Replacing a Faulty Feature Card


This procedure applies to a faulty feature card. Do not use this method to upgrade the feature card or the ACSLS application.

To replace a faulty feature card with ACSLS, perform the following steps:

  1. If the hardware is up and ACSLS is running on the feature card, you must shut down ACSLS. Log in as user acsss and enter the following command to shut down the ACSLS application:
    acsss shutdown
  2. If the feature card is up and running, you must shut down the feature card. Log in as user root and enter the following command to shut down the feature card and safely remove it:
    shutdown -h now
  3. Physically remove the faulty feature card and unseat the associated feature storage cards.
  4. Use one of the following options to initialize the replacement feature card:
    • Place the new replacement feature card in the slot that the faulty feature card was removed from, and then boot it. Then insert the feature storage cards.

    • Place the new replacement feature card into the previously unused slot and boot it. Then insert the feature storage cards and perform a soft boot. You must remove the feature storage cards from their locations above the original feature card slot and place them directly into the new feature storage card slots, directly above the new feature card slot. Then proceed with the ACSLS setup and installation process as noted below.


    Apply new external labels to the feature card and feature storage cards. Include appropriate names, to represent changes made.

    You have now effectively initialized the feature card, just as you did in the initial installation of the feature card.

  5. Log in as user root and verify this initialization as described in Installing ACSLS on the SL4000 Feature Card:

    See "Step 3: Verify Feature Card Initialization".

  6. Connect your equipment and establish a network connection as described in Installing ACSLS on the SL4000 Feature Card:


  7. Download the ACSLS bundle as described in Installing ACSLS on the SL4000 Feature Card:

    See "Step 3: Download the ACSLS Software Bundle".

    If there was a previously installed and running version of ACSLS on the feature card, you can use an alternative approach to download the ACSLS 8.5 software bundle from one of the current feature storage cards, assuming they are running and accessible. To use this approach, perform the following steps:

    1. As user root, run the command lsblk –f to determine the Linux device name of one of the two feature storage cards. Output should appear similar to the following:
      # lsblk -f
      sdZ1 ext4   Aboot f0bf63fa-3460-40dd-9a91-83022631277f /boot
      sdZ2 ext4   Au01  5f73feature cardb5-627d-4ce2-afeature card6-11a16d7310f0 /u01
      sdZ3 ext4   Aslash 60aa9dd0-e629-4f40-8e03-74b6db53d3dd /
      sdZ5 swap   Aswap  65f20091-01a7-49b6-b212-985a6ebcf549 [SWAP]
      sdZ6 ext4   Avar   6036e949-5403-48db-a522-035db9f60e88 /var


      • sdX, sdY, and sdZ, may be sda, sdb, sdc, sdd, or some other name, as determined by Linux. sdZ refers to the SSD on the feature card; and /bkupc is also located on the SSD. sdX and sdY refer to the hard drives on the feature storage cards.

      • mdN may be md1 or md2, depending upon whether you have installed the feature card into the left side (md1) or the right side (md2).

    2. Identify the Linux device names for the two feature storage cards in the listing from lsblk. Select one of these to be temporarily mounted, from which you can access the needed ACSLS software bundle. Assume one of these is named sdX1. As user root, mount the feature storage card device to a temporary mount point and copy the previously downloaded version of ACSLS as follows:
      mkdir /tmpMount
      mount /dev/sdX1 /tmpMount
      cp /tmpMount/ /tmp
      umount /tmpMount
      rmdir /tmpMount
    3. If you were able to access a viable copy of the ACSLS software bundle, you can now find it in /tmp. If a viable copy was not available at /dev/sdX1, try this same command sequence with the other feature storage card device named /dev/sdY1. If no viable copy was found on all available feature storage cards, then you will need to use one of the methods described earlier (via browser and eDelivery or via a pre-loaded flash drive) to download the bundle.
  8. Extract the feature card scripts as described in :

    See "Step 4: Extract the ACSLS Feature Card Scripts".

  9. Ensure network, host name, DNS, and other network-related settings are established.

    The ACSLS recovery process maintains as many settings as possible. However, depending upon the nature of the fault, you may need to redo one or all of your previous configuration steps. It is recommended that you verify the settings established previously, including bond3 network connectivity and ensure that your IP address, host name, and related items are correct using the hostname command, ping command, and others as required. If you encounter issues, then review applicable steps as described in Installing ACSLS on the SL4000 Feature Card:

    See "Configuring the Feature Card and Preparing for ACSLS Installation".


    If you need to change your IP address, host name, or other network-related information as part of this task for feature card replacement, you must redo these steps.
  10. Verify that the feature storage cards are initialized as described in Installing ACSLS on the SL4000 Feature Card:

    See "Step 5: Insert and Initialize All Feature Storage Cards".

  11. As user root, issue the following commands to remove remnants from the previous ACSLS installation:
    rm -rf /opt/ACSLS/ACSLS_8.5.1
    userdel acsss
    userdel acssa
    userdel acsdb
    userdel postgres
    yum remove ACSLS
    yum remove PostgreSQL

    You may need to kill errant processes if they prohibit successful execution of yum removals. It is important that ACSLS and PostgreSQL are successfully removed.

  12. Extract the ACSLS software bundle as described in Installing ACSLS on the SL4000 Feature Card:

    See "Step 10: Extract the ACSLS Software Bundle".

  13. Perform the steps described in Installing, Configuring, and Running ACSLS on the Feature Card.
  14. Restore the ACSLS database from the most recent backup or an accessible backup location:
    1. As user acsss, run
      su - acsss
      cd /bin
      ./ latest

      Substitute the specific file name of your backup for latest and <DB_SNAPSHOT_FILENAME>.

      Redundant copies of recent backup files reside under /bkupa, /bkupb or /bkupc. If no ACSLS database backups are available to you locally, you may want to pull the latest database backup from your remote backup server. If you do not want to use an existing database backup, and would rather create a new one, then run accss_config instead.

    2. Once you have restored the database or created a new database version, re-start ACSLS as user acsss:
      su – acsss