Provision a Database for Operations

For a Java JRF domain, you must provision one database as the JRF datastore before you deploy the WebLogic Server stack.

To access the cloud database, you need credentials in the form of a connection string or wallet depending on the type of database you create.

After you provision the WebLogic Server using the stack, you must provision databases used as data sources for the applications and then migrate the data.

Provision a Virtual Machine Database

Provision a database system.

  1. Open the navigation menu. Under Database, click Bare Metal, VM, and Exadata.
  2. Choose the Compartment if different from the currently selected compartment.
  3. Click Create DB System.
  4. On the Create DB System page, provide the basic information for the DB system:
    • Select a compartment: By default, the DB system is created in your current compartment and you can use the network resources in that compartment.
    • Name your DB system: A non-unique, display name for the DB system. An Oracle Cloud Identifier (OCID) uniquely identifies the DB system.
    • Select an availability domain: The availability domain in which the DB system resides.
    • Select a shape type: The shape type you select sets the default shape and filters the shape options in the next field. Click Virtual Machine.
    • Select a shape: The shape determines the type of DB system created and the resources allocated to the system. To specify a shape other than the default, click Change Shape, and select an available shape from the list, for example, click the single-node shape VM.Standard2.1.
  5. For Configure the DB system:
    • Total node count: The number of nodes in the DB system, which depends on the shape you select. For virtual machine DB systems, you can specify either one or two nodes, except for VM.Standard2.1 and VM.Standard1.1, which are single-node DB systems.
    • Oracle Database software edition: The database edition supported by the DB system. For bare metal systems, you can mix supported database releases on the DB system to include older database versions, but not editions. The database edition cannot be changed and applies to all the databases in this DB system. Virtual machine systems support only one database.
  6. Choose Storage Management Software: 1-node virtual machine DB systems only. Select Oracle Grid Infrastructure to use Oracle Automatic Storage Management (recommended for production workloads). Select Logical Volume Manager to quickly provision your DB system using Logical Volume Manager storage management software. Note that the Available storage (GB) value you specify during provisioning determines the maximum total storage available through scaling.
  7. Configure storage: Specify the following:
    • Available storage (GB): The amount of Block Storage in GB to allocate to the virtual machine DB system. Available storage can be scaled up or down as needed after provisioning your DB system.
    • Total storage (GB): The total Block Storage in GB used by the virtual machine DB system. The amount of available storage you select determines this value. Oracle charges for the total storage used.
  8. Add public SSH keys: The public key portion of each key pair you want to use for SSH access to the DB system. You can browse or drag and drop .pub files, or paste in individual public keys. To paste multiple keys, click + Another SSH Key, and supply a single key for each entry.
  9. Choose a license type: The type of license you want to use for the DB system. Your choice affects metering for billing.
    • License Included means the cost of this Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database service resource will include both the Oracle Database software licenses and the service.
    • Bring Your Own License (BYOL) means you will use your organization's Oracle Database software licenses for this Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database service resource.
  10. Specify the network information:
    • Virtual Cloud Network: The VCN in which to create the DB system. Click Change Compartment to select a VCN in a different compartment.
    • Client Subnet: The subnet to which the DB system should attach.

      Click Change Compartment to select a subnet in a different compartment.

      Network Security Groups: Optionally, you can specify one or more network security groups (NSGs) for your DB system.

    • Hostname prefix: Your choice of host name for the bare metal or virtual machine DB system. The host name must begin with an alphabetic character, and can contain only alphanumeric characters and hyphens (-). The maximum number of characters allowed for bare metal and virtual machine DB systems is 16.

      Important:The host name must be unique within the subnet. If it is not unique, the DB system will fail to provision.

    • Host domain name: The domain name for the DB system. If the selected subnet uses the Oracle-provided Internet and VCN Resolver for DNS name resolution, then this field displays the domain name for the subnet and it can't be changed. Otherwise, you can provide your choice of a domain name. Hyphens (-) are not permitted.
    • Host and domain URL: Combines the host and domain names to display the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for the database. The maximum length is 64 characters.
  11. Click Next.
  12. Provide information for the initial database:
    • Database name: The name for the database. The database name must begin with an alphabetic character and can contain a maximum of eight alphanumeric characters. Special characters are not permitted.
    • Database version: The version of the initial database created on the DB system.
    • PDB name: The name of the pluggable database. The PDB name must begin with an alphabetic character, and can contain a maximum of eight alphanumeric characters. The only special character permitted is the underscore ( _).
    • Create administrator credentials: A database administrator SYS user will be created with the password you supply.
      • Username: SYS
      • Password: Supply the password for this user. The password must meet the following criteria: The password must be 9 to 30 characters and contain at least two uppercase, two lowercase, two numeric, and two special characters. The special characters must be _, #, or -. The password must not contain the username (SYS, SYSTEM, and so on) or the word "oracle" either in forward or reversed order and regardless of casing.
      • Confirm password: Re-enter the SYS password you specified.
    • Select workload type: Choose the workload type that best suits your application:

      • Transaction Processing configures the database for a transactional workload, with a bias towards high volumes of random data access.
      • Data Warehouse configures the database for a data warehouse workload, with a bias towards large data scanning operations.
    • Configure database backups: Optionally specify the settings for backing up the database to Object Storage.
    • Optionally click Show Advanced Options to specify advanced options for the initial database.

  13. Click Create DB System. The DB system appears in the list with a status of Provisioning. The DB system's icon changes from yellow to green (or red to indicate errors).
    After the DB system's icon turns green, with a status of Available, you can click the highlighted DB system name to display details about the DB system. Note the IP addresses. You'll need the private or public IP address, depending on network configuration, to connect to the DB system.

Obtain the Database System Connection String

To connect to a database system, you must have the database connection string.

  1. Open the navigation menu. Under Database, click Bare Metal, VM, and Exadata.
  2. Choose the Compartment if different from the currently selected compartment.
  3. Click the DB system you're interested in.
  4. Under the Databases list, click the database name to view the database details page
  5. Click DB Connection.
  6. Copy the Easy Connect connection string. It is of the form:

    This provides the JDBC connection string to the container database (CDB).