Prepare Services in the Cloud to Accept Migrated Data

Prepare your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure account to accept migrated data by creating a storage bucket to store the data and provisioning a compatible database in your region. The database version must be the same as the source database version and the patch version should be the same (or higher) than the source database.

Create a Bucket in Object Storage

Buckets are used to store and organize data. The bucket that you create will be the container for the data that's backed up to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage.

  1. In the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console, under Core Infrastructure, click Object Storage.
  2. Select the compartment from the Compartments list on the left side of the page.
    The compartment is where you deployed the resources.
  3. Click Create Bucket.
  4. Name the bucket.
    The system generates a default bucket name that reflects the current year, month, day, and time, for example bucket-20210210-1359. When changing the default to any other bucket name, use letters, numbers, dashes, underscores, and periods. Avoid entering confidential information. For example, name the bucket atp-upload.
  5. Use the default values for the bucket attributes.
    For example, select the Standard Storage Tier. Standard is the primary, default storage tier used for storing data that requires fast and immediate access.
  6. Click Create Bucket.

Deploy a VM Database Cloud Topology

The Terraform code to deploy the target cloud topology is available in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Resource Manager or GitHub. You can use the code to provision the required networking resources, a compute instance for the bastion server, and a virtual machine database system.

  • Deploy the cloud resources by using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Resource Manager:
    1. Click Deploy to Oracle Cloud
      If you aren't already signed in, enter the tenancy and user credentials.
    2. Review and accept the terms and conditions.
    3. Select the region where you want to deploy the stack.
    4. Follow the on-screen prompts and instructions to create the stack.
    5. After creating the stack, click Terraform Actions, and select Plan.
    6. Wait for the job to be completed, and review the plan.
      To make any changes, return to the Stack Details page, click Edit Stack, and make the required changes. Then, run the Plan action again.
    7. If no further changes are necessary, return to the Stack Details page, click Terraform Actions, and select Apply.
  • Deploy the cloud resources by using the Terraform CLI:
    1. Go to GitHub.
    2. Download the code to your local computer.
    3. Complete the prerequisite steps in the README.
    4. Apply the configuration using the Terraform CLI.

Provision a Database in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Provision a compatible database in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. The database can be either a bare metal or virtual machine, but the version must be at least the same version as the source database.

The container database (CDB) or system identifier (SID) name in the cloud must be the same as the source database CDB or SID name. Depending on the type of database system and the number of nodes provisioned, it can take over an hour to provision a database system.

Before you begin, the compartment must have a Virtual Cloud Network (VCN) setup with a private subnet to provision the Database System. To access the database, you must either provision a bastion host in a public subnet in the VCN (so that it has a public IP), or you'll need direct access to the private network through VPN or Oracle Cloud Infrastructure FastConnect. Create a Security List rule on the database private subnet giving access to the database port (1521) from the public subnet CIDR block.

  1. In the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console, click Database , then click Bare Metal, VM and Exadata.
  2. Click Create Database System.
  3. Select the Compartment where the database system will reside.
  4. Name your Database System.
  5. Select the Availability Domain.
  6. Select the Shape Type, either Bare Metal or VM.
  7. Select the Compute Shape that matches the database requirements.
  8. Select the number of nodes for multi-core shapes.
    If selecting more than one node, the Logical Volume Manager storage option is not available.
  9. Choose Storage management option: Oracle Grid Infrastructure (OGI) or Logical Volume Manager (LVM). OGI allows management of storage spanning multiple nodes seamlessly and is recommended for resilience. Version 11g is only available when using Oracle Grid Infrastructure.
  10. Configure storage: select the amount of storage required for this database.
  11. Upload your SSH public key for access.
  12. Choose the License Type: License Included to use Universal credits, or Bring Your Own License if you own Oracle Database Licenses.
  13. Choose VCN and subnet for the database system.
  14. Choose a host name prefix.
  15. Click Next.
  16. Enter the Database Name that corresponds to the source CDB name, or the source Database SID.
    The source and target database names must match in order for the restore phase to work seamlessly.
  17. Select the database version.
    The target database version must be the same or higher than the source database version.

    The target database can be a higher patch level. If it's a higher version, then an upgrade is required before migrating.

  18. Set a password for the SYS user matching the password requirements.

    The SYS password must be the same as the SYS password of the source database.

  19. Click Create.