ACSLS Backup Tools

ACSLS offers three robust and distinctly different methods for backing up both its database and ACSLS control files. Each utility performs different functions, and all methods play an important role in a complete disaster recovery plan.

Automatic Backups

ACSLS provides automated database protection services. These automated protection services safeguard the daily operation of the ACSLS database against changes that can produce either unintended consequences, or from database corruption.

As a result of these automated backup protection services, you have the ability to restore your database back to any backup time from the present to the end of your retention period. The restore tools are discussed later in this appendix.

This section discusses the automated backup methods and why they are used.

  • ACSLS default backup directory

    During the initial installation of ACSLS, you were asked to supply the name of the directory to use for backups (/export/backup by default). It is in this directory that backup activity occurs.

  • A complete database backup is performed and placed in the directory, using a date naming convention:


    The time at which the daily backup is performed can be modified by changing the “Automatic Backup Variables" within acsss_config.

    Refer to Setting Variables that Control ACSLS Behavior for information on changing default backup behavior.

  • Database retention period

    Another configurable parameter within ACSLS that affects automatic backups is the database retention period. This is defined as the amount of time ACSLS retains the backups.

    The default for the retention period is 8 days.

    Refer to Setting Variables that Control ACSLS Behavior for information on changing default backup behavior.

    The retention period can also be modified by using acsss_config.

Manual Backups

ACSLS provides a utility called bdb.acsss that backs up the critical ACSLS data using the command line. This is also the method used to restore the ACSLS database where the environment consists of the same or identical hardware, OS level, and ACSLS version. Refer to bdb.acsss.

Used without any command line options, bdb.acsss provides the ability to create a database backup and store it in the default backup directory. All critical ACSLS database and ACSLS control files are backed up to a single file. This file can then be used to restore ACSLS to its previous state on the same or identical hardware for scenarios such as an internal disk or motherboard failure.

The rdb_acsss utility allows a ‘-f' option that can be used to either specify a file and location (rdb.acsss -f /path/my_file) or a tape device (-f /dev/rmt/0mn). When using a tape device, you do not provide a file name on the tape device.

Manual Database Exports

ACSLS provides a utility called to export the ACSLS database, ACSLS control files, and any customized dynamic variables. The utility is responsible for dumping the ACSLS database to comma separated ACSII files, making a copy of the ACSLS control files, and making a copy of the dynamic variables. This is the method used to migrate to newer versions of ACSLS and is not recommended for daily backup operations because both ACSLS and the database must be down before performing the export.

The command line utility is the preferred method for migrating the database between different levels of server hardware, OS versions, and different releases of ACSLS. Without options, it can be used with the local default tape device such as /dev/0mn. This tape can then be moved to any location, and ACSLS and its associated ACSLS control files can be restored into any OS version or level of ACSLS.


Although any tape device can be selected, a no-rewind device should be used. The db_export utility creates two files. If a rewind device is selected, the first file (datafiles) would be overwritten when the second file is created.

As in the bdb.acsss utility, the ‘-f' option can be used to specify a tape device other than the system default. Simply execute /dev/0mn or any attached tape device to use this option.

The -f option also allows the database to be exported to the named file. When using this method, you will notice that two files are created - one file that you named and also another file with a .misc extension. Both files must be transferred to the server where the import will take place to ensure a successful import.

When executing the utility either with the -f option or without, you will be prompted to choose the version of ACSLS to which you are exporting.

The menu selections in are:

1: ACSLS 7.3
2: ACSLS 8.0, 8.0.1, 8.0.2, 8.1
3. ACSLS 8.2 or 8.3
4. ACSLS 8.4
5. ACSLS 8.5
E: Exit
Please select by number (or E to exit):