Un-Installing ACSLS on Linux

This section describes how to un-install ACSLS 8.5 on Oracle Enterprise Linux, and optionally remove the XAPI and media changer components without installing the ACSLS software.

Removing the XAPI Service

Optionally, you can remove the ACSLS XAPI service without uninstalling ACSLS. This procedure is the same for both Solaris and Oracle Enterprise Linux platforms.

  1. Log in as user root to the ACSLS server.
  2. Source key ACSLS environment variables:
    . /var/tmp/acsls/.acsls_env

    (Note the period and space before /var/tmp/acsls/.acsls_env).

  3. Uninstall the XAPI service:
    cd $ACS_HOME/install
    Do you wish to remove the xapi service? (y)

Removing SCSI Media Changer (mchanger) Drivers and Device Links

In Linux, /dev/mchanger* is a symbolic link to the standard SCSI Generic sg driver used when controlling fibre-attached libraries such as the SL150.

These mchanger device links are automatically removed when you uninstall the ACSLS software. However, you can optionally remove them without uninstalling ACSLS.

  1. Remove the device links for mchanger in /dev.
    # cd /dev
    # rm mchanger*
  2. Remove the rules that created the device links you removed in step 1.
    # cd /etc/udev/rules.d
    # rm persistent-storage-tape-acsls.rules

Uninstalling the ACSLS Software on Linux

To un-install the ACSLS 8.5 software:

  1. Log in as user acsss.
  2. Shut down all ACSLS services:
    acsss shutdown
  3. Log in as user root.
  4. Go to the ACSLS_8.5.0 or ACSLS_8.5.1 package installation directory (typically /opt/ACSLS_8.5.x)
  5. Run pkg_uninstall.sh, if it exists.

    The pkg_uninstall script removes many, but not all ACSLS file systems and it keeps the user accounts in place for acsss, acssa, and acsdb. This approach allows for faster upgrades of ACSLS.

    Not all versions of ACSLS for Linux include this script. If the pkg_uninstall script does not exist, see Uninstalling ACSLS on Linux Without the pkg_uninstall Script.

  6. The pkg_uninstall script prompts you whether to uninstall the PostgreSQL packages.

    Enter N at this prompt unless you are permanently removing the ACSLS application.

  7. Remove the contents of the ACSLS database backup directory:
    rm -rf $ACSDB_BKUP
  8. WebLogic and the ACSLS GUI are not removed automatically during a package uninstall for the following reasons:
    • Upgrading ACSLS may not require an upgrade of WebLogic or the ACSLS GUI.

    • Uninstalling WebLogic and the ACSLS GUI removes ACSLS GUI users and their passwords.

    • Uninstalling WebLogic and the ACSLS GUI removes any custom SSL keystore that may have been configured for the ACSLS GUI.

    • Reinstalling WebLogic takes time (five minutes or more) to complete.

    To completely remove all remaining ACSLS components:

    cd $installDir
    rm -rf Oracle, SSLM
    userdel acsss
    userdel acssa
    userdel acsdb
    userdel postgres
    groupdel acsls
    groupdel postgres
  9. Reboot.

    ACSLS is now uninstalled.

Uninstalling ACSLS on Linux Without the pkg_uninstall Script

Not all versions of ACSLS for Linux include the pkg_uninstall script. To un-install the ACSLS 8.5 software without the pkg_uninstall.sh script:

  1. As root, verify the ACSLS package that is currently installed:
    yum list installed ACSLS

    Example of an installed ACSLS:

    yum list installed ACSLS
    Loaded plugins: aliases, changelog, kabi, langpacks, tmprepo, ulninfo, verify, versionlock
    Loading support for kernel ABI
    Installed Packages
    ACSLS.x86_64                                                       8.5.1-22                                                       installed
  2. As root, enter the command to remove the package:
    # yum remove ACSLS


    Ensure that no acsss owned processes are running on the Linux server when you enter this command.
  3. Remove PostgreSQL:
    1. List all postgres-related packages:
      # yum list installed | grep –i postgres
    2. Remove all listed packages using the yum remove <pkg-name> command.

      For example:

      # yum remove PostgreSQL.x86_64
            <… output from remove operation…>
      # yum remove postgresql-libs.i686
            <… output from remove operation…>

      All packages associated with PostgreSQL are removed.

  4. Reboot.

    ACSLS is now uninstalled.