Configure Oracle Data Guard

Create an Oracle Data Guard Association on the primary database to enable Data Guard between the primary and standby. Note the following about Data Guard:

  • Disaster recovery database configuration using Data Guard or Active Data Guard is an Oracle Exadata Database Service on Cloud@Customer product feature. If Active Data Guard is configured, automatic backups cannot be configured on the standby database. The OCI interface does not allow this option.
  • Data Guard can be configured for databases running on different VM Clusters. Those VM Clusters can be running on the same Oracle Exadata Database Service on Cloud@Customer Infrastructure (not recommended), or different infrastructures managed in the same OCI tenancy and region.

The following steps describe how to configure Data Guard using the OCI interface.

  1. In OCI, open the navigation menu. Click Oracle Database, then click Exadata Cloud@Customer.
  2. Click the compartment where the Oracle Exadata Database Service on Cloud@Customer VM Cluster is configured.
  3. Click the VM Cluster that includes the Database to be configured with Data Guard.
  4. Click the Database name.
  5. Under Resources, select Data Guard Associations.
  6. Select Enable Data Guard.
  7. Specify your Data Guard configuration:
    • Peer Region: The same region as the primary database. Read only.
    • Exadata Cloud at Customer Infrastructure: Select the peer Oracle Exadata Database Service on Cloud@Customer Infrastructure. You can select the same infrastructure as the primary database. However, a warning will indicate that the standby database should run on a different infrastructure for maximum database availability.
    • Peer VM Cluster: Select the VM Cluster where the standby database will be running. For maximum database availability, the standby database should be configured on a VM Cluster other than where the primary database is running.
    • Data Guard Type: Specify Data Guard or Active Data Guard.
    • Protection Mode: Specify Max Performance (asynchronous) or Max Availability (synchronous).
    • Transport: Specify Async (Max Performance) or Sync (Max Availability) depending on Protection Mode.
    • Database Home: Select an existing Database Home or Create a New Database Home. If creating a New Database Home, ensure the default image on peer is the same as on the primary (using dbaascli cswlib/dbaascli dbimage activateBP).
    • Database Unique Name: Provide a unique name for the standby database.
    • Database SID: (Optional) Provide ORACLE_SID for peer standby.
    • Database password: Enter sys password for the primary database.
  8. Click Enable Data Guard.