Use the WebCenter Content Document Transfer Utility Interface to Load HCM Data Loader ZIP Files

You can use the WebCenter Content Document Transfer Utility Java command line tool to upload data to Oracle Cloud HCM.

Obtain the WebCenter Content URL

The WebCenter Content Document Transfer Utility requires you to provide the URL for WebCenter Content.

Follow these steps to get the WebCenter Content URL:
  1. From the cloud environments provisioning email that your administrator received, in the Service Details section, obtain the URL for Setup and Maintenance. It should look like the following example: https://{host}/setup/faces/TaskListManagerTop
  2. Modify this URL by removing /faces/TaskListManagerTop and replace it with /cs/idcws. The modified URL should look like the following example: https://{host}/cs/idcpws
Repeat this process when you need to define the URL for WebCenter Content, and when you use the Oracle Cloud HCM HCM Data Loader APIs.

Upload a ZIP File to Oracle Cloud HCM Using the WebCenter Content Document Transfer Utility Command-Line Tool

The WebCenter Content Document Transfer Utility for Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications is a feature-set Java library that provides content export and import capabilities.

If you don't already have it, install JRE 1.7 or later in your environment to ensure the utility can be installed successfully. Follow these steps to install the WebCenter Content Document Transfer Utility:

  1. Open a command prompt window, and navigate to the location where you extracted the WebCenter Content Document Transfer Utility.
  2. Run the following command:
    java -jar oracle.ucm.fa_genericclient.jar UploadTool --url=https://{host}/idcws --policy=oracle/wss_username_token_over_ssl_client_policy --username=PROVIDE_USER_NAME --password=PROVIDE_PASSWORD --primaryFile="PROVIDE_FILE_PATH_WITH_FILENAME" --dDocTitle="PROVIDE_ZIP_FILENAME" --dSecurityGroup=FAFusionImportExport --dDocAccount=hcm/dataloader/import

    In this command PROVIDE_USER_NAME is your user name, PROVIDE_PASSWORD is your password, PROVIDE_FILE_PATH_WITH_FILENAME is the path to the ZIP file that you want to upload, and PROVIDE_ZIP_FILENAME is the title that you want to provide for the ZIP file.

    A response like the following will be displayed:
    Oracle WebCenter Content Document Transfer Utility
    Oracle Fusion Applications Copyright (c) 2013-2014, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Performing upload (CHECKIN_UNIVERSAL) ...
    Upload successful.
    [dID=21537 | dDocName=UCMFA021487]

    dDocName is the WebCenter Content Content ID which you require for the HCMDataLoader call using the Java APIs.