Create Users and Update the Administrator's Email in Oracle E-Business Suite

Create a user for the E-Business Suite Asserter to communicate with Oracle E-Business Suite, a user in OCI IAM that corresponds to the System Administrator in your Oracle E-Business Suite, and then update the email address of the SYSADMIN user in Oracle E-Business Suite.

Create an Application User on Oracle E-Business Suite

You must create a specific application user that will be authorized to connect to the Oracle E-Business Suite database. The Apps Schema Connect role determines the authorization to connect to the Oracle E-Business Suite database. A user that has this role will be authorized to connect to the Oracle E-Business Suite database.

  1. Log in to the Oracle E-Business Suite as an administrator. For example, sysadmin.
  2. In the Oracle E-Business Suite Home page, scroll down the Navigator, expand User Management, and then click Users.
  3. In the User Management page, select User Account from the Register drop-down menu, and then click Go.
  4. In the Create User Account page, enter the following details to create a new user, and then click Submit.
    • Username: Provide a username
    • Password: Provide a password
    • Description: E-Business Suite Asserter Service User
    • Password Expire: None
    Provide a temporary password for this user because the user needs to reset the password after first log in.
  5. After the A new user account has been created. message appears, click Assign Roles, and then click Assign Roles in the Update User page.
  6. In the Search and Select: Assign Roles window, search for Code UMX|APPS_SCHEMA_CONNECT.
  7. Select Apps Schema Connect Role, and then click Select.
  8. In the Update User page, enter the justification as EBS Asserter Service User, and then click Save.

    You can ignore the warning message regarding the Workflow Background Engine.

  9. After the user is created, log off Oracle E-Business Suite application,and then log in using the username and password you provided in step 4 to reset the user password.

Create Oracle E-Business Suite's System Administrator in OCI IAM

Create a user in OCI IAM that corresponds to the System Administrator in your Oracle E-Business Suite.

This user is necessary otherwise the system administrator won't be able to login to the Oracle E-Business Suite console after Oracle E-Business Suite is configured to use OCI IAM for authentication.
  1. Sign in to the OCI Console to access the OCI IAM console.
  2. Expand the menu, then navigate to Identity and Security, and then click Domains.
  3. Click on the Domain which is used for the integration, then click Users, and then click Create User.
  4. In the Add User window, provide the following values, and then click Finish:
    • First Name: EBS
    • Last Name: Sysadmin
    • Uncheck Use the email address as the username.
    • Username: sysadmin
    • Email: If the SYSADMIN user in your Oracle E-Business Suite is configured with an email address, provide this email address. Otherwise, provide an email address and then update Oracle E-Business Suite's System Administrator email address with this same value.
OCI IAM sends a Welcome notification email to the email you provided with the procedures to reset the password of the sysadmin user.

Update Oracle E-Business Suite's System Administrator Email Address

Update the email address of the SYSADMIN user in Oracle E-Business Suite to match the email address you provided to the corresponding user in OCI IAM.

  1. Login as administrator (for example, sysadmin) to the Oracle E-Business Suite application.
  2. In the Oracle E-Business Suite Home page, scroll down to the Navigator, expand User Management, and then click Users.
  3. In the User Maintenance page, search for the Username SYSADMIN, and click the update icon for the SYSADMIN user.
  4. If the Email field hasn't been set, update this field value with the same email address you provided during the creation of the system administrator user in OCI IAM, and then click Apply.
  5. Close Oracle E-Business Suite application.