Perform Typical Monitoring Tasks

Preconfigured dashboards are the entry point for monitoring systems and processes and for understanding corrective actions.

Let's use the dashboards to help identify and understand the following issues:

  • An application server or database becomes unavailable
  • Availability of system resources are affecting system performance
  • One or more concurrent processes are in an error state

Monitor System Availability

Use the Oracle E-Business Suite dashboard to verify system availability and to quickly identify alerts. Use the Alerts page to get detailed information about particular alerts.

The following steps show how to use the dashboard and alerts to understand the circumstances around a server failure.
  1. Click Dashboards in the left panel and then click EBS Monitoring Dashboards.
    Note the entity status and any associated alerts. Place the cursor over an area in the graph to see additional information about the graph element.

  2. To get detailed information about alerts, click Alerts in the left panel.

    The Alerts page shows the history of all alerts. Use the filter and search options to narrow the results to a specific set of alerts. For example, select Fatal as the severity type and enter a portion of the entity name, such as WebLogic, to see the fatal errors associated with matching entity names.

  3. Click the link text in the Message column to get additional information about the alert message.
  4. Click the View more details link in the message window to get detailed information about the alert message.
  5. The Alert Details page provides graphs and information about availability. You can adjust the time scale to see trends over a longer or shorter period of time.

    As the alert conditions change, you can view the history in the alert details page.

Monitor Resource Usage

Use the Oracle E-Business Suite dashboard to quickly identify system alerts and to access additional alert and log information.

The following steps show how use the dashboard and log analytics to locate the log information associated with a critical alert about inadequate file space in the database fast recovery area (FRA).
  1. Click Dashboards in the left panel and then click EBS Monitoring Dashboards.

    Note the entity status and any associated alerts. Place the cursor over an area in the graph to see additional information about the graph element.

  2. Locate the Entity Status and Alerts display on the dashboard and scroll through the list to locate the entity or alert of interest. Hover over the entity name to display pop-up information about the entity and alert, and then click the View More icon.
  3. The window that opens includes multiple panes of information about the entity including alerts. Review the information as desired, and then form the Alerts pane, click Open in and then select Log Analytics.
  4. The Log Analytics window shows a histogram of log trends around the alert or alerts. To group log entries by type, select Cluster as the visualization type.
  5. Narrow the results to show log entries for likely problems by clicking Potential Issues.

    The log entries show the location, error number, and error text for the conditions that initiated the alert.

Monitor Concurrent Processes

Use the Oracle E-Business Suite dashboard to quickly identify process loads and possible process bottlenecks.

The following steps show how use the dashboard and the log explorer to locate the log information associated with concurrent process loads.
  1. Click Dashboards in the left panel and then click EBS Monitoring Dashboards.
  2. Locate the Top Programs by Concurrent Requests display. Hover over a program name to display popup information about the program and its concurrent requests.
  3. To view log data for a particular program at a particular time, click the data in the display. To view log data for a particular time range, click and drag a fence around the data.
  4. To quickly see log entries that indicate problem areas, select Show Problem Logs Only.
  5. To quickly locate a particular error message based on its error ID:
    1. In the Fields pane, click Other and select Error ID.
    2. Select the error ID from the list of error IDs available in the current range of log data, for example 29283. Then click Apply.