Verifying the GUI is Operational

The utility checks common factors to assess whether the GUI is operational. In the event that the GUI is not working, this utility may lead users to the likely cause of the problem.

This utility checks the following:

  • Is weblogic enabled on the system?

  • Are there phantom or stale processes that may inhibit weblogic operation?

  • Is the SlimGUI application successfully deployed?

  • Can weblogic and the GUI respond to an http request sent to localhost?

  • Can weblogic respond to an http request sent to the internet address of the host?

  • Is the firewall service enabled on the server? If so, is there a policy to accept incoming requests to weblogic ports 7001 and 7002?

On Linux systems, you may find that the firewall called iptables is enabled by default. You can disable iptables completely, or you can add a policy to accept incoming traffic to ports 7001 and 7002.

  1. To enable these ports (as root), edit the file /etc/sysconfig/iptables. Add the following two lines:
    -A INPUT -p tco --dport 7001 -j ACCEPT
    -A INPUT -p tco --dport 7002 -j ACCEPT

    Make sure that you do not insert these rules after another rule that will match incoming packets before they are examined. For example, do not append them to the end of an iptables chain after a rule to REJECT all.

    If you are using the iptables command to add these rules:

    • List (iptables -L) or Print (iptables -S) the table.

    • Add the rules.

      Just Appending (iptables –A) the rules to the end of a chain may not produce your desired outcome because prior rules may prevent the new rules from matching any input.

      Perhaps Insert (iptables -I) the rule by rulenum.

    • List (iptables -L) or Print (iptables -S) the table after the change and make sure that existing rules do not prevent the new rules for ports 7001 and 7002 from ever being examined.

      This ensures that the new rules can match an incoming packet.

      The utility checks for the existence of rules to ACCEPT input on ports 7001 and 7002. It does not verify that these rules are in the right iptables chain or that the new rules will actually be processed. In other words does not verify that there are no prior rules which would prevent the examination of the new rules.

  2. Restart iptables:
    service iptables restart

The comparable service on Solaris is ipfilter, which is not normally enabled by default.