Install the Software

Install the gateway and cloud agent software. A gateway is an agent that acts as a channel between Oracle Management Cloud and all other Oracle Management Cloud agents.

About Customizing Response Files

Use the Oracle Management Cloud User Interface to download the agent software install bundle ZIP file onto your host. You can download the file from any tenant and use it to install and register agents against other tenants.

When you download and extract the agent ZIP file, you get a response file (.rsp file) along with the installation script. This .rsp file is a template of the response file and you will need to edit the file to perform the installation. It’s recommended that you create a copy of the original response file, and then edit the copy specifying the values of the installation parameters.

  • Use the Cloud Agent Response File to install a Cloud Agent.

  • Use the Gateway Response File to install a gateway.

The following is some useful information about a response file:

  • The response file should always be a plain text (UTF-8) character set file, so that the script can parse it.

  • A response file is not platform-specific or release-specific. You can create or update the response file and keep using it for any platform and for any future installations unless a new parameter is added to the file.

  • You can save the response file in the same location where you’ve saved your script, or you can save the response file in a shared or mounted location, which can be accessible from multiple hosts. This way you can have the response file in a single location and use the same response file for agent installation on multiple hosts.

  • The response file lists all the supported parameters.

  • If your environment details remain the same, you can use the same parameter values without editing the response file again.


Because the passwords that you specify in the response file are in plain text, you need to adequately protect the response file or delete the it as soon as the installation process completes.

Configure the Response File for a Gateway

Edit the Gateway Response File (gateway.rsp) and provide values for the parameters that are required to install a gateway. The values specified in this file are used by the installer to install the agent.

The response file lists all the parameters required to install a gateway. When you download and extract the gateway ZIP file, a sample gateway.rsp response file is provided as a template. Create a copy of the original response file, and then edit the copy specifying the values of the installation parameters.

The following table lists the parameters required for gateway installation.

Parameter Description Notes



TENANT_ID (supported in older versions and it remains backwards compatible)

Name of the tenant where Oracle Management Cloud is running. You can get the TENANT_NAME value for an agent by navigating to Administration > Agents > Download Agents, and selecting an agent type from the Agent Type drop-down list. The TENANT_NAME value is displayed at the bottom of the page.

The TENANT_NAME must be in the format: <instance_name>-<identity_domain>

Example: inst1–dummytenantid


Key to validate the identity of the tenant and the authenticity of the installation. You can get the registration key from Oracle Management Cloud Dashboard, by navigating to Administration > Agents > Manage Registration Keys.

Example: R5bokWss0EC9R1pJlf2SqiAJ9p


Empty directory where the agent must be installed on the host machine. If the given directory is not present, then a directory is created during installation.

Note: For Windows, the length of the directory path including the drive letter should be less than 23 characters.


Linux: /omc_agent/dc

Windows: D:\omc_agent\dc



UPLOAD_ROOT (supported in older versions and it remains backwards compatible)

The absolute URL including the protocol that is required to connect to Oracle Management Cloud for uploading data for the specific TENANT_NAME. To get this value, navigate to Administration > Agents > Download Agents, and select an agent type from the Agent Type drop-down list. The OMC_URL value is displayed at the bottom of the page.

Example: https:/dummytenantid.itom.<datacenter>

Before you begin, download the gateway agent software.

  1. On your Linux host, navigate to the installer directory where you saved the gateway agent software bundle, extract the file, then save a copy of the gateway.rsp file in a directory on the host where you’ll install the gateway.
  2. Open the gateway.rsp response file in a standard editor.
  3. Enter values for all of the parameters for your environment, TENANT_NAME, AGENT_REGISTRATION_KEY, AGENT_BASE_DIRECTORY, and OMC_URL.
  4. Save the response file.
  5. Run the script passing the parameter EXECUTE_PREREQ=true using the command-line interface.
    $ ./ EXECUTE_PREREQ=true
    Unzipping agent software, this may take some time...
    Installing Gateway...
    Executing Pre-requisite checks only for Gateway..
    Gateway parameter validation started...
    Gateway pre-requisite checks started...
    Pre-requisite checks successfully completed for [Gateway]. 
    The script runs the prerequisite check. If the prerequisite check fails, then the script stops with relevant error message.
  6. (Optional) Pass the required parameter values using the command-line interface to perform the prerequisite check.
    For example, check the tenant name, Oracle Management Cloud URL, agent registration key, and agent base directory.

