GUI Troubleshooting Tips

The following table discusses some GUI troubleshooting tips.

Table I-1 GUI Troubleshooting Tips

Problem Solution

I have placed https://<hostname> in the browser but the response page declares "Unable to connect".

The correct URL is: https://hostname.domain:7002/SlimGUI/faces/Slim.jsp

The ACSLS GUI page is incomplete. Some frames are incomplete or entire sections missing.

Click the refresh button on your browser.

Java WebLogic rejects what I know to be a valid user i.d. and password. I can't log in

Consult with your local ACSLS administrator. If you are the administrator, use the utility to list users, add a user, or change a user password.

If the users still have trouble logging in, check your system for sufficient memory, and then restart the ACSLS GUI with option-5 of Alternatively, you can restart WebLogic using svcadm disable weblogic and svcadm enable weblogic.

A java error stack trace is displayed in one or more windows of the GUI.

Press the refresh button on your browser.

If the problem persists, use acsss status to verify that ACSLS services are running.

If services are not running, bring them up with acsss enable.

If ACSLS services are running, restart the GUI using Alternatively, you can restart WebLogic with svcadm disable weblogic and svcadm enable weblogic.

If you do not have root access to the system, you can shutdown all services with acsss shutdown, then, restart them up with acsss enable. The GUI is restarted by this process.

The selection for "Logical Libraries" is missing in the index tree frame.

You must first create a logical library. Select: Configuration and Administration ->Logical Library Configuration ->Create Logical Library.

No volumes are listed on the Volumes page under Tape Library Operations or Tape Libraries & Drives.

This is an indication that an initial audit has not been taken for the library. Select: Tape Library Operations ->Audit.

No volumes are listed on the Volumes page under Logical Libraries.

This is a sign that volumes have not yet been assigned to the logical library. Select: Logical Library Configuration ->Assign Volumes.

GUI response time is slow

Increase the Alert Update Interval under the Preferences button in the GUI masthead.

I need to add GUI users, change the passwords of GUI users, or set acsls_admin password.


This utility lets you add users, change user's passwords, and tells you how to reset the acsls_admin password.

Browser requires a security certificate.

See Configuring a Self-Assigned Digital Certificate for HTTPS