Recovering CAPs

This section discusses CAP recovery.

General CAP Recovery Procedures

The following are general CAP recovery procedures.

Complete Enters and Ejects Before Doing CAP Recovery

If possible, let an enter or eject complete, instead of trying to cancel it and recover the CAP. This results in less complications, and less risk of a hung CAP.

  • Let the entry of a CAP-full of cartridges complete, and then terminate a manual enter by cancelling it. (A CAP in automatic mode only enters a single CAP-full of cartridges at a time.)

  • If possible, let all the cartridges specified in the eject command be ejected. Otherwise, let ACSLS eject a full CAP of cartridges and empty the CAP before trying to cancel to eject.

Recover a Hung CAP by Varying it with Offline Force Then Online

You must vary a CAP offline with force to recover it. Varying a CAP offline force and then back online both recovers the CAP and usually terminates a hung enter or eject that is using the CAP.

  1. Vary the CAP offline with force.
    vary cap cap_id ofline force

    Only the current robotic request completes, then the CAP goes offline immediately. Pending requests are discarded, and new requests are rejected.

    A hung manual enter or eject is usually canceled.

  2. Cancel the enter or eject request if it is still active.
    To see if the enter or eject request is still active:
    query request all
    If the enter or eject is still active, cancel it by entering the following command:
    cancel request_id
  3. Vary the CAP back online.
    vary cap cap_id online

    This should recover the CAP and make it available for other requests.

Recovering a CAP After Opening the Access Door

ACSLS now unlocks a CAP in automatic enter mode after an SL8500 or SL3000 access door is opened and closed, or the SL8500 or SL3000 re-initializes.

After an SL8500 or SL3000 library re-initializes, if the CAP is locked and you must recover it, follow the appropriate procedure below to recover the CAP.

CAP Used for Automatic Enter Will Not Unlock

To recover a CAP that will not unlock for an automatic enter, you must synchronize the state of the CAP between both ACSLS and the library.

  1. Set the CAP mode to manual to terminate automatic enter mode:
    set cap mode manual cap-id
  2. Set the CAP back to automatic mode:
    set cap mode automatic cap_id

CAP Used for Manual Enter Will Not Unlock

To recover a CAP that will not unlock for a manual enter, you must synchronize the state of the CAP between both ACSLS and the library.

  1. Vary the CAP offline with force.
    vary cap cap_id offline force
  2. Vary the CAP back online.
    vary cap cap_id online
  3. Restart your manual enter.
    enter cap_id

CAP Used for Ejects Will Not Unlock

To recover a CAP where you were doing an eject, you must remove any cartridges left in the locked CAP, and synchronize the state of the CAP between both ACSLS and the library.

  1. Remove any cartridges in the CAP.
    1. Vary the CAP offline with force.
      vary cap cap_id offline force
    2. Vary the CAP back online.
      vary cap cap_id online
  2. Select one of the following:

    If the CAP is in auto mode:

    1. Set the CAP mode to manual to terminate the automatic enter mode.
      set cap manual cap_id
    2. Set the CAP to automatic mode. This unlocks the CAP.
      set cap mode automatic cap_id
    3. Open the CAP and remove any cartridges left in the CAP.

    If the CAP is not in auto mode:

    1. Start a manual enter.
      enter cap_id
    2. Remove any cartridges left in the CAP.
    3. Cancel the enter.

      Use either Ctrl + c in the cmd_proc that is waiting for the enter, or cancel the enter request ID.

  3. Restart your eject.
    enter cap_id vol_id|volrange...