Automatically Applying Policies to New and Reactivated Cartridges

This section discusses how to automatically apply policies to new and reactivated cartridges.

Automatic Assignment of Cleaning Cartridge Attributes

Modern cleaning cartridges are labeled with media types that are reserved for only cleaning cartridges. For example, T10000 backward-compatible cleaning cartridges are labeled with a media domain and type of “CL", and LTO universal cleaning cartridges are labeled “CU".

Because ACSLS understands that cartridges with these media domains and types can only be cleaning cartridges, it automatically sets cleaning cartridge attributes when these cartridges are added by audit, enter, or Cartridge Recovery. This includes identifying them as cleaning cartridges and setting their maximum cleaning usage.

watch_vols Policies

The watch_vols utility can automatically assign attributes to cartridges added to the database or reactivated by audit, also when they are entered or re-entered. The policies are specified in the vol_attr.dat file and are selected by vol_id or vol_range. This utility can automatically:

  • Assign volume ownership based on vol_id ranges or specific volumes listed in a vol_attr.dat policy table.

  • Assign cartridges to a scratch pool.

  • Move new and reactivated cartridges to a specific LSM.

  • Assign cartridges to a logical library.

For more information, see watch_vols.