Add Security Rules

A security rule allows a particular type of traffic in or out of a VNIC.

For example, a commonly used security rule allows ingress TCP port 22 traffic for establishing SSH connections to the instance's VNICs.

To add a rule to a security list:

  1. Open the navigation menu. Under Core Infrastructure, go to Networking and click Virtual Cloud Networks.
  2. Click the VCN you're interested in.
  3. Under Resources, click Security Lists.
  4. Click the security list you are interested in.
  5. To add a rule that allows TCP access from servers or applications in a different VCN:
    1. Click Add Ingress Rule.
    2. Specify the VCN CIDR block as the source CIDR.
    3. Select TCP as the IP protocol.
    4. Specify 1521 as the destination port range.
  6. To add a rule that allows public access using secure shell (SSH), for example to migrate on-premises data sources to a database in the cloud:
    1. Click Add Ingress Rule.
    2. Specify as the source CIDR ( indicates all IP addresses).
    3. Select SSH as the IP protocol.
    4. Specify 22 as the destination port range.