Testing Library Connections

ACSLS provides utilities for verifying a good physical connection to the library. The tool you select is best determined by the context of your activity.


This utility tests the connection to each library that has been configured to StorageTek ACSLS. It is also the easiest to use and is the most comprehensive. The test is un-obtrusive and does not impact normal library operations. Since testports uses the StorageTek ACSLS database to determine the library port name and library type, the library must already have been configured to StorageTek ACSLS in order for testports to function.

  • For TCP/IP libraries, testports verifies the connection and whether the library is online and in use by StorageTek ACSLS.

  • For SCSI and serial-attached libraries, the 'acs' and 'port' must be offline in order for testports to open the test connection.

To run this utility, the command syntax, is:


The library compat level or microcode level displays.


This utility submits a TCP/IP packet to a network-attached library.

To test the library connection, include the library hostname or ip address in the command line:
testlmutcp <ip_address>
testlmutcp <hostname>
To test the connection while the library is online to ACSLS, specify an unused socket number between 50002 and 50016. For example:
testlmutcp <ip_address>:50002

A successful response will include the compatibility level of the attached library.


This utility can be used to test connectivity between ACSLS and legacy StorageTek serial-attached libraries. To run this utility, submit the devlink path to the serial port device node:
testlmu /dev/term/0

The library must be offline to ACSLS in order for testlmu to open the serial connection.


This utility enables you to verify communication between ACSLS and a serial-attached library while the library is online to ACSLS. A successful response includes the library compatibility level.


This utility exercises the connection between the ACSLS server and a SCSI or fibre-attached library. To run this utility, specify the devlink path to the mchanger device. The syntax, is:

probescsi.sh /dev/mchangerX

where X is the specific mchanger instance of the library being tested.

The library must be offline to ACSLS in order for probescsi to open the SCSI connection. A successful response includes the microcode level of the attached library.


This utility discovers all fibre-attached libraries that are reachable from the ACSLS server. The syntax, is:


A successful response displays the model number of each fibre-attached library along with its target, LUN IDs, and the World Wide Port Name (WWPN).

Using the -v option, you can also display the model number of the host bus adapter.

probeFibre.sh -v


This utility reveals details about every mchanger device for which a mchanger link has been created.

  • showDevs.sh

    Displays library model, revision level and the capacity of each attached mchanger library.

  • showDevs.sh -w

    This option also includes the WWPN of each library.

  • showDevs.sh -s

    This option also includes the serial number of each library.

Troubleshooting an Offline SL4000 ACS

When network disruptions occur, the SL4000 library may disable the OSCI channel for ACSLS, placing an ACS offline. Use the following procedure to re-enable the ACS:

  1. Verify that the SL4000 library is online and in an operational (or degraded) state.
  2. Verify that the SL4000 OSCI connection to ACSLS is enabled. In the SL4000 BUI, select Notifications and then SCI screen. Here you can enable the OSCI connection. Refer to the SL4000 User's Guide.
  3. Use the testports utility to verify the network connection. See testports.
  4. Verify that port, lsm, and acs are online. Enter the following commands in order, replacing acs_num with the acs number:
    vary port acs_num,0 online
    vary lsm acs_num,0 online
    vary acs acs_num online