Download the Software

Access the Oracle Management Cloud console as an OMC Administrator, download the gateway and agent software, make a note of the TENANT_NAME and OMC_URL values displayed at the bottom of the download page, and then create a registration key.

Create or Download a Registration Key

A registration key is issued against your identity domain and it’s used when you deploy cloud agents. Once an agent is installed with the registration key, you can remove the key from Oracle Management Cloud.

When you create a registration key, you specify a usage count for the key. You can create a new key for each deployment, or you can create a key and define the number of times you can use the key to deploy cloud agents. A key expires when the usage count is greater or equal to the maximum usage specified when the key was created. You can revoke a registration key when you feel that any unauthorized user has obtained the value of a key.

  1. On the Oracle Management Cloud home page, click the global navigation menu on the top left, click Administration and then click Agents.
    The Oracle Management Cloud Agents page is displayed.
  2. Click the menu on the right and then select Manage Registration Keys.
    The Registration Keys page displays a list of all registration keys.
  3. You can create a new registration key, or download an existing key.
    • To download an existing key, go to Step 4.
    • To create a new registration key, enter the required details in the Registration Keys page:
    1. In the Name field, specify a name to identify the registration key.
    2. In the Registration Limit field, enter a number that indicates the maximum number of agents, data collectors, and gateways that can be associated with the registration key.
    3. Click Create New Key.
    A new registration key is created. You can pass the value of this key to the AgentInstall script at the time of installation.
  4. To download an existing registration key, perform the following steps:
    1. From the list of registration keys, select the key that you want to download.
    2. Click the actions menu on the right side of the page, then select Download.
      A text file registrationKey.txt that contains the value of the registration key is downloaded to your local drive. To view the key value, open the registrationKey.txt file.
You will add the key value in the AGENT_REGISTRATION_KEY parameter in the response file.

Download the Gateway Software

Use the Oracle Management Cloud console to download the gateway software install bundle ZIP file onto your host that will act as a gateway.

When you extract the gateway ZIP file, a sample response file, gateway.rsp, is provided as a template.

  1. Log into the Oracle Management Cloud console as an Oracle Management Cloud Administrator.
    If the Management Cloud navigation pane isn’t displayed, then click the OMC Navigation icon on the top-left corner.
  2. From the Oracle Management Cloud console navigation pane, click Administration and then click Agents.
    The Oracle Management Cloud Agents page is displayed.
  3. Click the menu on the right and select Download Agents.
    The Agent Software Download page is displayed.
  4. Click Agent Type and then select Gateway.
  5. Click Operating System and then select the operating system where you want to install the agent.
  6. Make a note of the TENANT_NAME and OMC_URL parameter values displayed under the agent link. When installing the gateway agent, you’ll need to update the response file with these values.
  7. Click the agent software link for your operating system to download the gateway software ZIP file.
  8. Verify that the downloaded ZIP file is complete by comparing the SHA1 checksum value for the downloaded file to that listed for the agent on the agent download page:
    sha1sum <agent_binary_filename>.zip
    The value of the SHA1 Checksum column in the user interface should match the output.
  9. Navigate to the directory where you have downloaded the software bundle and unzip the software.
    unzip <agent_binary_filename>.zip

Download the Oracle Management Cloud Agent Software

Use the Oracle Management Cloud console to download the agent software install bundle ZIP file onto your host. You can download the file from any tenant and use it to install and register agents against other tenants.

The agent collects availability, configuration, and performance metrics. The software bundle is required to install the agents. If you don’t have access to the Oracle Management Cloud user interface or you have Internet, network or firewall restrictions, then you can download the agent software ZIP file using a web browser.

  1. Log into the Oracle Management Cloud console as an OMC Administrator.
    If the Management Cloud navigation pane isn’t displayed, then click the OMC Navigation icon on the top-left corner.
  2. From the Oracle Management Cloud console navigation pane, click Administration and then click Agents.
    The Oracle Management Cloud Agents page is displayed.
  3. Click the menu on the right and select Download Agents.
    The Agent Software Download page is displayed.
  4. Click Agent Type and then select Cloud Agent.
  5. Click Operating System and then select the operating system where you want to install the agent.
  6. Make a note of the TENANT_NAME and OMC_URL parameter values displayed under the agent link. When installing the agent, you’ll need to update the response file with these values.
  7. Click the agent software link to download the agent software ZIP file.
  8. Verify that the downloaded ZIP file is complete by comparing the SHA1 checksum value for the downloaded file to that listed for the agent on the agent download page:
    sha1sum <agent_binary_filename>.zip
    The value of the SHA1 Checksum column in the user interface should match the output.
  9. Navigate to the directory where you have downloaded the software bundle and unzip the software.
    unzip <agent_binary_filename>.zip