Deploy and Validate Solution Components

You need to deploy three different components to successfully transfer data between clouds. Once these components are deployed, you need to validate them to ensure the connection is established between Azure and OCI.

The components you need to deploy are:
  • Azure ExpressRoute
  • Oracle FastConnect
  • Megaport Cloud Router (MCR)

Deploy Azure ExpressRoute

Log in to your Azure account and use this procedure to set up Azure ExpressRoute.

Before you begin, you need to meet the prerequistes described in ExpressRoute prerequisites and checklist as described in "ExpressRoute prerequisites & checklist", which you can access from the "Explore More" topic elsewhere in this playbook.
  1. Create a Virtual Cloud Network by following the instructions in Quickstart: Use the Azure portal to create a virtual network (see the "Explore More" to access this article).
  2. On the Public IP Address screen, create a Virtual Network Gateway. You can select an existing IP address or create a new one. Then, on the Basics tab of the Create virtual network gateway screen, do the following:
    1. Select a subscription from the Subscription dropdown.
    2. In Name, enter a name for the gateway.
    3. Identify the Region by selecting the region closest to OCI region. This ensures faster speeds.
    4. For Gateway Type, select: Express Route.
    5. Select the appropriate SKU.
    6. Select the Virtual network created in Step 1, above.
    7. Select the Gateway Subnet address range.
    8. Create an IP Address or use an existing one.
    9. Select Next to add tags and proceed to review and create.
  3. On the Create ExpressRoute screen:
    1. Open the Configuration tab and add the following:
      1. In Port Type, select Provider.
      2. In Create new or import from classic, select, Create new.
      3. In Provider, select: Megaport.
      4. Select the peering location.
      5. Select the required Bandwidth.
      6. Select the appropriate SKU.
      7. Select the right Billing model.
      8. Click Next to add Tags and proceed to Review + create.

      Once created, you should record the Microsoft Azure Service Key, as you will need it later in this playbook.

Deploy FastConnect

Use this procedure to set up FastConnect in OCI.

Before you begin, you need to meet the prerequisites described in FastConnect Requirements.
  1. First, create a Dynamic Routing Gateway (DRG):
    1. In OCI, select Networking then Customer Connectivity then Dynamic Routing Gateway.
    2. Select Create Dynamic Routing Gateway.
    3. Provide a Name and Bandwidth for the DRG and click Create Dynamic Routing Gateway.
  2. Next, you associate the DRG with a VCN.
    1. From Networking, select VCN.
    2. On the Create VCN page, provide a Name and CIDR. Then click Create VCN.
    3. Select the VCN you just created .
    4. From the left hand panel, select Dynamic Routing Gateway Attachments.
    5. Click Create DRG Attachment and, from the drop down, select the DRG you created in Step 1 .
    With this you have successfully associate the DRG to the VCN so traffic can start flowing between on-premises and other CSPs.
  3. Finally, create the FastConnect connection.
    1. From the OCI navigation panel, Click Networking and select FastConnect (or type FastConnect in global search) to open the FastConnect window.
    2. Select Create FastConnect.
    3. Click FastConnect partner.
    4. From the Partner dropdown, select Megaport: Service and click Next.


      For a list of FastConnect partners used by Government Cloud, see FastConnect - Partners by Region, which you can access from the "Explore More" topic, below.
    5. Select the appropriate compartment.
    6. Under Virtual Circuit Type, select Private Virtual Circuit.
    7. Select the DRG you just created.
    8. Select a Bandwidth, up to a maximum of 10 Gbps. Then add the customer's BGP IPv4 Address (for example, and a Customer BGP ASN (for example, 65000).
    9. Click Create.

Deploy Megaport

OCI's private connection model is called FastConnect. FastConnect provides private connectivity and self-service provisioning including full API-level integration. When connecting to OCI through FastConnect with Megaport, the Virtual Cross Connect (VXC) forms the Layer 2 component of the connection. Layer 3 BGP connectivity is established directly between you and Oracle. The following procedure shows how to create a Megaport connection.


Before you begin this procedure, ensure you've obtained an Azure service key and an Oracle Virtual Circuit ID.
To deploy Megaport Cloud Router (MCR), log into the Megaport Portal and select Services. Then:
  1. Click Create MCR.
  2. Select the preferred data center location for the MCR and click Next.


    The country you choose must be a market in which you have already registered; for example, USA. You must also select the nearest region.

    The New MCR: Configure page appears.

  3. Select the right Rate Limit(for example, 1, 2.5, 5, 10 Gbps), provide an MCR Name, and the Minimum Term that the MCR is valid.
  4. Provide the MCR ASN. This value should match the BGP ASN used for OCI FastConnect
  5. Click Next and, on the New MCR Summary page, click Add MCR .
    The New Connection page appears,
  6. In +Connection, select MS Azure.
  7. In Select Provider, click Microsoft Azure.
  8. Under Microsoft Azure Service Key, paste the Azure service key in the text field on the right.
    Once you add the service key, Azure will automatically populate the ports on the service side.
  9. Under Choose from available Azure Ports, select the appropriate port for your implementation; for example, Washington DC Primary, Washington DC Secondary, and so on.
  10. Select Private Peering as the Peering Type and Click Next.
  11. Set the Connection Details, Name, and Rate Limit (for example, 50), then click Next and verify the details and Add VXC and the click Order.
  12. Select Add Connection to connect FastConnect.
  13. On the Select Port page, under Select Provider, select Oracle Cloud.
  14. Paste the Virtual Circuit ID in the text box on the right, under .
  15. Click Next and set the Connection Details, Name, and Rate Limit (for example, 50), then click Next. .


    Note Rate limit can go up to 100 Mbps.
  16. Verify the details, clickAdd VXC, and then click Order.
  17. Click Next.
  18. On the MCR Connection detail page, complete the following steps:
    1. Provide the Interface IP Address. This information can be obtained from the FastConnect BGP information page and add the Customer BGP IPv4 Address; for example, etc.
    2. Select Add BGP Connection, which will open a new window.
    3. Select Local IP from the drop-down.
    4. In Peer IP, provide the Oracle BGP IPV4 Address; for example,
    5. In Peer ASN enter 6142
    6. Click Add.
  19. Click Next and then Add VXC.
  20. Click Order.

Validate the Deployments

Once deployed, you need to validate each component to ensure that these deployments were successful.

Alternatively, you can validate deployments by pinging between both CSPs or transferring data between both CSPs. Once the steps in this procedure are complete, a connection between Azure and OCI is established.