Attach a Storage Repository

Zerto IT Resilience Platform currently supports attaching NFS storage as a storage repository. Although Zerto IT Resilience Platform doesn’t support directly attaching object storage as a repository, you can use the Storage Gateway service to present Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage as an NFS share, to save storage costs.

Pair Sites to Enable Replicating from One Site to Another

You can pair any two sites at which Zerto IT Resilience Platform is installed. VMs that are protected on one site can be recovered to any paired site.

To pair sites, follow these high-level steps. You can find more detailed steps in Zerto Quick Start for vSphere Environments, listed in the "Before You Begin" topic.
  1. On the remote site (the one to which you will pair the local site), in the Zerto IT Resilience Platform user interface, go to the Sites tab.
  2. Click Generate Pairing Token.
  3. In the Generate Pairing Token window, click Copy to copy the token
  4. On the site from which you want to initiate the pairing (the local site), in the Zerto IT Resilience Platform user interface, go to the Sites tab.
  5. Click Pair.
  6. In the Add Site dialog box, specify the following values:
    • Hostname/IP: IP address or FQDN of the remote site’s ZVM to pair to.
    • Port: The HTTPS port communication between the sites. Enter the port that was specified during the installation. The default port during the installation was 9071.
    • Token: Paste the token that you copied in step 3.
  7. Click Pair. The sites are paired, meaning that the ZVM for the local site is connected to the ZVM at the remote site. After the pairing is complete, the Sites tab is updated to include summary information about the paired sites.

Attach File Storage as an NFS Repository

To add the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure File Storage service as an NFS storage repository in Zerto IT Resilience Platform, follow these high-level steps.

  1. Create a file system in a separate private subnet according to the recommendations.
  2. Verify that route tables and security lists have the appropriate entries for the ZVM server to access the file system.
  3. In the Zerto IT Resilience Platform user interface, go to the Setup tab and click Repositories.
  4. Click New Repository and add a network share. For detailed instructions, see the Zerto Virtual Manager Administration Guide, listed in the "Before You Begin" topic.
  5. Click Save.
You can now use the File Storage repository as a backup target.

Attach Object Storage as the Backup Repository

To use Object Storage (Archive tier) as a long-term retention backup target, you must configure a storage gateway and expose Object Storage as an NFS share.

This process is beyond the scope of this document. We recommend you refer to the Storage Gateway documentation, referenced in the "Before You Begin" topic of this Playbook, for detailed steps on deploying a storage gateway, creating a storage gateway file system, and mounting a file system on clients.