Identity Federation

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure supports federation with Oracle Identity Cloud Service, Microsoft Active Directory through Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS), Microsoft Azure Active Directory, Okta, and other identity providers that support the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) 2.0 protocol.

Use the following controls to manage identity federation for your tenancy:

Done? Security Controls and Recommendations
Check box Create a federation administrators group that maps to the federated IdP administrator group and is governed by the same security policies as the federated IdP administrator group.
Check box Implement an IAM security policy to prevent the federated administrators IAM group from adding or modifying the membership of the default tenancy administrator group, to prevent security bypasses.
Check box Coordinate and align information security roles and responsibilities for Oracle Cloud environments with your existing roles and requirements.

On the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure sign-in page, federated users can sign in by using the federated identity provider's authentication workflow, as shown in the following screenshot.