to add a link to the application URL by using the Application Composer tool. You can insert a link to another Oracle Cloud service, or to a custom application. For example, you can link to a web-based process in Oracle Integration. You can also restrict user access by controlling the link’s visibility in the Oracle Cloud user interface, so that only users with a required role can see it.

Create a New URL Link in an Oracle Sales Object

You can create a new application link and make it available for use on an Oracle Sales object page.

For illustrative purposes, the Common application container and the Account object will be used throughout.

  1. In the Oracle Sales Navigator menu, under the Tools category, click Application Composer.
  2. Expand Objects and then also expand Standard Objects.
  3. Expand the Account object and then click Actions and Links.
    The panel on the right side refreshes. All existing actions and links appear here.
  4. On the Account: Actions and Links panel, click the Actions list, and then select Create.
  5. Near the top of the Create Actions or Link wizard, enter the values for the new link. Type a display label, and press the tab key.
    The display label value is used to fill the Name field. If you want, you can enter a different name.
  6. For Type, select Link.
    The URL Definition section is displayed and shows the Edit Script interface for constructing a valid URL using Groovy.
  7. In the Edit Script editor window, enter a well-formed application URL.

    You can construct a well-formed URL by using Groovy scripting syntax. It typically consists of a concatenation of static and variable data. For example:

    • A static or literal URL, for example::
      return "https://Your_URL/Context/faces/Your_Page_Name.jspx"
    • A dynamic URL that is registered as a third-party application can be invoked using a Groovy script:
      def smtAppUrl = oracle.topologyManager.client.deployedInfo.DeployedInfoProvider.getEndPoint("YourRegisteredThirdPartyAppName")
      def url = smtAppUrl return url
  8. To add an object context field to either a static URL or a dynamic URL by using Groovy: In the Edit Script area, place the cursor where you want to insert the field.
  9. Show the Groovy palette by clicking the Show/Hide Function Palette in the toolbar.
    The function palette is split into two panes. The top pane shows the current object, and the bottom pane displays a set of tabs for the available object functions, fields, keywords, and web services.
  10. Click the Fields tab, and in the Account: Fields pane, scroll until you find the field with the Display Label and API Name of the desired field.
  11. In the lower right-hand corner of the palette, click Insert.
    The API Name of the field should now appears as part of the URL string in the Edit Script interface.
  12. Click Save.
    The interface displays a list of actions and links. Make sure that the link you just created appears in this list.

Control the Visibility of a URL Link in Oracle Sales

In Oracle Sales, you cannot control the visibility of a URL link when you edit the link itself. Instead, you have to control the visibility of the object page where the URL link appears. You must create a custom layout in which you specify how to control the visibility of the page that contains the URL based on roles.

You can use the Application Composer toolkit to control the visibility of the object page where the URL link appears. The process requires working with a custom layout that you create from scratch or as a duplicate of other layouts listed under Details Page Layouts in the Application Composer user interface.

In this example procedure, a duplicate of the Account object Default Layout in the Common application container is used. You could base your custom layout on any existing layout.

  1. Activate a sandbox.
  2. On your Oracle Sales application home page, click the Navigator menu, and then under Tools, click Application Composer.
  3. In the Application Composer panel, make sure that the Application list is set to the application container for the object that you want to extend. In this case, select Common.
  4. Expand Objects, and then Standard Objects.
  5. Expand the Account object, and click Pages.
    The panel on the right side displays the Account: Pages editing interface.
  6. Select the Simplified Pages tab if it’s not already selected.
  7. Under Details Page Layouts, click the Default Layout to select it, and then click the Duplicate Layout icon in the toolbar.
  8. In the Duplicate Layout dialog box, type the name of the new layout in the New Layout Name text box.
  9. In the Source Layout drop down, make sure that Default Layout is selected.
  10. Click Save and Close.
    The Account: Pages interface lists the new custom layout as the first entry under Details Page Layouts.
  11. Under Details Page Layouts, select your new custom layout to highlight it, and then click the down arrow next to the word Any in the Role column.
    The Select: Roles dialog appears.
  12. In the Select: Roles dialog, assign the roles that should have exclusive access to the custom layout. For the Role, pick Specific role. From the list of available roles, select the roles and move them to the Selected Roles box. Click OK to save.
  13. In the Details Page Layouts table, make sure that the roles you chose appear in the Role column for your custom layout.
  14. Finally, you might need to move the position of your new layout so that role-based access restriction is evaluated before the non-restricted layouts. This evaluation is done from top to bottom. Click to select the page layout that you created. In the toolbar, click the icon with the up and down arrows. Make sure that the new layout is selected, and move the selection using the arrows. Click Save to dismiss the dialog and return to Account: Pages.
The visibility of the new custom layout is restricted to the roles that you specified.