Importing the Database

The following attributes are imported into the new database when you use the utility.

  • Volumes: These database tables include all of the information associated with each volume in the library, such as:

    • where the volume resides

    • type of cartridge (such as data, scratch, and cleaning)

    • last associated scratch pool

    • current status of the cartridge (home, mounted, and so on)

    • entry date and last accessed date

    • number of mounts since the entry date

    • maximum use (for cleaning cartridges)

    • associated lock ID and user ID (if the cartridge is locked)

  • ACS and Library: database tables include the ACSs and library components, such as: LSMs, drives, panels, and cells

  • ACSLS control files include all configuration updates since the initial installation, including:

    • access control information

    • fixed volume preferences

    • scratch media preferences

    • custom volrpt templates

  • Dynamic and static variables: dynamic variables that have been customized in a previous release can be imported

This section describes how to use the utility to:

  • recreate the ACSLS database

  • recover important ACSLS control files

  • recover customized dynamic variables from data exported using the utility.

Importing From a Disk File

You can import the ACSLS database and ACSLS control files from a disk file, as shown in the following procedure.

To import the ACSLS database, ACSLS control files, or customized dynamic variables from a disk file:

  1. Log in as acsss.
  2. Disable ACSLS.
    acsss disable

    (from a UNIX command prompt)

  3. Start the utility. -f db_file
    ACSLS Import Utility
       If importing from tape, a no-rewind device is required.
        What would you like to do:
        1) Import data, control files, and dynamic variables from
           from a DIFFERENT release or platform version of ACSLS (upgrade)
        2) Import data, control files, and dynamic variables from the SAME
           release (version and PUT level) and platform of ACSLS(Disaster Recovery)
        3) Import database tables only (any level of ACSLS)
        4) Import control files only (any level of ACSLS)
        5. Merge customized dynamic variables only (any level of ACSLS)
        E) Exit
        Please select one of the above:
    • Option 1 - importing data, control files, and dynamic variables from a different release or platform version.

      Use this option to import database files, control files, and dynamic variables when moving to a different release or upgrading ACSLS.


      Existing database and control tables and dynamic variable settings, are destroyed, re-built, and populated with the data provided from the export. The results are final and there is no recovery without rebuilding the database. To preserve information in existing tables, do not continue unless you have exported the table data using

      This option also recovers customized dynamic variables from previous environments. This is useful when upgrading versions of ACSLS without having to record previous customized dynamic variables. All files in the directory acs.home under data/external including access control files are recovered. If access control is configured, it also recovers data/internal/client_config.

    • Option 2 - importing data, control files, and dynamic variables from the same release or platform version

      Use this option to recreate an ACSLS environment, including both the database and the control files. This would be used when:

      • recovering from a hardware failure or during a hardware upgrade.

      • you must rebuild the ACSLS server to be identical to the ACSLS server from which the data was exported.

    • Option 3 - importing only database tables from any ACSLS release level

      Use this option to import only database files from any ACSLS release level.

      This option destroys the existing database tables and control files, rebuilds them, and then populates them with the data provided from the exported database. To preserve information in existing tables, do not continue unless you have exported the data using

    • Option 4 - importing ACSLS control files from any ACSLS release level

      Use this option to import only ACSLS control files either from any version of ACSLS. This imports all files in the directory acs.home under data/external including access control files. If access control is configured, it also imports data/internal/client_config.

      This option recovers ACSLS database files, control files, and dynamic variable from the same version. This recovers all files in the directory acs.home under data/external, including access control files.

      This option recovers customized dynamic variables from previous environments. This is a very useful option for upgrading versions of ACSLS without having to record previous customized dynamic variables.

      Selecting this option gathers the settings from the database export, and then reconfigures shared memory with the new variable settings.

    • Option 5 - merging only customized dynamic variables

      This is a very useful option for upgrading versions of ACSLS without having to record previously customized dynamic variables. Selecting this option gathers the settings from the database export and reconfigures shared memory with the new variable settings.


      If you are importing from ACSLS 7.2.0 and if you start ACSLS before executing this option, certain data could be lost. If you are upgrading ACSLS from a previous version and had customized dynamic variables, you should import your customized variables BEFORE starting ACSLS.
  4. Verify the install as described under Verifying the Imported Database and Library Configuration.
  5. To start ACSLS, enter the following command:
    acsss enable

Importing from Tape

Use the following procedure to import the ACSLS database, recover ACSLS control files, and rebuild customized dynamic variables from tape.

  1. Log in as acsss.
  2. Disable ACSLS.
    acsss disable

    (from a UNIX command prompt)

  3. Insert the exported database tape that you exported with the command into the tape drive.
  4. Run the database import utility by entering the following at a UNIX command prompt.

    The utility displays its main menu as shown in Importing From a Disk File. It also provides more information.


    You receive an “unsuccessful" message if you run the db_import utility from one terminal while doing a tape rewind from a different terminal.
  5. Refer to the step "3" for menu options.
  6. Verify the install as described in Verifying the Imported Database and Library Configuration.
  7. Import from tape, other than the default tape device (no rewind).
  8. To start ACSLS, enter the following command:
    acsss enable