ACSLS Recovery Tools

ACSLS uses two different recovery tools to restore all backups and exports. Both of the tools offer a menu driven user interface and easily selectable options. The two utilities are:

  • rdb.acsss - the recovery tool for both automated and manual backups

  • - restores an exported database and/or ACSLS control files from the same version of ACSLS, a different version of ACSLS, or from a different hardware platform. This option also allows the recovery of customized dynamic variables.

Using rdb.acsss

The rdb.acsss utility restores the ACSLS database and the ACSLS Control files using a backup created by either the automatic backup function or the bdb.acsss utility. The ACSLS Control files are located in $ACS_HOME/data, and define several different environmental variables for ACSLS. They specify Access Control settings, scratch preferences, Extended Store LSMs, custom volrpt settings, and volume attributes (for watch_vols utility), and so forth.

See rdb.acsss for options and procedures.


ACSLS provides a utility to restore an exported database from the same version of ACSLS, a different version of ACSLS, or it could even be from a different hardware platform. Like rdb.acsss, it offers an easy to read menu driven user interface, allowing you to select the task that you want to perform.

The utility can work without options, or you can supply the ‘-f' option with a path and file name as an argument. Executing from the command line without any options causes the utility to look for the exported database on the local tape device. It first checks for the existence of the exported database, verifies that it is a valid database export file, and then displays a menu with four options.


You can also supply an -f option with a tape device (-f /dev/rmt/0mn) for a non-default device. Although you can supply any valid tape device, it is a requirement that you supply a no-rewind device. The utility uses two files - one for data and one for control files. If you use a rewind device, after data files are recovered, the tape would be rewound and the control files would fail.

If you provide the -f option with a path and file name, uses the supplied file name as the exported database file. As with the local tape device, it first checks to see if the file exists, and then validates that the supplied file name is an exported database file. If the supplied file is a valid export, it displays a menu. The menu options, are:

  • Option 1 - Import database tables, control files, and dynamic variables for the exported file.

    This option brings in the library database plus all of the customized updates that were preserved from the exported version.

  • Option 2 - Import only database tables from the exported file.

    This option brings in the complete library configuration and volume data set, but does not apply any system customizations that were made in the exported version.

  • Option 3 - Import only control files from the exported file.

    This option does not alter the current library database and it brings in only the customizations that had been exported from the previous version.

  • Option 4 - Merge customized dynamic variables from the exported file.

    This option merges any customized settings from the exported version with the current version. See Setting Variables that Control ACSLS Behavior.