Change Your Passphrase

Users can change their own passphrase. Changing your passphrase does not invalidate your current user certificate.

  1. From the System menu, select Change Passphrase.....
    This menu option is only enabled if you are connected to a KMA using your profile.
  2. Update the passphrase. The phrase must meet the requirements listed in Passphrase Requirements.

Passphrase Requirements

Passphrases for Agents, KMAs, OKM users, and key split users must meet minimum requirements.

  • Length between 8 and 64 characters (to modify the minimum length requirement for passphrases, see Review and Modify the Cluster Security Parameters)
  • Must not contain the identifier or name of this agent, KMA, or user.
  • Must contain three of the four character classes: uppercase, lowercase, numeric, or special characters.
  • Can contain the following special characters:
    ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ = + [ ] { } \ | ; : ' " < > , . / ?
  • Cannot use control characters, including tabs and line feeds.