Testing a Client Connection

Client applications communicate with ACSLS over TCP/IP using the RPC (remote procedure call) protocol. If a client system cannot communicate with ACSLS, you can use rpcinfo to test whether ACSLS is reachable from the client machine.

  1. From the ACSLS server, verify that ACSLS is running.
  2. From the ACSLS server, verify that the RPC daemon is running.
    ps -ef | grep rpc
  3. From the ACSLS server, verify that program number 300031 is registered for TCP and IDP.
    rpcinfo | grep 300031

    This program number confirms that ACSLS is running and that ACSLS has registered with RPC.

  4. From the client machine, or any UNIX machine on the network, use rpcinfo to exchange a packet with program number 300031 on the ACSLS server.
    Specify the IP address of the ACSLS server along with the program number.
    rpcinfo -t <ip address> 300031

    If the communication exchange was successful, the rpcinfo utility will display the following message:

    program 300031 version 1 ready and waiting

    program 300031 version 2 ready and waiting

    This confirms that ACSLS is available for client connections across the network.