About Testing the CI/CD Pipeline

Test individual components of the pipeline to make sure that each stage works as expected. When each stage is tested and working, test the pipeline as a whole by pushing a commit to the remote repository.

Test the CI/CD Pipeline

First, test that you can deliver code from your development system. Next, make sure that you can deliver code from Oracle Developer Cloud Service. Finally, test the pipeline by pushing a commit to the remote repository.

  1. Test the Unix Shell Builder script on your development system.
    1. Recreate the Unix Shell Builder script on your development system. The script will work on Windows, Linux, and Mac.
    2. In the script, replace the variables $devUser and $devPassword with their real values.
    3. Run the script.
    4. If the script runs without error and your custom API code is delivered to Oracle Mobile Hub then go to the next step.
  2. Test the build in Oracle Developer Cloud Service.
    1. Open your project in Oracle Developer Cloud Service and manually start a build.
    2. If the build completes without error and your custom API code is delivered to Oracle Mobile Hub then go to the next step.
  3. Test the CI/CD pipeline.
    1. Make a change to one of your custom API files and commit that change to your local Git repository.
    2. Push that change to the remote repository.
    3. Open your project in Oracle Developer Cloud Service and check the status of the build.

      If you set the build to run automatically when you commit to the remote repository, the build should be running. If you configured an SCM Polling Trigger, the build should start when the polling interval is reached.