Exporting the Database

This section describes how to migrate the ACSLS database and its associated ACSLS control files from either a previous version of ACSLS, the same release level of ACSLS, or return to a prior release.


You cannot run db_export.sh while ACSLS is running. This ensures that you get a consistent copy of the database. Use acsss disable to disable ACSLS.

The db_export.sh utility creates an ASCII representation of the database on tape or a specified file to disk. It is also responsible for gathering ACSLS control files. This utility can be used in two different ways.

  • If it is executed without any options, the exported files are copied to the default tape device: /dev/rmt/0n

  • If you want to use a different tape device, use the -f option, followed by the desired tape device:

    db_export.sh -f /dev/rmt/3n
  • If you want to export to a local file on the same machine, specify the file path name using the -f option:

    db_export.sh -f /export/save/acsls_export.03_Dec_2014

When saving to a file, the result is two separate files. The database tables is saved in the file name you specify. The miscellaneous control files have the identical path name with a.misc extension.

The files generated by db_export.sh are then used as input to the db_import.sh utility at the time of an upgrade or recovery.


This is the preferred method for migrating all previous ACSLS versions to the current version.

When executing the db_export.sh utility either with the -f option or without, you will be prompted to choose the version of ACSLS to which you are exporting.

$ db_export.sh

Exporting database to /dev/tape

Choose the release to which you are exporting by selecting from the options below:

If exporting to tape, a no-rewind device is required.

1: ACSLS 5.3.2 or 5.4 
2: ACSLS 6.0 or 6.0.1 
3: ACSLS 6.0.1 with L700e 
4: ACSLS 6.0.1 with PUT0201 
5: ACSLS 6.1, 7.0, or 7.1/7.1.1 before PUT0701 
6: ACSLS 7.1/7.1.1 with PUT0701 or ACSLS 7.2 (any) 
7: ACSLS 7.3 (any) 
8: ACSLS 8.0, 8.01, 8.02, and 8.1 
9: ACSLS 8.2 or later 
E: Exit

Removing Unsupported Tape Libraries, Drives, and Cartridges Before Exporting to an Earlier Release

If you are exporting your database to an earlier release of ACSLS that does not support some of your tape libraries, tape drives, or cartridge media types, remove the unsupported tape libraries from your configuration, tape drives and cartridges from your libraries before exporting your database. Otherwise, the following may occur:

  • If you select an earlier ACSLS release that does not support a library, you are prompted to remove the library from your configuration before exporting your database.

  • If you export tape drives to an earlier ACSLS release that does not support them, the drives are reported as “unknown," and you are unable to use them.

  • If you export cartridges to an earlier ACSLS release that does not support their media type(s), the cartridges are marked as absent, and you must manually remove them from your libraries.

Removing Logical Libraries before Exporting to Linux

ACSLS running on Linux does not support logical libraries accessed using a Fibre target. If you are exporting your database to ACSLS running on Linux, remove any logical libraries. Otherwise, you will not be able to use any logical libraries running on Linux.

Exporting to a Disk File

You can export the ACSLS database and ACSLS control files to a disk file, as shown in the following procedure.

  1. Log in as acsss.
  2. Disable ACSLS:
    acsss disable

    (from a UNIX command prompt)

  3. Start the db_export.sh utility.
    db_export.sh -f /path/db_file
  4. Select the desired option for the version to which you are migrating.
    • As it executes, the utility displays output indicating successful table data being exported.

    • When the export is complete, a message is displayed indicating that the export has been successful.

    • The db_export.sh utility creates two files: db_file and db_file.misc in the location specified with the -f option.

  5. Ensure that these files are placed in or moved to a secure location where they will not be removed.

    Do not put these files in or under the following directories, as the directories may be removed or deleted when ACSLS maintenance is installed:

    • $ACS_HOME(the ACSSS home directory)

    • $ACSDB_BACKUP_DIR (such as /export/backup)(directory where ACSLS backups are stored)

    • /tmp


      If you plan to install a new release of the operating system, do not save the exported files on the ACSLS server.
  6. To start ACSLS and the database, enter the following command:
    acsss enable

Exporting to Tape

You can export the ACSLS database and ACSLS control files to tape, as shown in the following procedure.

To export the database and ACSLS control files to tape:

  1. Log in as acsss.
  2. Disable ACSLS:
    acsss disable

    (from a UNIX command prompt)

  3. Insert a blank tape into the default tape device.
  4. Start the db_export.sh utility;
    db_export.sh -f tape_device

    Example: dbexport.sh -f /dev/rmt/0mn

  5. Select the desired option from which you are exporting.

    As it executes, the utility displays output indicating successful table data being exported and successful ACSLS files being backed up. A message displays when the export is completed.

  6. Remove the cartridge from the drive only when the program completes and the prompt re-appears.


    You will lose files if you remove the cartridge before the program completes the export. Write “protect the cartridge" and clearly mark it to identify the contents as the exported database.

    Do not leave the cartridge in the library.

  7. To start ACSLS and the database, enter the following command:
    acsss enable