Prepare and Migrate Files

Create sample files, migrate the samples and the export and import specifications and configurations to the Oracle Java Cloud Service host, and then create required scripts.

Create Sample .csv Files

Create sample files named Candidate.csv and TCCImportFile.csv.

These files show the structure of the exported candidate data and imported data that correlates the candidate record IDs to employee numbers for Oracle Taleo Enterprise Cloud Service. You’ll use these files later, as schemas, when you create the main integration with Oracle Integration Cloud.

  1. On your local system, create a text file named Candidate.csv.
  2. Add the following text to define the shape of the candidate records, or data applicable to your Oracle Taleo Enterprise Cloud Service implementation. Save and close the file.


    The fields that you add to the sample .csv file should match the shape of your Oracle Taleo Enterprise Cloud Service candidate records. The data shown is provided for illustrative purposes and may not apply to your implementation.

  3. On your local system, create a text file named TCCImportFile.csv.
  4. Add the following text to define the shape of the import file. Save and close the file.

Migrate the Configuration Files from Windows to UNIX/Linux

Make required updates, and then transfer the default configuration board, export configuration, and import configuration from your Windows machine to the Oracle Java Cloud Service host where the SOAP wrapper and the Taleo Connect Client will run.

  1. Go to C:\Taleo Connect Client\import. Open the TCC_EBSUpdate_cfg.xml file with a text editor. Update the file paths in these elements to reference locations on the Oracle Java Cloud Service host:
    Element Updated File Path









  2. Use PuTTY to sign in to the Oracle Java Cloud Service host as the tcc user
  3. Create the directories that you’ll copy the files to, and then exit the session:
    mkdir ~/tcc/importdef
    mkdir ~/tcc/importdata
    mkdir ~/tcc/exportdef
    mkdir ~/tcc/exportdata
    mkdir ~/tcc/ebsexport
  4. Using WinSCP, transfer these files from Windows to the specified locations on the Oracle Java Cloud Service host.
    File Path on Windows File Path on UNIX/Linux

    C:\Taleo Connect Client\export\TCC-Candidate-export_sq.xml


    C:\Taleo Connect Client\export\TCC-Candidate-export_cfg.xml


    C:\Taleo Connect Client\import\TCC-EBSUpdate-Import_Id.xml


    C:\Taleo Connect Client\import\TCC_EBSUpdate_cfg.xml


    C:\Taleo Connect Client\system\default.configuration_brd.xml


Create Required Scripts and Files

The SOAP wrapper invokes these scripts, which set required environment variables and run the export or import job specified in the request. Export jobs write matching candidates to Candidate.csv; import jobs read Oracle E-Business Suite employee numbers from TCCImportFile.csv.
  1. Use PuTTY to sign in to the Oracle Java Cloud Service host as the tcc user.
  2. Create a Candidate.csv file: touch /home/tcc/tcc/exportdata/Candidate.csv
  3. Create a TCCImportFile.csv file: touch /home/tcc/tcc/importdata/TCCImportFile.csv
  4. Create a scripts directory in the tcc directory: mkdir tcc/scripts.
  5. Go to the new scripts directory.
  6. Create an script, and open it with a text editor.
  7. Define the JAVA_HOME and IC_HOME environment variables, and then save and close the file.
    export JAVA_HOME=/home/tcc/jre1.8.0_version
    export IC_HOME=/home/tcc/tcc
  8. Create a client.shscript and open it with a text editor.
  9. Add the following two lines, and then save and close the file.
    . /home/tcc/tcc/scripts/
    sh /home/tcc/tcc/ $1
  10. Make the scripts executable.
    sudo chmod a+x
    sudo chmod a+x

Change Permissions to the tcc User's Home Directory

Users on the Oracle Java Cloud Service and the Oracle Integration Cloud hosts need read, write, and execute permissions for files in the tcc user’s home directory.

Before you begin, ensure that you’ve created a password for the tcc user. After changing permissions to this directory, you may not be able to connect to this instance as the tcc user using PuTTY using the private key you generated. You can connect using the password instead.
  1. Use PuTTY to sign in to the Oracle Java Cloud Service host as the tcc user.
  2. Become the root user.
    sudo su
  3. Change permissions to the /home/tcc directory:
    chmod —R 777 /home/tcc