See the log file located under <AGENT_ZIP_FILE_EXTRACTED_DIRECTORY>/AgentInstall_<timestamp>.log for more details. Fix any errors before installing the gateway.

Install the Gateway

Install a gateway on a host that has access to the Internet, so that all other agents communicate with Oracle Management Cloud using the host that has the gateway installed.

You install a gateway by running the script from the command-line. The script uses the parameters that you defined in the response file (gateway.rsp).

Before you begin, verify that you have completed the following prerequisites:

  • Review the Considerations for the Environment, Agent Base Directory, and Network.

  • Configure the parameters in the response file.

  • Extracted the gateway agent binary ZIP file to a directory in the host where you’ll install the gateway.

  • Run the prerequisite check to confirm that your host meets the prerequisites to perform a seamless installation.

Typically, do not install a gateway as a root user.

  1. On your Linux host where you’ll install the gateway, go to the installer directory where you saved the gateway.rspresponse file.
  2. Run the script.

    If you haven’t saved the gateway.rsp file in the same directory where you saved the script, then you must pass the AGENT_RSP_FILE=<path to the gateway.rsp file> parameter in the command line when you run the script.

    ./|bat AGENT_RSP_FILE=<absolute path to the gateway.rsp file>

Configure the Response File for the Cloud Agent

Edit the Agent Response File (agent.rsp) and provide values for the parameters that are required to install a cloud agent that uses a gateway to communicate with Oracle Management Cloud.

The response file lists all the parameters and values required to install a cloud agent. The values specified in this file are used by the installer to install the agent.

When you download and extract the agent ZIP file, a sample response file, agent.rsp, is provided as a template. It’s recommended that you create a copy of the original response file, and then edit the copy specifying the values of the installation parameters.

The following table lists the parameters required for an agent installation that uses a gateway to communicate with Oracle Management Cloud.

Parameter Description Notes



TENANT_ID (supported in older versions and it remains backwards compatible)

Name of the tenant where Oracle Management Cloud is running. You can get the TENANT_NAME value for an agent by navigating to Administration > Agents > Download Agents, and selecting an agent type from the Agent Type drop-down list. The TENANT_NAME value is displayed at the bottom of the page.

The TENANT_NAME must be in the format: <instance_name>-<identity_domain>

Example: inst1–dummytenantid


Key to validate the identity of the tenant and the authenticity of the installation. You can get the registration key from the Oracle Management Cloud Dashboard, by navigating to Administration > Agents > Manage Registration Keys.

Example: R5bokWss0EC9R1pJlf2SqiAJ9p


Empty directory where the agent must be installed on the host machine. If the given directory is not present, then a directory is created during installation.

Note: For Windows, the length of the directory path including the drive letter should be less than 23 characters.


Linux: /omc_agent/dc

Windows: D:\omc_agent\dc



UPLOAD_ROOT (supported in older versions and it remains backwards compatible)

The absolute URL including the protocol that is required to connect to Oracle Management Cloud for uploading data for the specific TENANT_NAME. To get this value, navigate to Administration > Agents > Download Agents, and select an agent type from the Agent Type drop-down list. The OMC_URL value is displayed at the bottom of the page.

Example: https:/dummytenantid.itom.<datacenter>


If cloud agent is communicating to Oracle Management Cloud using a gateway, then provide the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the gateway. When you install the cloud agent, make sure you provide the same gateway host name that was used to install the gateway.

For example, when deploying the gateway, if you specify and when installing the cloud agent, you specify GATEWAY_HOST=abc, it will result in cloud agent registration failures. A gateway agent must be installed on the host and be up and running.



When a cloud agent uses a gateway to communicate with Oracle Management Cloud, you must specify the gateway port.

You can obtain the port number by executing the following command:

$Gateway_Agent_Home/agent_inst/bin/omcli status agent

Example: GATEWAY_PORT=4472


Address of your proxy server to be used for connection. Ensure that you don't pass the https:// value with the proxy host details.



Port of your proxy server.

Example: 80


User name required to access your proxy server.

Example: johndoe


Password required to access your proxy server.

Because the passwords that you specify in the response file are in plain text, protect the response file or delete the file as soon as the installation process completes.


Authentication realm (if any) to be used to access your proxy server.

Example: MyServer


The port number to which the agent process will be bound. The AgentInstall script stops the installation process if this port is occupied at the time of installation.

