About Process Environments in Oracle Integration Enterprise

Process automation is one of the features included in your Oracle Integration Enterprise subscription.

By using the Process Builder feature within Oracle Integration Enterprise, you can rapidly design, automate, and manage your business processes in the cloud.

There are two working environments in Process Builder: a design-time environment, where you can develop and test applications, and a runtime environment, where you use and monitor process applications.

About the Oracle Integration Process Design-Time Environment

The Oracle Integration Process design-time environment gives you access to common process application-related features.

When you click Process Builder in the Oracle Integration home page, you are taken to the Process Applications page, which is the Process design-time environment.

Using the Process design-time environment, you can:

  • Create, manage, and share spaces
  • Create applications (new or imported)
  • Create or import decision models
  • Create, share, and manage spaces
  • Manage applications (by viewing, unlocking, cloning, downloading, and deleting)
  • Manage decision models (by downloading and deleting)

Some of these functions are restricted by user role. For example, an owner can create a space and perform all the actions listed above, but a viewer can only view applications and isn’t allowed to make changes to them.

About the Oracle Integration Process Runtime Environment

You can use the Oracle Integration Process Runtime Environment to share documents and collaborate with others in your team, view complete tasks, delegate tasks, and reassign them. The runtime environment provides tools to track process flows, view detailed audit trails, troubleshoot, and fix processes.

When you click My Tasks in the Oracle Integration home page, the process runtime environment page opens. Here you can work on your tasks, use the navigation pane on the left to track process instances, view and work with dashboards, start an application, and perform administrative tasks.

In the Oracle Integration Process runtime environment, some tasks are available only to certain roles in the system. For example:

  • An end user is able to start applications, work on tasks, or work on dynamic process instances.
  • A developer, can create applications, build processes, and manage application lifecycles.
  • An administrator can configure application settings, view dashboards, track application instances, and view alerts.