Install the On-Premises Agent

If Oracle E-Business Suite is installed behind a firewall, then install the on-premises agent to enable Oracle Integration Cloud to connect to the deployed APIs.

You don’t need to install the agent if Oracle E-Business Suite is installed in a demilitarized zone (DMZ) configuration, and it’s publicly accessible through the internet.

About Agents and Integrations Between On-Premises Applications and Oracle Integration Cloud Service

The on-premises agent enables you to create integrations and exchange messages between on-premises applications and Oracle Integration Cloud Service.

Message payloads of up to 5 MB are supported through the use of compression, which can bring the payload down to 512 KB in size. The on-premises agent provides multithreading support, which allows for multiple executors to perform downstream message processing.

This type of integration enables you to:

  • Access SOAP endpoints.

  • Access non-SOAP endpoints such as Oracle E-Business Suite and Oracle Siebel.

  • Send requests from a cloud application to an on-premises E-Business Suite application. For example, send a Create Service Order request from an Oracle RightNow Cloud application.

Before You Begin Installing the Agent

The agent is certified with JDK 8 and 9 on the following operating systems:

  • Oracle Linux 6.x

  • Oracle Linux 7.2

  • RedHat Enterprise Linux 6.6

  • RedHat Enterprise Linux 7.2

  • Suse Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2

  • Windows Standard Edition 2016

Install the Agent

First, create an agent group. Then, download and install the on-premises agent.

Create an Agent Group

You must create an agent group in Oracle Integration Cloud before you can run the connectivity agent installer. When you install the connectivity agent in your environment, you associate the connectivity agent with the agent group identifier. Only one connectivity agent can be associated with an agent group. For a single Oracle Integration Cloud instance, you can create up to five agent groups. Creating the agent group also creates the necessary artifacts required for message exchange.

To create an agent group:
  1. Click Create Agent Group.

    The New Agent Group — Information dialog is displayed.

  2. Enter the following information, then click Create.

    Field Description

    Agent Group Name

    Provide a meaningful name so that others can understand the agent name. The name must be unique among all agent names in the system. The name can consist of the following:

    • Letters (A-Z, a-z)

    • Numbers (0-9)

    • Spaces ( )

    • Special characters ( _ - )

    The name must not begin or end with a space and cannot be longer than 50 characters.


    Accept the default identifier value or change it, if necessary. The identifier is initially the same as the agent group name you provided, but in upper case. When you install the agent, you must specify the identifier value.

    Note: After creating the agent group, you cannot edit the agent group identifier. Instead, you must delete and recreate another agent group to associate with a different agent group identifier.

    Agent Type

    Connectivity Agent is displayed and cannot be edited. The connectivity agent supports integrating with on-premises systems. The agent group references only connectivity agents.


    Provide a meaningful description so that others can understand the responsibilities of the agent group.

Download and Install the Agent

To install the agent in your local environment, you must use the connectivity agent installer. During the installation, you associate the connectivity agent with the agent group identifier that you generated when you create an agent group in Oracle Integration Cloud.

  1. Create a directory for the connectivity agent installation on your on-premises host.

  2. In the left navigation pane, click Integrations, and click Agents.

  3. Click Download, and click Connectivity Agent.

  4. Download the connectivity agent installer to the directory on your on-premises host.

  5. Uncompress the file.

  6. If you need to add a certificate on the agent host, then use the keytool to import the certificate in keystore.jks.

    1. Go to the agenthome/agent/cert/ directory. (The keystore.jks file is here).

    2. Run the following command:
      keytool -importcert -keystore keystore.jks -storepass changeit -keypass password -alias alias_name  -noprompt -file certificate_file
  7. If you need to add any third-party JARs (for example, for the Siebel Adapter or MySQL Adapter), paste them to the agenthome/thirdparty/lib directory.

  8. Add the following information to the InstallerProfile.cfg file:
    # Required Parameters
    # oic_URL format should be https://hostname:sslPort
    #Proxy Parameters
  9. Set the JAVA_HOME property to the directory where the JDK is installed.

  10. Set the PATH property. For example, if csh is your shell:
    setenv PATH = $JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
  11. Run the connectivity agent installer from the command prompt:

    JDK 8:

    java –jar connectivityagent.jar

    JDK 9:

    With, JDK 9, to prevent harmless warning messages from being displayed, run the following from the command prompt:
    java --add-modules,java.xml.bind
    --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED -jar connectivityagent.jar
  12. Enter your Oracle Integration Cloud credentials.
    Proceeding to install a new agent ...
    Enter your OIC username : weblogic
    Enter password for weblogic : 
  13. Wait for a successful installation message to appear.
    Done with Agent installation & configuration... Starting agent for message processing.
    Agent started successfully... listening for new messages...