A Installation Command Examples

This appendix provides examples of network commands that can be issued by a system administrator during the installation process. Some of these commands are referenced in the installation chapters.

This listing is provided only as an example. These commands are dependent upon many factors, including server security configuration (LDAP, NIS, files, NSS services) and company policies and procedures governing creation, assignment, and removal of group and user accounts including UID and GID assignments. Consult with your IT administrator as there are many ways your server may be configured to handle authentication and management of users and groups.

# Verify User and Group Accounts for ACSLS and PostgreSQL Group
# and User accounts for users: acsss, acssa and acsdb and group acsls
# Verify Group account for acsls
getent group acsls
# Create acsls group if none is present
groupadd acsls
# Verify user account for acsss
getent passwd acsss
# Example output of existing acsss user:
> getent passwd acsss
acsss:x:505:516:ACSLS control login:/export/home/ACSSS:/bin/bash
# Create acsss user if none is present using default ACSLS 
# install directory, adjust for user defined installation directory path
useradd -d /export/home/ACSSS -g acsls -s /bin/bash -c 'ACSLS control login'  acsss
# Verify user account for acssa
getent passwd acssa
# Example output of existing acssa user:
> getent passwd acssa
acssa:x:506:516:ACSLS SA login:/export/home/ACSSA:/bin/bash
# Create acssa user if none is present using default ACSLS install
# directory, adjust for user defined installation directory path
useradd -d /export/home/ACSSA -g acsls -s /bin/bash -c 'ACSLS SA login' acssa
# Verify user account for acsdb
getent passwd acsdb
# Example output of existing acsdb user:
> getent passwd acsdb
acsdb:x:507:516:ACSLS Database Owner:/export/home/acsdb/ACSDB1.0:/bin/bash
# Create acsdb user if none is present using default ACSLS install
# directory, adjust for user defined installation directory path
useradd -d /export/home/acsdb/ACSDB1.0 -g acsls -c 'ACSLS Database Owner' acsdb
# Group and User accounts for users: postgres and group postgres
# Verify Group account for postgres
getent group postgres
# Example output of existing postgres group:
> getent group postgres
# Create postgres group if none is present
groupadd postgres
# Verify user account for postgres
getent passwd postgres
# Linux Example output of existing postgres user:
> getent passwd postgres
postgres:x:26:26:PostgreSQL Server:/opt/oracle/postgresql-10:/bin/bash
# Create postgres user if none is present 
# using Linux Postgres install directory 
useradd -d /opt/oracle/postgresql-10 -g postgres -c 'ACSLS Database' postgres