Install Commvault for Oracle Cloud VMware Solution

You can install Commvault by downloading the installer from the Commvault website, referenced in the "Before You Begin" topic elsewhere in the playbook and then running the installation wizard. Before attempting the installation, you should determine your sizing requirements.

Determine Sizing Requirements

Before installing Commvault, you need to ensure that your environment meets the sizing requirements for your desired configuration. In this exercise, we are deploying CommServe in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure as a Compute instance so you should choose an instance that fits your needs based on the following sizing recommendations.


Detailed information on sizing is outside the scope of this playbook. If you want more information, see the Hardware Specifications for the CommServe Server, in the Commvault product documentation, listed in the "Before You Begin" topic of this playbook.
CommServe server sizes are classified as either extra large, large, medium, or small, each with its own sizing specifications. These sizing requirements are for CommServe servers installed on either physical computers or virtual machines, with dedicated resources for the VMs:


Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CPUs (OCPUs) are equal to two virtual CPUs (vCPUs). The values shown in the following table are vCPUs, not OCPUs. For example, if you want to use the Extra Large size described on the following table, which requires 16 vCPUs, launch a compute instance with eight OCPUs.
* If the CommCell environment includes a combination of compute instances and virtual machines, see "Definitions" in the Hardware Specifications for the CommServe Server, listed in the "Before You Begin" topic of this playbook.

Download Commvault

Obtain the latest version of Commvault.

Before starting the download process, launch an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure compute instance that meets your sizing requirement natively in a private subnet. Validate the connectivity between the instance and Oracle Cloud VMware Solution SDDC. Then:
  1. Log into your server and point your browser to the Commvault store (you can find the link in the "Before You Begin" topic of this Playbook) and click All Downloads.
  2. On the downloads page, under Media Kits, click Download for the latest Feature Release xx.x - Commvault (where xx.x is the latest release number).

Install Commvault

To install Commvault, follow this procedure:


Before installing Commvault, you need to create a folder in your local filesystem specifically for disaster recovery purposes; for example, C://commvault-DR/ (or chose whatever destination and name you prefer).
  1. Locate the Commvault installer and double-click it. Be sure to read and agree to the license agreement.
    The Installation Wizard launches.
  2. On the Choose the Installation type dialog box, select Install package on this computer.
  3. In the right column of the Select Packages dialog box, accept the defaults.
  4. On the Select Maintenance Releases dialog box, choose Select Latest Maintenance Release.
    Commvault displays the Prepare prerequisites for installation meter then the Installation Path dialog box.
  5. Click the right-arrow to accept the default installation.
  6. On each of the following dialog boxes, click the right-arrow to accept the default values.
    • Installation Path Database
    • Index Cache Path
    • Select Database Engine Installation Path
    • CommServe Database Installation Path
  7. On the Disaster Recovery Path dialog box, select Use Local Path and click the ellipsis (…) on the right to open a filesystem browser.
  8. Navigate your file browser to locate the disaster recovery folder you created as part of your filesystem setup.
  9. Click the right-arrow to accept the default on the Configure Proxy Service dialog box (this option is not required for this exercise) and then review the Installation Summary and click the right-arrow.
    Commvault displays the Install Prerequisites meter. When the prerequisites are installed, the Client Compute Information dialog box appears.
  10. Enter a Client Name and a Host Name and click the right-arrow.
    • The Client Name is the name of the interface the computer will use to communicate with your device.
    • The Host Name is the IP address for the selected host.
  11. On the Database Install Option dialog box, select Create New Database and click the right-arrow.
  12. On the Commvault ID dialog box, enter a Username, Email address, and Password (and password confirmation). Click the right-arrow to complete the installation.
Once installation is complete, you can verify it by typing the server name in browser. This will display the Commvault Command Center page, from which you can log in.


Accept the License Activation warning and take appropriate actions to procure a permanent license and apply it within the specified expiration period.