Understand the Siebel Profile Deployment Process in SMC

With the Siebel VM now migrated, you need to undeploy and deploy the Siebel SMC profiles. This process requires two steps:

  1. Undeploying an existing profile from Siebel Management Console.
  2. Redeploying these Siebel profiles with the new hostname.

Undeploy Profiles from Siebel Management Console

The profiles in the existing Siebel deployment, such as Siebel Gateway, Siebel Server, and Application Interface, are stamped with the old hostname. Editing and maintaining the hosts file is not an efficient method and all the logs will still show the old hostname, resulting in cumbersome maintenance and administration.

You now need to undeploy these components gracefully and then redeploy the profiles with the new hostname. Note that you will lose the custom components, parameters, and values and they will need to be recreated post re-deployment.


If the hostname hasn’t changed, you can skip this exercise.

Undeploy Siebel Application Interface, Siebel Server, and the Enterprise Profile

First, you need to remove the Siebel Application Interface (SAI), Siebel Enterprise Server (SES), and the enterprise profile.

  1. Create a backup of Gateway’s Version-2 folder ($SIEBEL_ROOT\gtwysrvr\registry\conf or $SIEBEL_ROOT\gtwysrvr\zookeeper\conf).
  2. Start the Tomcat container services across the enterprise.
  3. Log in to the SMC and choose each deployed profile; for example, the Application Interface, Siebel Server, and Enterprise from the left side panel and click Delete on the right-side top corner.
  4. Validate the applicationinterface.properties file ($SIEBEL_APPLICATION_INTERFACE_ROOT\applicationcontainer_external\webapps or $SIEBEL_APPLICATION_INTERFACE_ROOT\applicationcontainer\webapps) to verify that the corresponding entries are cleared after undeploying the SAI.
  5. Wait until all the profiles are deleted fully from the SMC and then verify that the Siebel service is also removed from the Windows’s services console.

Remove Siebel Gateway profile

To complete the undeploy procedure, you need to remove the Siebel Gateway.

  1. In the SMC, navigate to the Settings menu.
  2. Check the box to confirm the Gateway removal
  3. Click Remove Gateway.
  4. Validate the gateway.properties file ($SIEBEL_ROOT/applicationcontainer/webapps or $SIEBEL_ROOT/applicationcontainer_internal/webapps) to ensure the previous entries were cleared.
  5. Clear the old hostname entries from the etc\hosts file. In the next step, you'll re-deploy the profiles with the new hostname.
  6. Finally, reboot the VM.

Redeploy Siebel Profiles

Once the VM is running, you can redeploy the profiles with the new hostnames.

  1. Log in to SMC with the SMC admin credentials.
  2. On the landing page, provide details to bootstrap Siebel Gateway and create the security profile as mentioned in the next steps. Use these values:
  3. Enter the Hostname with FQDN and the HTTPS port in the field (for example: SiebelAppVM.siebel.oraclevcn.com:9001) and click OK.
  4. Log in to SMC with database credentials (SADMIN).
  5. Redeploy the Enterprise, Siebel Server, and AI. Refer to the log files to ensure that they have been deployed correctly.
  6. Verify that the services were created in Windows’s Services console.
  7. Change hostnames in configuration (.cfg) files. Certain configuration files, such as siebel.cfg, tools.cfg, and the client’s uagent.cfg, might contain hardcoded hostnames, so you will need to change them as required.
  8. Uninstall and reinstall the latest certified Oracle database client, if required.
  9. In case the new DB client has been installed, move the old tnsnames.ora file to the new DB client location.
  10. Update the path environment variable with the new DB client location, if required.