Initializing the Feature Card and Storage Cards


All hardware installation tasks referenced in the following sections are to be completed by Oracle Support.

The factory shipped library controller card contains a base image of Linux 6.8 that is specific to the SL4000 feature card. The initialization service is used to establish the card as a feature card.

If the feature card has already been newly inserted into the library for ACSLS use, you can skip this step. Otherwise, perform the following tasks to initialize and verify your feature card in preparation for ACSLS feature card configuration and installation:

Step 1: Insert and Install the DC Power Converter

Insert the DC power converter into the SL4000 library as shown in Feature Card Locations.

Step 2: Insert and Initialize the Feature Card

To initialize the feature card using the Feature Card Kit 1 (Side-A) location:

  1. Insert and seat the factory fresh library controller card directly above the upper left feature card slot in the SL4000 library as shown in Feature Card Locations.


    If using the Feature Card Kit 2 location, use the upper right feature card slot instead.
  2. The library controller card automatically boots and runs an initialization service. A series of screens are displayed as the root file system is established on the feature card. This process establishes the designated library controller card as a feature card.


    The feature card's position is permanent and must remain consistent. An initialized feature card can only function when it resides in its permanent slot. This also applies to the feature storage cards associated with the feature card.
  3. Log in to the feature card as user root.

Step 3: Verify Feature Card Initialization

To verify that an individual feature card is initialized, log in to the feature card as user root and verify that the following are configured:

Use df to verify file system setup. Output should appear similar to the following:

# df
Filesystem     1K-blocks      Used  Available  Use%  Mounted on
/dev/sdX3       16382888   6446788    9080856   42%  /
tmpfs            8037332       224    8037108    1%  /dev/shm
/dev/sdX1         499656     74716     388244   17%  /boot
/dev/sdX2       64376668  10257336   50826148   17%  /u01
/dev/sdX6       25451616    306876   23828800    2%  /var

Note that sdX may be sdc, sde, or some other name.

Step 4: Insert, Initialize, and Verify the Second Feature Card if Using Dual ACSLS Feature Cards

If you are using the ACSLS Feature Card Availability Toolkit (FCAT) in a dual feature card configuration, perform the following steps for the second feature card:

  1. For the second feature card, repeat the installation and initialization steps described in Step 2: Insert and Initialize the Feature Card.
  2. For the second feature card, repeat the verification steps described in Step 3: Verify Feature Card Initialization.

Step 5: Insert and Initialize All Feature Storage Cards

Perform the following steps to initialize your feature storage cards:

  1. For each feature card, verify that two associated feature storage cards are seated in their proper locations within the SL4000 Base Card Cage, directly above the feature card. If you are using the ACSLS Feature Card Availability Toolkit (FCAT), ensure that all four feature storage cards are installed. See Feature Card Locations for proper locations.
  2. Perform a soft boot on each feature card and ensure that all feature cards are running. See Performing a Soft Boot of the Feature Card.