Example: 4461

If you can ensure that short host names do not have the same value on different hosts in your environment, then you can ignore the FQDN requirement by passing the following argument to the AgentInstall script: ORACLE_HOSTNAME=host_name

Before you begin, download the cloud agent software.

  1. On your Linux host, navigate to the installer directory where you saved the agent software bundle, extract the file, then save a copy of the agent.rsp file in a directory on the host where you’ll install the agent.
    Use the following command format: unzip your zip file name
    For example,
  2. Open the agent.rsp response file in a standard editor.
  3. Enter values for all of the parameters for your environment, such as TENANT_NAME, OMC_URL, AGENT_REGISTRATION_KEY, AGENT_BASE_DIRECTORY, GATEWAY_HOST, and GATEWAY_PORT.

    The gateway host name you specify here must be the same name that was used to install the gateway. For example, if you deployed the gateway with, and you specify in the response file while installing the cloud agent, then the cloud agent registration will fail.

  4. Save the response file.
  5. Run the script passing the parameter EXECUTE_PREREQ=true using the command-line interface.
    $ ./ EXECUTE_PREREQ=true
    Unzipping agent software, this may take some time...
    Installing Gateway...
    Executing Pre-requisite checks only for Gateway..
    Gateway parameter validation started...
    Gateway pre-requisite checks started...
    Pre-requisite checks successfully completed for [Gateway]. 
    The script runs the prerequisite check. If the prerequisite check fails, the script stops with relevant error message.
  6. (Optional) Pass the required parameter values using the command-line interface to perform the prerequisite check.
    For example, check the tenant name, Oracle Management Cloud URL, agent registration key, and agent base directory.

See the log file located under <AGENT_ZIP_FILE_EXTRACTED_DIRECTORY>/AgentInstall_<timestamp>.log for more details. Fix any errors before installing the agent.

Install the Cloud Agent Over a Gateway

Install the cloud agent on the target host (either a host on which the Oracle Enterprise Manager agent was deployed or any other host without the Oracle Enterprise Manager agent) that uses a gateway to communicate with Oracle Management Cloud.

Agent installation requires fully qualified domain names (FQDN) for your hosts. For UNIX environments, add the FQDN in the /etc/hosts file and ensure that it maps to the correct host name and IP address of the host. The recommended format is as follows:

<ip> <fully_qualified_host_name> <short_host_name>

For example, if your host name is myhost and your domain is (IPv4): myhost

For example, if your host name is myhost and your domain is (IPv6):

aaaa::111:2222:3333:4444 myhost

You can run the following commands to verify. You should see the same host name and IP address displayed.

 getent hosts <hostname>  host <hostname>

In the output, the FQDN must appear in the second field as specified in the /etc/hosts file. For example, the previous commands should return the following output:

$ getent hosts myhost myhost
$ host myhost has address

If you can ensure that short host names do not have the same value on different hosts in your environment, then you can ignore the FQDN requirement by passing the following argument to the AgentInstall script: ORACLE_HOSTNAME=host_name

Before you begin, verify that you have completed the following prerequisites:
  • Review the Considerations for the Environment, Permissions, and Network.

  • Configure the parameters in the response file.

  • Extracted the agent binary ZIP file to a directory in the host where you’ll install the agent.

  • Run the prerequisite check to confirm that your host meets the prerequisites to perform a seamless installation.

  1. On your Linux host where you’ll deploy the cloud agent, go to the directory where you extracted the agent.rsp response file.
  2. Run the script.

    If you haven’t saved the agent.rsp file in the same directory where you saved the script, then you must pass the AGENT_RSP_FILE=<path to the agent.rsp file> parameter in the command line when you run the script.

    ./|bat AGENT_RSP_FILE=<absolute path to the agent.rsp file>

Verify the Cloud Agent Installation

After installing the cloud agent, verify that the agent was successfully deployed.

  1. Log into the Oracle Management Cloud console as an Oracle Management Cloud Administrator.
    If the Management Cloud navigation pane isn’t displayed, then click the OMC Navigation icon on the top-left corner.
  2. From the Oracle Management Cloud console navigation pane, click Administration and then click Agents.
  3. Click the tab for the agent type, such as Cloud Agents.
  4. Verify that the host name of your deployed cloud agent exists in the list of available cloud agents.
    You can click the associated Action menu and select View Details to view and match the specified registration key value with the registration key that you used when deploying the agent.