Provision WebLogic Server

You can use Oracle WebLogic Server for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure stacks in the Oracle Cloud Marketplace to provision a cluster of WebLogic Server nodes.

Before You Begin

When you deploy a WebLogic Server (WLS) stack from Oracle Cloud Marketplace on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, keep the following considerations in mind.

  • The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure compartment where you plan the deployment must have enough of the requested virtual machine (VM) shape in the targeted availability domain. You can check for shape availability in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console under Governance by clicking Limits, Quotas and Usage in the target availability domain and compartment.

  • The WebLogic Server deployment on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure supports the following shapes: VM.Standard2.x, VM.Standard.E2.x, BM.Standard2.x, BM.Standard.E2.x.

  • If you require a Java required files (JRF) domain, select the option to provision a JRF domain and provide the database information to use as JRF storage target.

  • Oracle WebLogic Server 12c or above must be specified as the version for a JRF-enabled domain if you intend to use an Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing database.

Deploy the Stack

Select and deploy a WebLogic Server stack from Oracle Cloud Marketplace.

  1. Click the navigation menu and under the Solutions and Platform group, go to Marketplace and click Applications.
  2. Search for WebLogic and click the appropriate Oracle WebLogic application:
    • Oracle WebLogic Server Standard Edition BYOL
    • Oracle WebLogic Server Enterprise Edition BYOL
    • Oracle WebLogic Server Enterprise Edition UCM
    • Oracle WebLogic Suite BYOL
    • Oracle WebLogic Suite UCM
  3. Select a Version of WebLogic Server to run on your domain.
  4. Select the Compartment in which to create the stack.
  5. Select the Oracle Standard Terms and Restrictions check box, and then click Launch Stack.
  6. Enter a Name, for example MyWLStack.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Enter Resource Name Prefix to help identify associated resources, for example MyWLS .
  9. For WebLogic Server Shape, select the shape of the compute instances.
  10. For SSH Public Key, paste the contents of your SSH public key file.

    After creating the stack, you can connect to the WebLogic Server compute instances by using an SSH client and the corresponding private key.

  11. For WebLogic Server Availability Domain, select the availability domain in which to create the compute instances.
  12. For WebLogic Server Node Count Select the number of managed servers to provision in the domain, for example 2.
  13. For WebLogic Server Admin User Name, enter the administrator user name for the new WebLogic Server domain.
  14. For Secrets OCID for WebLogic Server Admin Password, enter the OCID of the secret you created to contain the password for the WebLogic Server administrator.
    To find the OCID value:
    1. In the console, click Security.
    2. Click Vault and then click the name of your vault.
    3. Click Secrets and then click the secret you assigned to your WLS password.
    4. Click Copy next to the OCID.
  15. To view or change standard ports and to optionally deploy a sample application, click WLS Instance Advanced Configuration.
  16. For Virtual Cloud Network Strategy:
    • For a Java required files (JRF) domain, select Use Existing VCN, then select the VCN and subnet for the WebLogic Server or select Create New Subnet if you didn't create the subnet previously.
    • For a non-JRF domain, select Create New VCN, enter the name of the WebLogic Server Network, for example MyWLStackNetwork, and select a regional subnet for the WebLogic server.
  17. If you have more than one node, click Provision Load Balancer.
  18. For a JRF domain, click Provision with JRF and specify the information for the database you created earlier, including the secret for the database administrator password.
  19. If you are an administrator of the tenancy, select OCI Policies. If you are not an administrator and the policies were provisioned by your administrator, make sure this option is not selected.
  20. Click Next.
  21. Click Create.

    The Job Details page in Oracle Resource Manager is displayed.

    An Apply job is started to provision your stack. To return to this page at a later time, click the navigation menu, select Resource Manager, and then click Jobs.

  22. Periodically monitor the progress of the Apply job until it is finished.

    You can click the job name to view the logs and click Outputs to view information including the load balancer IP address to access the applications, and the weblogic admin console URL to access the admin console.

Add a Certificate to the Load Balancer

When you create a domain with a load balancer, Oracle WebLogic Server for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure configures the load balancer to use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and also adds a demonstration self-signed certificate. Oracle recommends you upload your own SSL certificate, and then associate the certificate with the HTTPS listener.

You cannot modify an existing load balancer certificate. You must add a new certificate, and then associate the listener with the new certificate.

You can use a custom, self-signed SSL certificate, or a certificate that you’ve obtained from a Certificate Authority (CA). For production WebLogic Server environments, Oracle recommends that you use a CA-issued SSL certificate, which reduces the chances of experiencing a man-in-the-middle attack.


This procedure applies only to domains that were created after June 2020.

  1. Access the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console.
  2. From the navigation menu, select Networking, and then click Load Balancers.
  3. Select the Compartment in which the network resources for your domain were created. Depending on how the stack was initially created, this might be the same compartment that contains the compute instances for the domain.
  4. Click the load balancer that was provisioned as part of your stack.
  5. Click Certificates.
  6. Click Add Certificate.
  7. Enter a name for your certificate.
  8. Either upload the certificate file, or paste its contents into the text area.
  9. If applicable, specify a CA certificate or a private key file. For example, if you are using a self-signed certificate, upload the corresponding private key file.
  10. Click Add Certificate, and then click Close.
  11. After the certificate was successfully added, click Listeners.
  12. Edit the https listener.
  13. Select your new certificate.
  14. Click Save Changes, and then click Close.